Lerend Netwerk Energie-efficiëntie - opstartsessie 15 oktober 2014
STEEEP Overview Partners: 7 national CCIs, 4 regional CCIs, 1 CCI-affiliated NPO 1 academic partner CCIs involved: 34 Duration: 01/03/2014 – 28/02/2017 SMEs involved: 630 (all sectors) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Energy savings/SME: 10-15% + CO2 reductions: 8500 tCO2e/year Define a European benchmark of SMEs energy performance
Energy Efficiency It refers to the use of technology that requires less energy to achieve the same performance or perform the same function. Energy efficiency focuses on technology, equipment or machinery being used in buildings Energy conservation focuses on people’s behavior to use less energy (e.g. maximum utilisation of natural light instead of artificial lighting).
Why is Energy Efficiency important? Global energy consumption is increasing High dependence on energy imports Energy costs are increasing Climate change
EU Energy Policy Treaty of Lisabon Place energy at the heart of European activity Article 194 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union Union policy on energy shall aim to: ensure the functioning of the energy market; ensure security of energy supply in the Union; promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; and promote the interconnection of energy networks.
EU Energy Policy
Energy 2020 – Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) Implementation for Member States foreseen by June 2014 Common framework of measures for the promotion of EE Use of energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain Measures included Set indicative national energy efficiency target Easy and free-of-charge access to data on real-time and historical energy consumption Art. 8 […] Member States may set up support schemes for SMEs, including if they have concluded voluntary agreements, to cover costs of an energy audit and of the implementation of highly cost-effective recommendations from the energy audits, if the proposed measures are implemented […] Renovating of buildings Efficiency in energy generation Ecodesign Regulations (2009/125/EC)
2030 Framework
Energy Management “Energy Management is the systematic use of management and technology to improve an organisation’s energy performance. It need to be integrated, proactive, and incorporate energy procurement, energy efficiency and renewable energy to be fully effective”. Carbon Trust Energy Management Guide
Multilateral Coaching Services Bilateral Coaching Company visits and evaluation of savings potential Helpdesk Multilateral Coaching 9 thematic workshops Energy Clubs Benchmarking bi-monthly questionnaire energy savings recommendations
Commitment Provide relevant energy consumption/ energy use data at the beginning of the project and at least every 2 months during the project duration, Participate in at least 6 collective workshops during the project duration, Implement the recommendations formulated by energy advisors in order to achieve energy savings
Benchmarking WP Leader: De Montfort University Online questionnaire
Workshops Energy management Information about financial incentives (subsidies) Thematic (compressed air, cooling, energy bill analysis, lighting, isolation, …) Energy management tools (e.g. smart meters) …
Duration of the project start in September 2014 end in February 2017
Communicatie Project website: www.steeep.eu Project Logo
Voorstelling deelnemers
Online questionnaire
Initial questionnaire - Link en paswoord Password Belgium http://www.isalient.com/app/index.php?survey_code=62fb166d&login=1 steeepBE
Short questionnaire - Login www.steeep.be
Short questionnaire - login
Nuttige documentatie http://www.steekwattinjezak.be/ http://leen.de/en/best-practice/ http://leen.de/en/informationsmaterial/ http://www.voka.be/media/6297393/voorbeeldac ties_milieucharter_v3.pdf http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/ Voka wijzer - Hoe en waar energie besparen in het bedrijf?