Will my article be cited if open access? Central Social Sciences Library Will my article be cited if open access? Mirjam Kotar Head of Central Social Sciences Library mirjam.kotar@fdv.uni-lj.si Academic libraries' support for open science in the European research area, Staff training days, University of Ljubljana May 17th 2017
Content: Development of OA at the Faculty of Social Sciences Library‘s role in OA landscape Overcoming problems with OA Emphasis on faculty scientific production and library services to support its publication in OA. Not APC Open APC Initiative May 17th 2017
FSS : 55 years of existence Faculty of Social Sciences celebrates its 55 years of existence in the academic year 2016/17. In 55 years… 12.571 students graduated, 2.295 students obtained master‘s degree, and 419 students obtained a PhD title. www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en May 17th 2017
Basic facts It is the largest interdisciplinary social science faculty in Slovenia. Faculty staff consists of 251 employees: 176 professors, associates, scientists,researchers, 75 professionals, administrative and technical staff. Social Sciences Research Institute comprises 19 active research centres and Archive of Social Sciences Data. FDV Publishing House (monographs, journal Theory and Practice (1964 onwards), joint publisher of journals (Journal of Comparative Politics, The Public, Journal of International Relations and Development, Social Science Discussions and Methodological Notebooks). May 17th 2017
Teaching at FSS The Faculty of Social Sciences implements 12 university level and 1 higher education level study programmes. In 2016/17, 12 2nd-cycle programmes are being carried out. An Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences is our doctoral study programme (exclusively as part time study). May 17th 2017
Students Study level Number of students 1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle Data on the number of students in the academic year 2015/2016 with a valid student status: Study level Number of students 1st Cycle 1.766 2nd Cycle 594 3rd Cycle 73 All 2.436 May 17th 2017
Teaching 1st-cycle programmes (Slovenian language) May 17th 2017
International field International activity at the faculty: participation in European and other international projects, which are carried out for foreign governments and universities and also some international organizations; intensive networking of researchers in the international scientific associations; 1999 – joining the Socrates Erasmus programme; In 2015/16 there were 233 foreign students at the faculty, while 106 Faculty of Social Sciences students were studying abroad; With September 2016 the Faculty of Social Sciences has: - 208 concluded bilateral agreements under the new Erasmus+ programme; - 30 agreements with non-EU Universities. 2017: East Asia Resource Library May 17th 2017
Study programmes in English International Undergraduate Study Programmes 2016/17: European studies Political Science – Politics and the State International Master‘s Programmes 2015/16 European Studies International Relations Political Science – Policy Analysis and Public Administration Political Science – Political Theory Social Informatics Sociology – Management of Organizations, Human Resources and Knowledge Joint Master‘s Programmes 2015/16 E.MA - European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation Joint European Master CoDe Programme Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme The Humanities and Social Sciences May 17th 2017
My background and perspective 1995- Researcher, Centre for political Science Research 2002 - Head of the Central Social Sciences Library Successful library projects: Information literacy programme Programme of internationalisation Redefinition of the library space Innovative library services (cobrowsing system, RFID, Aurasma, digital librarianship) Specialised Information Centre for Social Sciences from 2002: open access member of the faculty Managing Board various working groups May 17th 2017
2002: FSS full text databases FSS theses in full text obligation for students defined in Faculty Rules for Diploma theses Social Sciences Articles in full text based on agreements with 2 publishers (gold OA) Metadata in COBISS (downloaded to the database) Full text files at our server. May 17th 2017
2002-2016: FSS full text databases Collecting, managing and disseminating the digital materials created by the institution and its community members. 2004: project Science promotion May 17th 2017
From 2014: FSS Publications Searchable database that covers both FSS theses and Social Sciences Articles in full text. Included in Repository of UL and National portal of Open Science. Articles in gold OA (agreements with two publishers). Therefore – library‘s got a long experience with archiving, managing and disseminating digital production of the faculty. May 17th 2017
Library‘s role: challenge, obligation, commitment? „ CSSL is the heart of the FSS: information are blood circulation of/for the society, CSS supports the flow of social science information in Slovenia.“ (Dejan Verčič, 2016. Družboslovje med čisto dušo znanosti in umazanim telesom zaposljivosti. V: Odgovornost za razvoj družboslovja, Ljubljana, FDV ) Extensive knowledge about OA and researchers interest in OA. 2014: presentation at the Social Sciences Research Institute Board Professional meetings on OA: 2015: NUK seminar on OA 2016: Knowledge management 2016 Open Science in ERA May 17th 2017
… OA labyrinth … Respect for authors‘ needs, interests ! Respect for the ignorance about OA – they don‘t have time to follow all aspects! May 17th 2017
Rationale 1: „ very few of us are ever taught how to effectively communicate our research, or even why doing so is important.“ (Illingworth, 2016) May 17th 2017
Rationale 2: 96 % of Slovene researchers claim available time to do research as the most important factor for their research work. (Klemenčič et al, 2015: Pogoji akademskega dela v Sloveniji : ugotovitve študije EUROAC 2013) May 17th 2017
Are the librarians qualified to act within this OA labyrint? Tasks: Inform Counsel Advocate Influence To be in a landscape! Making authors aware of the benefits of OA! May 17th 2017
Librarians‘ roles ROLES INVOLVED Areas ROLES INVOLVED Scholarly publishing services Providing publishing services via local or hosted digital publishing platforms for journals, books, conference proceedings, working papers and other works of original scholarship from faculty and students. Working with digital repository and other professionals to provide for storage, description, access and preservation of this content. Open access repository services Collecting, managing and disseminating the digital materials created by the institution and its community members. Copyright and open access advice Providing consultation and education to faculty and students on copyright and open access policies, services and resources, as well as open access licenses and publishing alternatives. Assessment of scholarly resources Providing expertise, consultation and outreach to the campus community around scholarly resource assessment and metrics, including traditional bibliometrics as well as new and emerging metrics. ! Flexibility ! We have to play in all fields Calarco et.al. 2016. Librarians' Competencies Profile for Scholarly Communication and Open Access May 17th 2017
CSSL: Areas ROLES INVOLVED Scholarly publishing services Providing publishing services via local or hosted digital publishing platforms for journals, books, conference proceedings, working papers and other works of original scholarship from faculty and students. Working with digital repository and other professionals to provide for storage, description, access and preservation of this content. Open access repository services Collecting, managing and disseminating the digital materials created by the institution and its community members. Copyright and open access advice Providing consultation and education to faculty and students on copyright and open access policies, services and resources, as well as open access licenses and publishing alternatives. Assessment of scholarly resources Providing expertise, consultation and outreach to the campus community around scholarly resource assessment and metrics, including traditional bibliometrics as well as new and emerging metrics. May 17th 2017
Communicating OA Utilize all channels: weekly news, e-mail, personal contacts, staff meetings, research office Advocacy meetings with Social Science Institute Board, Faculty Chairs, Research groups, Publishing House Counselling „in the right place at the right time “ : research bibliographies, project proposals, project reports Research Guides POP-UP CAFFE of OA Calls to authors to publish in OA Showing up & sticking around! Finding OA people! May 17th 2017
Research Guides CC licence targeted audiences: authors, students, librarians, decision-makers, general public topics: OA for researchers, traditional and alternative metrics, non-ethical scientific publishing practices … May 17th 2017
Research Guide on OA for Researchers http://vodici.fdv.uni-lj.si/subjects/guide.php?subject=OAR OA Steps to OA CC licence Publishers‘ Policies Open Data Deposit in RUL Showing up & sticking around! Finding OA people! May 17th 2017
2016: POP-UP CAFFE of OA Promotional tools May 17th 2017
2016: analysis of the faculty publishing Our researchers published 210 scientific articles from 1.1.2015 to 25.5.2016 22 FP7 projects, only 4 eligible to FP7 Post- grant OA Pilot Review of the options for OA faculty publications: journals Teorija in praksa and Družboslovne razprave, scientific monographs May 17th 2017
2016: analysis of the FSS articles May 17th 2017
2016: analysis of the publishers OA politics Elsevier: post-print embargo 24 ali 36 months Sage: NO EMBARGO for POST-PRINT for IR Emerald: post-print embargo 24 months (exception: no mandate repository) Springer: 12 months embargo Taylor&Francis: post-print 18 months Wiley: post print 24 months embargo OUP: post-print 24 months embargo May 17th 2017
Social Sciences characteristics Special attention to the discrepancies of funders‘ requirements and publishers‘ OA policies Often longer embargos for social sciences articles V družboslovju in humanistiki moramo biti še posebej pozorni na skladnost politik financerjev s politikami založnikov, ker praviloma na našem področju veljajo daljši embargi za objavo v zelenem odprtem dostopu. Izjema je Cambridge University Press (CUP), ki je ubral ravno nasprotno taktiko, tako za post print verzije člankov (po postopku peer review), ki so objavljeni v revijah s področja družboslovja in humanistike ne določa embarga. Za članke v revijah s področja naravoslovja, tehnike in medicine pa predvideva 6 mesecev embarga. May 17th 2017
2016: definiton of requirements for OA Bibliographic information about the article Appropriate version of the article Project data (if appropriate) Copyright and publisher policies checking Signed authorisation by the author to publish in institutional repository = personalised support needed May 17th 2017
2016: results „Sage and Springer“ authors signed the authorisation for the library to put their articles in RUL (green OA) Library put 2173 articles in RUL in agreement with both faculty journals 58 scientific monographs in agreement with Založba FDV (faculty publishing house) This action = also promotional tool May 17th 2017
2016: mayor concerns „Will my article be cited if OA?“ „Am I violating publisher‘s contract if go OA?“ „Is OA similar to the predatory journal?“ May 17th 2017
Will my article be cited if OA? Added data to pdf in repository: Research Guide on Research Impact and Visibility (traditional and alternative metrics) May 17th 2017
Library problems: Which version is post-print and who‘s got it? Author sends us only an article / only an agreement to publish in RUL What is the oficial date of publication (start date of the embargo)? Data about the project that article originates from? May 17th 2017
Slovene OA landscape 2017 Slovene national strategy Requirements of the research funders Infrastructure System of personal, research and serials bibliographies Daily collaboration librarians - authors Preference green OA. May 17th 2017
March 2017: Slovene research requirements 1 „Self-evaluation of OA impact on visibility of researcher‘s work“ CSSL support: citation search, OA publications search, repository and FSS databases statistics, alternative metrics Samoevalvacijska ocena učinkov odprtodostopnih recenziranih znanstvenih objav, ki se nanašajo na raziskovalne rezultate Raziskovalec samooceni, ali je njegova odprtodostopna objava povečala vidnost njegovega raziskovalnega dela. Kot podlago za to oceno lahko navedejo bibliografske podatke za svoje objave, ki so dostopne v OD (s povezavo na objavo v OD). Priložijo lahko statistike dostopov / ogledov / prenosov člankov npr. iz repozitorija(jev) ali iz drugih kanalov, preko katerih so članki odprto dostopni. Za objave v OD lahko priložijo podatke o citiranosti iz citatnih indeksov WoS in Scopus (tradicionalne metrike) ali tudi alternativne metrike. Alternativna metrika skuša zajeti prisotnost v novih raziskovalnih prizoriščih, prisotnost in vpliv družbenih medijev in drugih oblik spletnega udejstvovanja. Govorimo o t. i. altmetriki (altmetrics), ki se razlikuje od tradicionalnih metod merjenja, ki jih uporabljajo Web of Science, Scopus in druge podatkovne zbirke. Repozitorij UL omogoča sledenje št. ogledov in prenosov. V izpis bibliografij v SICRIS sta bila testno implementirana prikaza alternativne metrike dveh ponudnikov, tj. Altmetric in Plum Analytics. Plum Analytics je zaenkrat testno vključen tudi v Digitalno knjižnico Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKUL). Altmetric ponuja tudi brezplačni aktivni zaznamek (bookmarklet), ki ga lahko dodate v svoj brskalnik in daje altmetrics podatke za vsako DOI številko, ki jo zazna na spletni strani, ki jo trenutno pregledujete. (povezava v vodiču) Svojo metriko imajo tudi nekatere raziskovalne skupnosti, kot so Researchgate, Academia.edu ipd. Če ste vključeni v te skupnosti in imate svoj profil, lahko pogledate njihovo metriko. Če uporabljate Mendeley, tj. orodje za upravljanje z referencami, lahko tudi tam preverite statistiko. Več o alternativni metriki lahko najdete v raziskovalnem vodiču Raziskovalni vpliv in vidnost: tradicionalna in alternativna metrika, ki se nahaja na tej povezavi: http://vodici.fdv.uni-lj.si/subjects/guide.php?subject=alt Raziskovalec lahko tudi navede, katere objave zaradi restriktivnih založniških politik še ne morejo biti dostopne v OD oziroma kdaj bodo (po poteku embarga). 28.Pristop k objavljanju objav in rezultatov programske skupine v odprtem dostopu (Programme group's approach on the open access publishing of research results)26 26 Opišite pristop k objavljanju objav in rezultatov programske skupine v odprtem dostopu ter navedite kako objavljanje objav in rezultatov v odprtem dostopu vpliva na kakovost objav programske skupine. Največ 3.000 znakov, vključno s presledki (približno pol strani, velikosti pisave 11). Tu definirate “strategijo” oziroma načrte svoje raziskovalne skupine, s katero se bodo lotili objavljanja svojih raziskovalnih rezultatov v OD. Te strategije so lahko različne, glede na odločitev programske skupine, ali in pod kakšnimi pogoji bo dala svoje objave v OD. Primer pristopa: Vse objave, za katere je to možno glede na založniške politike, bomo objavili v RUL v skladu zahtevami založnika. Za članke, za katere po pogodbi s financerjem moramo zagotoviti OD, a so embargi, ki jih zahteva založnik daljši od najdaljših embargv, ki jih določi financer, bomo poskrbeli za plačilo APC iz projektnih sredstev, ki so za to predvidena ali pa se bomo z založnikom dogovorili za izjemo. Če bo na voljo ustrezna OD revija (zlati OD) bomo dali prednost temu načinu objave, pred objavo v hibridni reviji. Več o možnostih odprtega dostopa je v raziskovalnem vodiču : http://vodici.fdv.uni-lj.si/subjects/guide.php?subject=OAR May 17th 2017
March 2017: Slovene research requirements 2 „Define Programme group's approach on the open access publishing of research results“ CSSL support: defined a sample approach according to the national mandate and faculty strategy 28.Pristop k objavljanju objav in rezultatov programske skupine v odprtem dostopu (Programme group's approach on the open access publishing of research results)26 Tu definirate “strategijo” oziroma načrte svoje raziskovalne skupine, s katero se bodo lotili objavljanja svojih raziskovalnih rezultatov v OD. Te strategije so lahko različne, glede na odločitev programske skupine, ali in pod kakšnimi pogoji bo dala svoje objave v OD. Primer pristopa: Vse objave, za katere je to možno glede na založniške politike, bomo objavili v RUL v skladu zahtevami založnika. Za članke, za katere po pogodbi s financerjem moramo zagotoviti OD, a so embargi, ki jih zahteva založnik daljši od najdaljših embargv, ki jih določi financer, bomo poskrbeli za plačilo APC iz projektnih sredstev, ki so za to predvidena ali pa se bomo z založnikom dogovorili za izjemo. Če bo na voljo ustrezna OD revija (zlati OD) bomo dali prednost temu načinu objave, pred objavo v hibridni reviji. Več o možnostih odprtega dostopa je v raziskovalnem vodiču : http://vodici.fdv.uni-lj.si/subjects/guide.php?subject=OAR May 17th 2017
Sample of the research group‘s approach „All papers in accordance with publisher‘s policy and rules will be published in RUL (green OA). In the case of discrepancy of publisher‘s embargo and funder‘s mandate we‘ll assure project funds for APC or we‘ll negotiate the exception with the publisher. We‘ll preferentialy publish in gold OA scientific journals over hybrid journals, if possible. „ May 17th 2017
Future of OA at Faculty of Social Sciences 2016: „Strategy of Internationalisation“ emphasises active approach towards new forms of scientific communication (green OA for faculty publications and articles) 2017: FSS„Rules on organisation and implementation of research work“ includes OA. Strong support for OA ADP _ Open data ! Open education resources included also in faculty e-learning = open science May 17th 2017
Cited sources: Calarco et al. 2016. Librarians' Competencies Profile for Scholarly Communication and Open Access Illingworth, Sam in Grant Allen. 2016. Effective Science Communication, A practical guide to surviving as a scientist Klemenčič, Manja, Alenka Flander in Mateja Žagar Pečjak (2015): Pogoji akademskega dela v Sloveniji : ugotovitve študije EUROAC 2013 McKiernan, Erin C. et al. 2016. How open science helps researchers succeed. doi: 10.7554/eLife.16800. May 17th 2017
Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Central Social Sciences Library Thank you for your attention! Any questions? May 17th 2017