World History: Chapter 18 Review Time World History: Chapter 18
What did good men do leading up to WWII?
What nation supported by Italy and Germany got a dictator during the 1930s in Euorpe?
Who was the dictator of Spain?
Name one of the leaders in Japan.
How did Germany view the treaties of WWI?
What region of a nation did Japan invade in 1931?
What nation did Japan launch full-scale war against in 1937?
What African nation did Mussolini conquer in 1935?
What European nation did Mussolini conquer in 1939?
What did Hitler called Germany?
What region of Germany was occupied by the military by Hitler?
What nation did Hitler “unite” with Germany?
Why did the Munich Conference occur?
What did GB & France give to Hitler at the Munich Conference?
What nation was taken by Hitler after the Munich Conference?
List one reason why the democracies of the world failed to oppose the aggression of the “bad guys”.
What were Germany, Italy, and Japan called?
What nation signed a nonaggression pact with Germany b/f WWII?
What nation was attacked by Germany beginning WWII?
What term describes the restrictions America placed on Japan?
Where did Japan first attack in the Pacific Theatre?
On what date did Pearl Harbor occur?
Name a nation conquered easily early on in WWII by Germany.
What type of warfare did Germany use to conquer so many nations?
List the 3 phases of blitzkrieg?
What happened to the British army at Dunkirk?
What did many French do when their nation surrendered?
Who was the leader of GB during WWII?
How was the Battle of Britain fought?
The Battle of Britain was won by Germany. T or F.
What nations’ military struggled at times as it conquered nations like Finland, Estonia, and Lithuania?
What did Hitler do on June 22, 1941 that was very unexpected?
What helped slow down the German war machine in Russia?
What was the turning point in the Europe?
Who was sent to help the Italians out in North Africa by Hitler?
Who beat Rommel at the Battle of El Alamein?
What group of islands did America lose early in the war and Gen What group of islands did America lose early in the war and Gen. Douglas MacArthur promised to return?
What naval battle helped to keep the Japanese from threatening Australia?
What was the turning point in the Pacific?
What “secret advantage” did the Americans have at the Battle of Midway?
The Americans were heavily outnumbered at the Battle of Midway. T or F.
What term describes the American push in the Pacific Theatre to reclaim islands from the Japanese?
List one reason a nation might be reclaimed by America in island-hopping.
Americans were eventually close enough to Japan to begin bombing it Americans were eventually close enough to Japan to begin bombing it. T or F.
Who led the American forces in Europe against the Germans?
Why did the Allies have to fight in Italy even though Italy surrendered?
On what date did D-Day occur?
Where did the Allies attack on D-Day?
The Allies industry produced lots of material and was a powerful force during WWII. T or F.
What was Hitler’s last desperate attack against the Allies called?
What is May 8, 1945 called when Germany surrendered?
What term describes the horrors discovered by the Allies during their advancement in Germany against the Jews?
What were mass suicide charges by Japanese soldiers called?
What were Japanese pilots who crashed into American ships called?
What new weapon convinced the Japanese to surrender?
List one city destroyed by an atomic bomb.
WWII was the worst war in history. T or F.
What continent did not dominate society and culture after WWII?
List one way the Soviets attained atomic weapons.
What two nations faced off against one another in the Cold War?
What is disillusionment?
After WWII nations like GB were left with no empires. T or F.
What does existentialism stress?
What did many people struggle with when thinking about God after WWII?
What was the nickname given to Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt?
How did Hitler die?
What new technology in GB gave the British advance notice of when enemy planes were coming?
Why was Hitler jailed in 1923 in Germany?
The Great Depression in America did not effect Germany or other European nations. T or F.