GEOSS: Observe, Share, Inform European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 4-8 April 2011 Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat
The Earth is a complex system of systems The Earth is a complex system of systems, and to understand it, data is required from multiple observation networks and systems. A Global Earth Observation System of Systems is required to meet the challenge
Mankind has become a Geophysical Parameter Geophysics has become a Political Issue … Earth Observations are needed to inform decisions © GEO Secretariat 3
Remote Observing Systems Envisat SORCE Aura/Aqua/Terra Sage QuikScat IKONOS CBERS SeaWiFS SPOT 4, 5 SPIN-2 SeaWinds TRMM Orbview 2, 3 DMC ACRIMSAT EROS A1 ERBS Radarsat ALOS Toms-EP QuickBird Grace Jason Landsat 7 UARS Remote Observing Systems
In-situ systems
The Tower of Babel problem… Need for: Earth observation Coordination Interoperable Architecture and Formats Data Sharing … to benefit fully from Earth Observation Systems
GEO, the Group on Earth Observations An Intergovernmental group with 86 Members and 61 Participating Organizations U.S. Department of State, Washington DC July 31, 2003
What is GEO? launched in response to calls for action by the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, Earth Observation Summits, and by the G8 (Group of Eight) leading industrialized countries voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations 85 member governments + EC 61 Participating Organizations (incl. IAG, IUGS) provides a framework within which these partners can develop new projects and coordinate their strategies and investments charged with developing GEOSS The 10-year Implementation Plan is the implicit convention that glues together all Members and POs.
What is GEOSS? the Global Earth Observation System of Systems an integrating public infrastructure, interconnecting a diverse, growing array of Earth observing instruments and information systems for monitoring and forecasting changes in the global environment supports policymakers, resource managers, science researchers and other experts to support informed decision making for society 10-year implementation plan 2015: Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems Idea is to build a shared, end-to-end information system. Previously, each SBA had its own observing system operating in quasi-isolation. It would make more sense to share observing systems because a given problem can benefit from multiple observations. Likewise a single data set can serve multiple purposes. The scientific community is needed to help build the system of systems, which is designed for the broadest use possible.
Governance GEO comprised of Members governments and Participating Organizations. Membership in GEO is contingent upon formal endorsement of the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan. The GEO Plenary is the main body of designated representatives of the Members and Participating Organizations, and is GEO’s primary decision-making body. All members belong to a regional caucus (5), which nominates members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee oversees GEO’s activities when the Plenary is not in session. consists of 13 representatives elected from the 5 GEO caucuses, including three each from the Americas, Asia and Europe, two from Africa, and one from the Commonwealth of Independent States. guides Secretariat
GEOSS Implementation requires: Data Sharing Principles Full and Open Exchange of Data… Recognizing Relevant International Instruments and National Policies and Legislation Data and Products at Minimum Time delay and Minimum Cost Free of Charge or Cost of Reproduction for Research and Education See slide text 11
GEOSS Implementation Requires: Interoperability of Systems Need for an Interoperable Architecture and Standard Formats to benefit fully from Earth Observation Systems Technical Specifications for Collecting, Processing, Storing, and Disseminating Data and Products Based on Non-proprietary Standards Defining System Compliance for Contribution to GEOSS As a "System of Systems", the success of GEOSS depends on how well the contributed systems achieve "Interoperability". Here, interoperability is that condition wherein differences among systems are not a barrier to a task that spans those systems. The focus is on how systems work together. GEOSS itself does not delve into how the contributed systems operate within themselves. The GEOSS Implementation Plan Reference Document makes this statement: "GEOSS does not mean an attempt to incorporate all Earth observing systems into a single, monolithic, centrally controlled system. It is intended to improve the data supply to users and not as a justification for annexing existing observation and data distribution systems into a new international organization." Put another way, the GEOSS architecture will specify just those "few things that must be the same so that everything else can be different". 12
G8-2008 …we will accelerate efforts within the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), ... in priority areas, inter alia, climate change and water resources management, by strengthening observation, prediction and data sharing. ... capacity building for developing countries … interoperability and linkage … 13
G8-2009 To address the increased threats of natural disasters and extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change, such as increased flooding, storm surges, droughts and forest fires, we will act to improve risk preparedness, prevention, monitoring and response times, particularly in developing countries, by… … supporting the ongoing work on the development of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
GEOSS: main objectives Improve and Coordinate Observation Systems (avoid duplications) Provide Easier & More Open Data Access Foster Use (Science, Applications) Building Capacity Identify gaps in observations (based on user requirements) Seven shortcoming were identified as target areas that GEOSS could address: Lack of access to data and associated benefits in the developing world Eroding technical infrastructure Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Inadequate data integration and interoperability Uncertainty over continuity of observations Inadequate user involvement Lack of relevant processing systems to transform data into useful information …Earth Observation Systems should be coordinated and shared internationally … to answer Society’s need for informed decision making
GEOSS: A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems GEOSS is a global distributed system, including satellite observation systems, Global in situ networks and systems, And local and regional in situ networks. GEOSS will deliver the benefits of EO to both data & information providers and consumers world wide.
Architecture Before 2015, GEO aims to: 1. Achieve sustained operation, continuity and interoperability of existing and new systems that provide essential environmental observations and information, including the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) that facilitates access to, and use of, these observations and information.
AR-09-03: Advocating for Sustained Observing Systems e) Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Task leads: USA, ESA, and IAG Promotes further development of sustained infrastructure needed to satisfy the long-term (10-20 years) requirements for reference frames and the monitoring of global change signals. Provides observations of variations in Earth shape, gravity field and rotation, fundamental for monitoring of climate and global change, depends crucially on globally sustained geodetic ground networks. Provides foundation for EO through the global geodetic reference frames (International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF).
Data Management Before 2015, GEO aims to: 2. Provide a shared, easily accessible, timely, sustained stream of comprehensive data of documented quality, as well as metadata and information products, for informed decision-making.
DA-09-02: Data Integration and Analysis c) Global Geodetic Reference Frames Task lead: IAG Ensure the availability of accurate, homogeneous, long-term, stable, global geodetic reference frames as a mandatory framework and the metrological basis for Earth observation. Identify steps towards consistent high-accuracy global geodetic reference frames for Earth observation and the observing systems contributing to GEOSS. Promote the use of common or interoperable reference frames within GEOSS.
Disasters Before 2015, GEO aims to: 9. Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery).
DI-09-01: Systematic Monitoring for Geohazards Risk Assessment a) Vulnerability Mapping and Risk Assessment Task leads: China (CENC, IES), France (BRGM), Greece, (University of Thessaloniki), Italy (EUCENTRE, ISPRA), UNOSAT, WMO; Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP) Facilitate access to the remote-sensing & in-situ data required to perform systematic geohazards vulnerability mapping and risk assessment: (i) Retrieval, integration and systematic access to remote sensing & in-situ data in selected regional areas exposed to geological threats (“Supersites”); the initial objective will be to dramatically enhance access to SAR data and integration of InSAR & GPS data; and (ii) Development, testing and application of global seismic vulnerability mapping to “Supersites” areas. Seismic hazard assessment: in-situ data related to earthquakes environmental effects will be provided by a catalogue compiled within international cooperation framework INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research).
GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Promotion of consistent standards and practices for observations across all earth systems consists of web-based portal, clearinghouse for searching data, information and services, registries supporting access to GEOSS components, standards, and best practices; provide the framework and operational interfaces for comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained observations of the Earth system, including space, airborne and in-situ systems; be constituted and populated by resources contributed from GEO Members and Participating Organizations, who will make best efforts to ensure sustained operation of the core components and related information infrastructure; maintain a process for interoperability that supports effective access to, exchange of and use of data, metadata and products across all GEOSS components, as identified in the appropriate GCI registries.
What’s in it for scientists? GEO is a framework to promote international cooperation. Earth observing systems of the future: built by scientists, informed by GEO. bringing together data architecture experts, scientists, users, and capacity-building specialists. visibility with data/networks/systems contributed to GEOSS. potential support for research leading to GEOSS implementation. but GEO is not a funding mechanism!
What’s in it for scientists? GEO has a niche in facilitating the delivery of global datasets to improve modeling. Virtual constellations precipitation land surface imaging ocean surface topography atmopheric chemistry ocean colour radiometry ocean surface vector winds GDEM Global land cover Digital geological map data Global meteorological and environmental data
What’s in it for scientists? strengthen the delivery of environmental services by advancing multi-disciplinary research high-resolution and seamless weather, climate & Earth system modelling. Provide SBA focus for research GEO Label for quality assurance Citation Standard Continuity Indicators
“The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is a coordinating and integrating network of Earth observing and information systems, contributed on a voluntary basis by Members and Participating Organizations of the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO).” To support informed decision making for society (including the implementation of international environmental treaty obligations). The contributing systems will range across the processing cycle, from primary observation to information production. Through GEOSS, they will share observations and products with the system as a whole, and will take the necessary steps to ensure that the shared observations and products are accessible, comparable, and understandable, by supporting common standards and adaptation to users needs. (The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-Year Implementation Plan, 2005)
Thank you!