Title 1 Col. Johnston and General myer Elementary Mrs. Truitt-Lewis and Mrs. Quarto Principals
Agenda Introduction of the Title 1 Staff Explanation of Title 1 Statute Services provided at Col. Johnston Arizona’s Move on When Reading Legislation Universal Screening tools for Identification Break out tables: Explore literacy activities and math activities Connect literacy/math to technology.
Who We Are Mrs. Lauri Rhoades- Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Vickie Davis -Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Laura Johnson- Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Deanna Richter- Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Patty Smolinski - Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Linda Campos - Title 1 Instructional Assistant Mrs. Margaret Harney - Title 1 Instructional Assistant
What is Title 1? What is Move on When Reading?
Title 1 Title I, under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to meet the needs of special educationally disadvantaged children at preschool, elementary, and secondary school levels. The purpose of Title I is to help all children achieve the state’s academic standards. This is accomplished through supplemental programs that consist of instructional services, instructional support services, school wide reform efforts, and increased involvement of parents in their children’s education.
Move on When Reading http://www.azed.gov/mowr/ Arizona State Mandate that requires be proficient in reading by the end of 3rd grade. Colonel Johnston and General Myer Elementary Schools offer a comprehensive core reading program curriculum to all K-3 students. The core reading program, MacMillan/McGraw Hill Treasures includes all of the early literacy skills : Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency* and Comprehension*. * Focus of instruction at Grades 3 - 5
Title 1 Services Title 1 Services are targeted Academic support and services ae provided to a select group of students identified “at-risk” of falling behind the standards in Reading and Math It is based on driving criteria. Data is used for eligibility Students who need additional interventions are serviced by Title 1 instructional assistants in a small group or individual setting outside the classroom.
Benchmark Tests Benchmark assessments are common assessments given at specified times throughout the year that provide parents and teachers information on how students are doing. It is a reference point that helps inform instruction. Benchmark tests given at Col. Johnston and General Myer are well known indicators and the information is easily understood when you change schools.
DiBels Administered three times per year DIBELS- Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills It is a standardized, individually administered screener that evaluates pre-reading and early reading skills and readiness. Administered three times per year
What is measured by DIBELS? DIBELS assesses 3 of the 5 "Big Ideas" in literacy development. Through different instruments, DIBELS assesses phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle and fluency. The other 2 ideas in reading are vocabulary and comprehension
Kindergarten DIBELS measures: Letter Naming Fluency- August First Sound Fluency- August, December Phoneme Segmentation Fluency- August, December, May Nonsense Word Fluency- December, May. The December Benchmark does not have a score for whole words read.
First Grade Phoneme Segmentation Fluency- August Nonsense Word Fluency- August, December, May Oral Reading Fluency with a retell component- December and May. End of year goal is 47 words per minute
Oral Reading Fluency Oral reading fluency measures a student’s ability to read grade level passages with speed and accuracy. There is a retell component after each passage that is a check for reading comprehension. It is the ability to read phrases and sentences smoothly and quickly, while understanding them as expressions of complete ideas. It is not a race to read the most words in 1 minute.
Second Grade Nonsense Word Fluency- Administered in August Oral Reading Fluency with a retell component- Administered in August, December, and May. End of year Benchmark Goal is 87 words per minute.
What we Use for Math: Kindergarten- ESGI Educational Software for Guiding Instruction and GoMath Prerequisite Skills Tests. Looking for gaps in instruction 1st and 2nd Grade – End of Year GoMath test from previous year and Prerequisite Test for current year. Looking for gaps in instruction. 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades – GoMath test from previous year; AzMERIT scores from previous year; Galileo Baseline Assessment
Technology Resources at Col. Johnston www.kidsa-z.com- all student have access Kids A-Z ( formerly know as RAZ Kids)
Lexia Core 5 Lexia Reading Core5 provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the five area of reading instruction and structural analysis. This can be used at home. Licenses are assigned to all kindergarten students. Students who receive additional intervention services also have access. ( Title 1 Services)
STARFALL www.starfall.com ADDRESSES Reading and MatH
ABCYA Addresses Many Reading and Math skills
GoMath Personal Math Trainer
Resources at General Myer Elementary GoMath, Personal Math Trainer Accelerated Math BrainPop(4-5)/BrainPop, Jr. (K-3) Front Row EnVision Math Khan Academy Learn Zillion Hands On Equations