Ethics and Egoism Ethical egoism —The theory that the morally right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good over evil for oneself. Psychological egoism —The view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest. Ethical egoism is not synonymous with selfishness or self-indulgence.
Ethics and Egoism The Ring of Gyges —Plato Glaucon’s story is meant to show that all people believe in their hearts that injustice is more profitable than justice. Glaucon argues that the unjust life is better than the just life. Socrates says that we should choose the life of the “unsuccessful” just person because it is to our advantage to be moral.
Gyges’ Ring A lowly shepherd finds a ring which gives him the power of invisibility
Gyges’ Ring Gyges uses the ring to seduce the Queen and usurp the Kingdom Grave-robbing Adultery Assassination
Gyges’ Ring Justice requires restraint, sacrifice of self-interest People only act justly because they fear punishment (personal, social, legal) Punishment depends on detection Gods can be bought off with sacrifice
The completely rational man will seek to be unjust where possible, just when necessary Injustice is always better...if you can get away with it! Justice is only instrumentally good in some cases High chance of being caught Severe consequences
The Ring of Gyges Suppose you had a ring that would make you invisible (allowing you commit injustice without being discovered). If such a ring were available how would a just person’s actions differ from an unjust person? (1) If there would be no difference, that shows we only think of justice as good as a means. (2) If the just person remains just even though he can get away with being unjust, then that shows that people consider justice to be good.
Glaucon: Justice is good as a means of avoiding suffering injustice Glaucon: Justice is good as a means of avoiding suffering injustice. We agree to abide by the rules of morality so that other people don’t harm us, not because its bad to do harm (injustice) to other people
Glaucon’s Challenge Plato’s Response Glaucon’s Challenge: Prove justice is better than injustice Plato says injustice subordinates reason to desire, dehumanizes is the sign of an unbalanced or diseased mind
Glaucon’s Challenge Plato’s Response Plato says injustice makes us a slave to our desires robs us of freedom Free choices are made through rational deliberation, not compelled by desire
If the Ring of Gyges example is persuasive, it tells us that we think of morality in terms of external rewards. It does not tell us however that justice really is only good for its rewards. People could be simply mistaken: they might think justice is only good for its consequences, while really its good for its consequences and for its own sake.