Early Post-Secondary Opportunities CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL Early Post-Secondary Opportunities Advanced Placement Dual Enrollment Dual Credit (State & Local) Industry Certification
ADVANCED PLACEMENT Spanish Language & Culture German Language & Culture Language & Composition Literature Human Geography European History United States History Psychology Environmental Science Biology Chemistry Physics Calculus Statistics
OFF CAMPUS DUAL ENROLLMENT ACT 19 composite and 19 on sub-test in the subject area of test GPA 3.0 or higher Can not count towards a graduation requirement Lee or Cleveland State
ON CAMPUS DUAL ENROLLMENT Emergency Medical Services (CSCC) Biology (CSCC) Business and Entrepreneurship (CSCC) Business Management (CSCC) STEM IV (CSCC) English IV (Lee) Statistics (Lee) College Algebra (Lee) Digital Media (MTSU)
STATE DUAL CREDIT On-Campus Transfers to any TN Public Institution (some privates may accept) Pre-Calculus Criminal Justice 3 World History American History Psychology
LOCAL DUAL CREDIT On-Campus Culinary Arts I/II (Chatt State) Introduction to Engineering Design (CSCC) Computer Applications (CSCC) STEM I-III (CSCC) Engineering Applications II (CSCC) Humanities (CSCC) Cosmetology I-IV (Franklin Academy)
Other Post-Secondary TCAT Military CTE NCAA Eligibility Counselors Office
CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ACT Remediate. Rehearse. Recognize.
The ACT consist of four multiple-choice tests: English 75 Questions 45 Minutes Math 60 Questions 60 Minutes Reading 40 Questions 35 Minutes Science
What score does my student need? ACT Scores can range from 1-36 2016 CHS average was 20.8 TN Lottery requires 21 (or 3.0 GPA) Lee University minimum admission score is 17 Lee 2015 ACT Average of entering freshman was a 24 UTC minimum admission score is 18 UTC 2015 ACT Average of entering freshman was a 23.4
ACT and Scholarship Money Scholarship Examples ACT Score Amount Renewable More Information UTC Provost’s 26 $3000.00/year Utc.edu Moc’s 24 $2000.00/year Lee Presidential 27-31 $16,000 over first two years Leeuniversity.edu Centennial 32-36 Full freshman tuition
Student Testimonial Caleb Hiddleson Class of 2012
Building a culture around ACT is less about a test event and more about opportunity.
REMEDIATE Pre-ACT Course Work RTI CLIMB 9th The Raider Way 10th ACT - ELA/Reading 11th ACT – Math/Science 12th Senior Seminar
REHEARSE - SCHOOL CLIMB ACT Standards Alignment Senior Re-Take Pre-AP (March 21st)
REHEARSE - STUDENT Set Goals Daily Practice Question Practice Pacing Online Resource (www.act.org)
RECOGNIZE Club Everest K2 Spring Lunch Academic Signing Day College APP Week Twitter (@raidercounselor) Academic Wall of Honor
ACT Then (Class of 2015) Steady decline for 5 years School Composite (18.9) < State Composite (19.9) English Composite (18.1) < State Composite (19.5) Science Composite (19.0) < State Composite (19.9)
ACT Now (Class of 2016) Highest Scores since 2012 School Composite Up 1.9 (20.8) English Composite Up 2.2 (20.3) Science Composite Up 2.2 (21.2)
ACT WOW! Exceed National Average Increase # of Students that meet all 4 benchmarks Students with Extended Time .3 lower than State Increase ACT Scores for Minority Students
ACT WOW! Exceed National Average Increase # of Students that meet all 4 benchmarks Students with Extended Time .3 lower than State Increase ACT Scores for Minority Students
SAVE THE DATE! March 21st 9th-10th Grade Pre-ACT 11th Grade ACT 9th - 11th should be on time and bring water, snacks, pencils, and a calculator if they have one. 12th Grade Raider Outreach
It’s a Great Day to be a Raider!