Human Metaphase Chromosomes


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Presentation transcript:

Human Metaphase Chromosomes

Experiment Objectives Preparing, staining and observing human metaphase chromosomes. Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Chromosome Morphology Chromosomes are not visible under the light microscope in non-dividing cells (interphase cells). As the cell begins to divide, the threads of chromatin (DNA-protein complex) in the nucleus begin to condense into multiple levels of coiled structures recognizable as chromosomes. There are two modes of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is responsible for the proliferation of body (somatic) cells, whereas meiosis is responsible for the production of gametes. Because mitotic cells are easy to obtain, morphological studies are generally based on mitotic metaphase chromosomes. Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Cell division Cell division can be divided into: Interphase, Mitosis Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase. Cytokinesis Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Metaphase At metaphase the chromosomes are at their most condensed state, Spindle fibers attaching to the area of the centromere called the kinetochore, forming pole-chromosome fibers. Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Chromosome Analysis The best mitotic stage for chromosome analysis is prometaphase or metaphase. A typical metaphase chromosome consists of two arms separated by a primary constriction or centromere. Each of the two sister-chromatids contains a highly coiled double helix of DNA. Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Chromosome Analysis Often the sister chromatids are so close to each other that the whole chromosome appears as a single rod-like structure A chromosome may be characterized by its total length and the position of its centromere Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Types of Tissue A variety of tissue types can be used to obtain chromosome preparations. Some examples include peripheral blood, bone marrow, amniotic fluid and products of conception. In the case of blood cell culture only cells that are actively dividing can be used for cytogenetic studies. Normally only white blood cells are used for cytogenetic analysis. Specific techniques differ according to the type of tissue used. Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Overview of Procedure Collection of blood Cell culture Stopping the cell division at Metaphase Hypotonic treatment of red & white blood cells Fixation Slide preparation Staining Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 1- Collection of blood Draw 5 ml of venous blood into a sterile heparinized tube containing 0.1 ml of sodium heparin (500 units/ml). Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 2- Cell Culture Sterile technique must be used throughout the cell culture preparation, because it is possible to cause major contamination during this procedure 70% of the problems are due to a lack of good sterile technique Antibiotics do not eliminate problems of gross contamination which result from poor sterile technique or antibiotic-resistant mutants Autoclaving renders pipettes, glassware, and solutions sterile Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 2- Cell Culture Medium Pipette 10 ml RPMI 1640 medium with L-Glutamine into a 15 ml labeled sterile culture tube Supplement the medium with the following: Penicillin-Streptomycin Stock solution 10 µl (100000 u penicillin/ml – 100 mg/ml Streptomycin Phytohemagglutinin 0.3 ml 20 µg/ml Fetal bovine Serum 20% 2 ml Phytohemagglutinin is A hemagglutinin extracted from a plant - A substance, such as an antibody, that causes agglutination of red blood cells. has a number of effects on cell metabolism: it induces mitosis, RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 2- Cell Culture Incubation Add 1 ml of whole heparinized blood into the tube containing the supplemented medium Mix contents of tube with gentle inversion Incubate in 5% CO2 incubator at 37oC for 72 hours - CO2 5-10 %, المحافظة على ph للخلايا من الشروط المهمة لنجاح نمو الخلايا بشكل طبيعي Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

3- Stopping cell division at Metaphase Pre-warm the Colchicine (0.04 mg/ml) in incubator at 37oC Add 25 µl of pre-warmed Colchicine to the culture Mix gently and incubate at 37oC for 30-60 minutes Colchicine inhibits microtubule polymerization by binding to tubulin, one of the main constituents of microtubules. Availability of tubulin is essential to mitosis, and therefore colchicine effectively functions as a "mitotic poison" or spindle poison A Tubulin is one of several members of a small family of globular proteins. α-tubulin and β-tubulin, the proteins that make up microtubules colchicine also inhibits neutrophil motility and activity, leading to a net anti-inflammatory effect Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

4- Hypotonic treatment of red & white blood cells Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 2000 rpm Discard supernatant without disturbing the cells leaving 0.5 ml of fluid Add 1 ml of pre-warmed hypotonic solution (0.075 M KCl) at 37oC Mix and then add 9 ml of hypotonic solution Mix well by Pasteur pipette Incubate at 37oC incubator for 17 minutes hypotonic solution should not be in contact with cells more than 27 minutes (may cause rupture of WBCs) Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 5- Fixation Fixative must be prepared fresh Add 3 parts of chilled absolute methanol: 1 part glacial acetic acid Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 5- Fixation Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 1000 – 1500 rpm Remove supernatant leaving about 0.5 ml of fluid on top of cells At this time there is probably a small whitish or reddish film at the bottom of the tube The film contain red blood cell debris and enlarged WBCs Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 5- Fixation Add 5 ml of fixative to the tube Mix with a Pasteur pipette 3-4 times Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes at 1000-1500 rpm Remove supernatant and add another 6 ml of cold fixative, & mix well Repeat the last two steps Remove the supernatant leaving 1 ml of fluid at the bottom The remaining material will be used to make the slides Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 6- Slides Preparation The slide must be exceptionally clean Lay slides on a paper towel Withdraw a few drops of cell suspension into a pipette From a height of 20 cm, drop 2 or 3 drops of fluid on each slide Allow the slides to dry Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 7- Staining Stain the slides by immersion in fresh Giemsa stain for 7-10 minutes Remove slides from stain & rinse in distilled water Observe under microscope X40 then under oil immersion Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009

Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009 Mazen Zaharna Molecular Biology 1/2009