IAPT and eHealth summit, 2016 Richard Latham Wellmind Media `
COGNITIVE THERAPY (MBCT) DELIVERED oNLINE Mindfulness-based COGNITIVE THERAPY (MBCT) DELIVERED oNLINE Launched in 2012, 10,000+ people have taken the online course Run by Wellmind Media in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation, a charity for everyone’s mental health. www.bemindfulonline.com
Delivers online, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) as defined in NICE guidelines
www.bemindfulonline.com www.bemindfulonline.com Randomised wait list control trial study by School of Psychology, University of Surrey. Published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2016 Shows course completers enjoying significant average improvements at six month follow up. www.bemindfulonline.com
www.bemindfulonline.com Research study by Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University. Published in BMJ Open, 2013. Shows course completers enjoying significant average improvements at one month follow up. “the changes in perceived stress, anxiety and depression are comparable to mindfulness courses delivered in person and to IAPT interventions.”
www.bemindfulonline.com IAPT service users are offered the Be Mindful course in line with NICE guidelines as a therapeutic intervention for depression and anxiety. OUTCOMES - IAPT MEASURES Recovery: 69% Reliable Improvement: 66% Reliable Recovery: 66%
How MBCT time structured online training works
Delivers online, the intensive pain management programme (PMP) as defined in NICE guidelines
Offered to chronic musculoskeletal pain patients by NHS healthcare providers since 2011
www.pathwaythroughpain.com Research study on outcomes for chronic pain patients taking Pathway through Pain by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Buckingham University. Interim analysis of the research study was shown at British Pain Society Annual Scientific Conference, 2016.