Technology and You!
Student Accounts UID: Initials followed by a few #’s Most common login credential Used for CAS logins Student ID (aka EmplID) Used for certain applications Departments use it to identify students LOUIE Register for classes Pay tuition and fees Check grades Transcripts MyNAU One stop for: E-mail LOUIE Web courses Action Center (GPS) Calendar IT Systems Status NAU Alert Text messages sent to you in an emergency or school closure
Google and Gmail NAU Gmail is the official student communication system Check your e-mail at (or MyNAU) Benefits: Unlimited space within your Google Drive Unlimited!!! Keep your NAU e-mail address forever Choose a custom e-mail address ( More than just email Calendar, Sites, Groups, etc… Mobile apps are available for the major Google Apps (Gmail, Drive, Calendar, etc…)
Web Courses Blackboard Learn (for students) Online learning environment that the majority of NAU professors use as a tool for classwork, homework and grading Easy to use and allows professors to provide resources and class content Available on mobile devices and tablets 24/7 technical support (from us!) Course evaluations links are available during the allotted time. Faculty and staff is provided by the e-Learning Center (928-523-5554)
Blackboard Learn Demo!
Student Resources Printing on Campus Print from your dorm room to almost any University printer Printing ($0.10 for B&W, $0.15 for B&W Duplex, $0.35 for Color) Virtual Lab ( Access the NAU lab environment from anywhere Software Free downloads Sophos Anti-Virus Other online utilities – Microsoft Office Now free for students at Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook & OneNote (5 downloads) All current NAU students are eligible Will need to create or use a Microsoft account
Labs on Campus Residence hall computer labs Cline Library Union Lab Freshman dorms will most likely have there own 24/7 lab Printers available within each lab Cline Library Multiple computers all throughout the library Check out Mac-book airs & study rooms Open extended hours during final weeks Academic Online Articles & Databases at Union Lab Conveniently located in the NAU Union (central campus) Printing available in both black & white and color
Cline Library Where to find the hours that the library is open. How to search for online articles, journals, books Using the database by subject and academic search complete options. Examples such as Ebscohost What RefWorks is and how to sign up for it. Off Campus? VPN will be needed!
Cline Library Demo!
ResNet Personal routers are not permitted Wireless printers are Does anyone live on campus? High-speed Internet access (wired and wireless) in residence halls for all Internet capable computers or devices The Student Tech Center offers one free Ethernet cable to each student living in the residence halls for more info Personal routers are not permitted Wireless printers are not recommended
Academic Wireless You can connect to secure and public wireless in the following locations: Academic buildings and classrooms Cline Library, University Union, du Bois Center, SLRC, and many more More information –
Personal Security Online An NAU representative will NEVER ask you for your password! Set a secure password and don’t share it with anyone for any reason Change your NAU password often at Restrict your personal information through the FERPA Restrictions in LOUIE For convenience, set up an “Authorized User” in LOUIE with access to your billing information Lock your lab station if you walk away
Personal Security Online Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) The bottom line: You are solely responsible for any illegal file sharing activity that occurs on your device See Social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Personal information on a public forum Risks and consequences Do NOT put information online that you wouldn’t share with someone you just met on the street
About STC Student Tech Center 24x7 phone tech support for students (summer/winter sessions hours reduced) In-person appointments to address network connection issues Drop-off service for virus issues, operating system problems, and some hardware repair Phone: (928) 523-9294 Toll-Free: (888) 520-7215 E-Mail: Web: