Getting Ready for Grade 9 Individual Education Plans French Immersion Levels of Study Experiential Learning
Individual Education Plans IEPs
What if my child has an IEP? Accommodations received in grade school will remain in place at the high school level These accommodations are in place to help our students IEPs are reviewed annually by the resource teacher and parents If you have questions, please contact our Vice Principal (Jessica Folino) or the guidance department for more information Connections can be made with our resource teacher, Gary MacDonald, to go over more information What if my child has an IEP?
French Immersion
What does the French Immersion program look like? Beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, we will be providing a French Immersion program. No longer Extended French. Courses students take in French are: Grade 9: Science, Geography & French Grade 10: Science, History, Careers/Civics & French Grade 11: Sociology & French Grade 12: French What does the French Immersion program look like?
Levels of Study Academic vs. Applied
Students will have the option of taking courses at 3 different levels: Academic (D): for example MPM 1D Applied (P): for example MFM 1P Open (O): for example BTT1O Grades 9 & 10 Course Levels
What is the difference between D, P & O? Academic Courses: Academic courses focus on the fundamental concepts of the discipline and also explore related concepts. Academic courses develop students’ knowledge and skills by emphasizing theoretical, abstract applications of the essential concepts of the course and incorporating practical applications as appropriate. Appropriate for students who: Work well independently Independently understand the "why's" Learn from a variety of sources Are able to think creatively and like to problem solve Develop ideas from research
What is the difference between D, P & O? Applied Courses: Applied courses also focus on the foundational concepts of the discipline, but develop students’ knowledge and skills by emphasizing practical, concrete applications of these concepts and incorporating theoretical applications as appropriate. Appropriate for students who: Learn by doing Enjoy discussion See connections to real life Develop new ideas from reading Share ideas and apply them to their own lives What is the difference between D, P & O?
What is the difference between D, P & O? Open Courses: Open courses allow students to learn concepts and skills designed to prepare them for further study in the subject area. Expectations are designed to be appropriate for all students. Elective courses such as Physical Education and Art are offered as open courses. Students can succeed with a variety of learning skills. The teacher will provide options for assignments that appeal to all types of learners. What is the difference between D, P & O?
Examples of Grade 9 Science Questions Academic: List four different examples of electric devices and put them in order from low to high power usage. Lightening can be deadly. Describe how. Set up and demonstrate several electrical circuits. Draw the resulting circuit diagram. How does an electrician wire a house so that it is efficient and safe? Applied: List four different examples of an electric device. Define the term "electric current". Why is it necessary to consider the positive and negative terminals when you connect an ammeter to a circuit? Electronic air cleaners contain charged parts that attract neutral dust particles. Describe one way the Laws of Electrostatic Charge can be specifically applied in this situation. Examples of Grade 9 Science Questions
Where does each level lead? Grades 9 & 10 Grades 11 & 12 Where does each level lead? University Courses (eg. MCR 3U) Mixed Courses (eg. BAF 3M) College Courses (eg. SBI 3C) Open Courses (eg. GPP 3O) Academic Courses Applied Courses Mixed Courses (eg. BAF 3M) College Courses (eg. SBI 3C) Open Courses (eg. GPP 3O) Does this mean that students taking Applied courses in Grades 9 & 10 cannot attend University?
What to do as a parent? What do we recommend? Look at how well your child has done (academically) in previous years…be honest! What is your child’s work ethic like? Analyze how your child learns It is not always easy “trying out” academic level courses and then moving to applied We want students to be as successful as possible. Choosing the most appropriate stream that allows them to have this success is the most important. What to do as a parent?
Experiential Learning
What is Experiential Learning? “…an approach to learning that provides students with opportunities to actively participate in experiences connected to a community outside of school. This ‘community’ could be local, national, or global…” Ontario Ministry of Education What is Experiential Learning?
What is available at A.N. Myer? Cooperative Education Regular coop experience Online research coop Mentorship coop Business Science Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) 4 programs: Business, Construction, Justice & Community Safety, and Sport 2 regional programs: Horticulture and Construction (home build) Dual Credit Programs Through Niagara College What is available at A.N. Myer?
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