Understanding Standards: An overview of course assessment Applications of Mathematics (National 5) An overview of course assessment
What this presentation covers Lifeskills Mathematics to be renamed Applications of Mathematics revised course assessment structure an overview of the course components what is changed/unchanged grading guidance on preparing candidates for the course assessment
Lifeskills Mathematics to be renamed Applications of Mathematics Applications of Mathematics is the new name for Lifeskills Mathematics. The course will continue to support numeracy and develop learners’ mathematical reasoning skills for learning, life and work. N5 documents from session 2017-18 onwards will now carry this new name.
Revised course assessment structure The course assessment will consist of two components: Component 1: question paper — paper 1 (non-calculator) Component 2: question paper — paper 2 (calculator allowed)
An overview of the course components Paper 1 (non-calculator) number of marks increased from 35 to 45 exam time increased from 50 minutes to 65 minutes Paper 2 (calculator allowed) number of marks increased from 55 to 65 exam time increased from 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours
What is unchanged the proportion of C level marks remains at 65% balance of strategy, process and communication marks course aims and rationale
What is changed in the course components Paper 1 will contain short-answer and extended-response questions, most of which are in context. Paper 2 will contain short-answer questions, extended-response questions and case studies, most of which are in context.
What is changed in the course content calculation of the mode has been added to the content
Grading The range of notional scores for each grade in the course assessment will be: A: 70% - 100% B: 60% - 69% C: 50% - 59% D: 40% - 49%
Guidance on preparing candidates for the course assessment Candidates should: show all working clearly state units where appropriate maintain and practice number skills maintain and practice previously acquired skills practice medium and extended case study questions practice questions that require a valid reason or explanation to be given
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