By: Anthony Totoro Recycle!!
Recycle! Recycling Project How Many Trees Can You Save With One Ton Of Recycle Paper? Recycling One Ton Of The Worlds Paper Could Save 17 Trees. Recycling ½ Of The Worlds Paper Could Save How Many Acres Of Forest? Recycling ½ of the world’s paper could save 20,000,000 Acres of Forest. How Many Pounds Of Plastic are thrown out yearly by americans? Americans Throw out 2.5 Million Pounds of plastics yearly. What are the 3 R’s Saving The Environment? And can you think of a forth R. The Three R’s Of Saving The Enviroment Are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and a forth R I Can Think Of Is Rebuy. What Could You Make/Create Out Of An Emptey 2 Liter soda Bottle? Clearly Express Your Creation. You Could Make A Cereal Bowl By Simply Cutting Off The Bottom Of The 2 liter Bottle Then Put Cereal And Milk In.
Recycle! What Could You Do To Help Make a difference in our environment? List Examples For: At Home At School In Your Community At Home I can recycle papers and plastics. At school I can recycle my water bottles or take them home to reuse. In my community I can get nabors to get reusable batteries and recycle plastics and reuse plastics.
About Recycling! Recycling Is A Good Thing To Do You Could Save The World