Helli, Emma, Jonathan, Brett And Jenna Technology Walk 2012 Helli, Emma, Jonathan, Brett And Jenna
SMART BOARD Helli A Smart Board is used for watching movies and drawing.
Emma Overhead Overheads are used for righting and learning.
phone Brett Phones are used for calling people and talking to people.
Jonathan Copier The copier to print papers.
Helli Calculator The calculator to type in numbers and solve math problem.
Emma window The window lets us look outside.
Brett zipper The zipper is used to zip our coats shut so we don’t get cold.
Jonathan Clock The clock is used to help us tell time.
Helli Microphone The microphone makes our voices louder.
Magnifying Glass Brett The magnifying glass is used to see things up closer.
Jonathan Eraser The eraser is used to erase words on the chalkboard.
Emma computer The computer to type things and play games.