Session of East Pakistan Formation of Bangladesh
Back ground Islam in Bengal Significance of Bengali Language Bengalis’ hero is Rabaindra nath Tygore. Subash Chandar Bose resigned from the Presidency of INC for Greater Bengal
Husain Shaheed Suharwardi presented scheme of Independent Bengal Husain Shaheed Suharwardi presented scheme of Independent Bengal. Jinnah, Gandi, Bose, Liaqual Ali Khan agreed but Nehru, the President of INC did not agree with that. Immigration to East Pakistan in 1947 from India and rising influence of non Bengalis over Bengalis
Economic underdevelopment of East Bengal Cultural inferiority complex in Bengalis against Biharis (Indians) Language crisis,1952 United Front Party in East Pakistan and its rising influence in politics in early days of Pakistan
Disparity between East and West Pakistan 1970 Elections Pakistan Army Role West Pakistan Arrogance Cross boarder terrorism
Indian intervention and Indo-Pak War in 1971 Soviet Union participation with India United States/ China/Britain/ France gave lip service to Pakistan during 1971 War Internal violence in East Pakistan, external war with India that resulted into lost of war by Pakistan Creation Of Bangladesh