Jenna Thorn Library Media Specialist Portfolio
Creating Community In November we started voting in an ongoing poll titled “Book Characters for President”. Each week I create a new poll where students can vote between two popular book characters.
Encouraging Readers Students in Pre-Kindergarten through second grade enjoy reading to our “book buddies” during library time.
Teaching Skills Students are taught how to locate resources throughout the library. They are equipped with the tools and skills to be independent and successful information seekers.
Centers Skills Practice Students in third through sixth grade have Center choices to practice skills during library time.
Lesson Plan Collaboration Grade Level: 5th Lesson Title: Historical Fiction Review Information Literacy skill: Determines important details Standards Common Core: W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information American Assn. of School Librarians: Standard 3 Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society Lesson Goal: To introduce students to writing and sharing reviews using technology. Objective: Students will be able to write and video record a brief review of the historical fiction book they read using opinions supported with details from the text. Materials: Historical fiction novel, graphic organizer, grading rubric, Ipad, Aurasma app Time: (3) 30 minute periods Anticipatory Set: Show students video book reviews of historical fiction novels that weren’t chosen. Instructional Activities: After reading historical fiction novels for Mrs. Brannen’s class they will write a review and record a video of the review to embed in a trigger image on the cover. I will begin by modeling how to complete the graphic organizer which will help them organize their opinions with supporting details, then allow them to assist in guided practice before moving to independent completion. Next they will write a script of what they will say in their review using the grading rubric as a guide to ensure they cover all points. Lastly, they will video record their review using an Ipad. There will be a mini-lesson on how to embed the video into the Aurasma app to create a trigger image Aura. Closure: Students will take turns viewing the Auras of the reviewed books. Assessment: The video of their review will serve as an assessment of their understanding. An exit ticket using “3 things you liked, 2 things you disliked, 1 thing you’d like to add/change” will be given at the very end to inform future assignment adjustments. Modifications: Students may work in pairs, receive additional time, a simplified graphic organizer, additional guided practice, or submit simply a written review. Extension Activities: Students may complete additional reviews for books they’ve read.
Lesson Plan Inquiry Grade Level: 1st & 2nd Lesson Title: Summer is the Coldest Season Information Literacy skill: Draws a conclusion about the main idea with guidance. Standards Common Core: Rl.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. American Assn. of School Librarians: Standard 2 Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Lesson Goal: To guide students in creating new knowledge about the seasons of summer and winter. Objective: Students will be able to verbalize, write, and draw a picture to represent three characteristics that make summer cold. Materials: Winter is the Warmest Season by Lauren Stringer, large paper for recording ideas, paper with space for a drawing on top and writing on bottom, crayons, yarn. Time: (5) 30 minute classes Anticipatory Set: Open the lesson by asking students what they think of when they hear the word “winter.” When students say “cold” or “cool,” introduce the book Winter is the Warmest Season. Instructional Activities: Read the story aloud. Read the story again pausing to ask questions about details in the book that support winter being the warmest season. Use large notepad to record answers in a T chart with “winter is warm” on the left side. Ask students ways in which summer is cold. Explain how just like winter can be the warmest season, despite the outside temperature, summer can be the coldest season. Use the right side of the T chart to record answers. In between classes, type phrases from “summer is cold” side of T chart and cut apart. Next, students each select three of the phrases. With modeling and then guided practice we will turn each phrase into complete sentences, add pictures, create covers, and put the pages together to create their own books. Closure: Students will share their books with class. Make display of student books. Assessment: Finished product will serve as assessment. Modifications: Students may dictate their sentences to teacher to write in their book Extension Activities: Students may create additional pages to add to their books.
Lesson Plan Digital Literacy Grade Level: 6th Lesson Title: Website Evaluation Information Literacy skill: Evaluates quality of electronic information for usefulness, currency, authority, and accuracy Standards Common Core: W.6.8 Gather relevant information from multiple digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; American Assn. of School Librarians: Standard 1.2.4 Maintain a critical stance by questioning the validity and accuracy of all information. Lesson Goal: To teach students the process of evaluating information from a digital source. Objective: Students will be able to evaluate a website for usefulness, currency, authority, and accuracy using the Website Evaluation worksheet. Materials: Computers for each student, Kidz Search (search engine), and Website Evaluation worksheets, SMARTboard Time: (3) 30 minute periods Anticipatory Set: Introduce vocabulary: currency, authority, accuracy as they relate to websites Instructional Activities: Together as a class we will work through the Website Evaluation worksheet created by the IFC. We will look at the same website about polar bears and evaluate the information for usefulness, currency, authority, and accuracy. After we have completed one worksheet together, students will work independently or pair up to complete another worksheet for a different website of their choice, but on the topic of polar bears. They will gather relevant information from websites. Closure: Students will rate their website on a scale of 1-5 and share relevant information they gathered in an informal presentation to the class using the SMARTboard. Assessment: Completed Website Evaluation worksheet and presentation of information. Modifications: Students may work in pairs, receive additional time or guided practice. Students may also evaluate their website orally to teacher. Extension Activities: Students may evaluate another website or create a longer presentation.
Rubric: Historical Fiction Book Review Requirements 4 Points Outstanding 3 Points Acceptable 2 Points Needs Work 1 Point Little or no effort Character Description (2 characters min.) Detailed description and analysis of 2 characters. Gives examples. Provides some, or basic description and analysis of 2 characters. Just lists the names of characters. No description or analysis or only 1 basic description. No effort made to describe the characters or offer analysis. No reasons, no explanation Historical Facts (4 min.) Detailed description of 4 accurate historical facts from the book. Detailed description of 2-3 historical facts from the book Description of 1-2 historical facts from the book, or just listing the facts without description Listing of 0-1 facts, without description Plot Summary Excellent summation of the story line that includes details from beginning, middle and end of the book. Average summary of the book from beginning to end, with some details provided Poor summation of the book. Little to no details about the story line. No effort to summarize the book. No coherent description of the beginning to end. No details Book Evaluation Offers good insight to author’s style, giving examples States opinion of the book and writing style. Few examples. No opinion on the writing style or storyline, and no examples. No opinion given about the book.