Facebook live A complete guide Presented by Matt Smallheer / Stephanie Smallheer Owners @ The Tye-Dyed Iguana & Indoor cultivator
What is facebook live? Live streaming service. Lets anyone broadcast live videos from mobile a device or computer.
Let’s get to the point - How to broadcast Step 1: Go to your own Facebook profile OR Business Page and open the status bar as if you’re going to write a new post.
Let’s get to the point - How to broadcast Step 1: Go to your own Facebook profile OR Business Page and open the status bar as if you’re going to write a new post. Step 2: Tap the “Live” icon.
Let’s get to the point - How to broadcast Step 1: Go to your own Facebook profile OR Business Page and open the status bar as if you’re going to write a new post. Step 2: Tap the “Live” icon. Step 3: Give Facebook access to your camera & microphone IF prompted.
How to broadcast Step 4: Press the blue “Continue” button on the introductory page. This screen will only show the first time you try to broadcast live.
How to broadcast Step 5: Choose privacy settings.
How to broadcast Step 6: Write a description. This description will show up on people’s news feeds as a status above the video.
How to broadcast Step 7: Set up your camera view. Clicking this button will switch between your external camera and your self facing camera.
How to broadcast Step 8: Click the “Go Live” button. Facebook will give you a count down. Your video will begin to appear in news feeds. *Maximum broadcast time is 90 minutes.
How to broadcast Step 9: Interact with your audience. * You can block a viewer by clicking their profile picture and then tapping the “block” button.
How to broadcast Step 10: Click “Finish”. The video will stay on your timeline like any other post.
How to broadcast Step 10: Click “Finish”. The video will stay on your timeline like any other post. Step 11: Save the video to your camera roll. Gives you the option to use it again later.
How to broadcast Step 12: You’re finished! You can go back and edit this post just like any normal post, including the privacy setting of the video.
Getting the most out of a live feed Introduce yourself and reintroduce yourself. Plan to introduce yourself a few times in the first minute and each 5 minutes after that.
Getting the most out of a live feed Introduce yourself and reintroduce yourself. Plan to introduce yourself a few times in the first minute and each 5 minutes after that. Make the video visually appealing. Live feeds will show on people’s news feed, but will be muted until clicked. This means you must engage the viewer to click on your video for them to hear it.
Getting the most out of a live feed Be spontaneous! This is the new reality TV. Give your customers and viewers a glimpse into your world. Have fun. Ask staff members to do something crazy or strange. Showcase an employee’s talent.
Getting the most out of a live feed Encourage viewers to like and share the video. When a viewer share’s the video, it will show up on their news feed. This will lead to greater exposure.
Getting the most out of a live feed Encourage views to like and share the video. When a viewer share’s the video, it will show up on their news feed. This will lead to greater exposure. Engage with your commenters. Speak directly to them. Use their names. I like to share personal stories if I know the person well.
Getting the most out of a live feed Have someone else at a computer responding to questions. If you can’t do this, go back to the comments after the feed and answer questions. Verbally acknowledge the questions while broadcasting and mention that you’ll answer written comments at the conclusion of the feed.
Getting the most out of a live feed Have someone else at a computer responding to questions. If you can’t do this, go back to the comments after the feed and answer questions. Verbally acknowledge the questions while broadcasting and mention that you’ll answer written comments at the conclusion of the feed. Ask viewers to subscribe to live notifications. There is a small downward facing arrow in the top right corner of the video feed. Tap this and then tap “Turn on notifications”.
Getting the most out of a live feed Broadcast for at least 10 minutes. It’s true that most videos should remain short to be effective. Live video operates by a different set of rules.
Getting the most out of a live feed Broadcast for at least 10 minutes. It’s true that most videos should remain short to be effective. Live video operates by a different set of rules. Say goodbye before ending the video. I like to turn the camera to “selfie” mode to do this. Give your name and company again. Thank anyone else helping with the video.
Analyze your video’s performance Step 1: Go to your page and click the “Insights” tab.
Analyze your video’s performance Step 2: Choose “Videos from the menu on the left side of the screen.
Analyze your video’s performance Step 2: Choose “Videos from the menu on the left side of the screen. Step 3: Scroll down and click “Video Library” to open all videos.
Analyze your video’s performance Step 4: Click the video to view it’s analytics.
Start broadcasting Matt Smallheer / Stephanie Smallheer The Tye-Dyed Iguana / Indoor Cultivator www.thetdi.com admin@thetdi.com 618-624-8003