Testbeam Planning Common to all testbeams:


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Presentation transcript:

Testbeam Planning Common to all testbeams: Silicon detector construction and preparation: Anne-Laure, Cinzia, Elias, Gennaro Planar detectors: Neutron irradiation tests (old detectors) in Ljubljana Delivery of new detectors expected end of May Temperature studies Planar/3D detectors: Delivery expected in March Irradiation tests in PS Pure 3D detectors: Delay with etching machine Delivery later in the year

Electronics: Angela, Walter, technician from Brunel, iranian post-doc ? VFAT development Board development Hardware of the later electronics chain (2 copies: X5, SPS) (buy, partly develop) DAQ, trigger, online computing: Emilio, Hubert, Mario, [need more manpower] Hardware needs Need 2 DAQs (X5, SPS) as identical as possible, but specific items for SPS and X5 (SPS: BPM as trigger, 40 MHz synchronisation; X5: silicon telescope ?) Need to discuss strategy (together with electronics)  arrange meeting between Emilio, Walter, Mario, …? Offline computing: Valentina, Hubert, Mario Depends on b, c. Depends on test programmes for X5, SPS

Specific to SPS Coasting Beam Tests: Test programme Mario, ? Cables, infrastructure: Anne-Laure, Daniela Cables done Patchpanel being done Anything else before end of shutdown? Roman Pot mechanics: Marco O. Cooling: Friedrich Roman Pot controls: Daniela, Mario, Marco O., Walter in cooperation with SPS main control Veto electronics for RP movement RP control from counting room near cavern, contact with MCR

Coasting Beam Test Programme Two shifts à 8 hours: Understand the system - Adjust DAQ timing w.r.t. 40 MHz clock signal - Adjust trigger from Beam Position Monitors (BPM). - Calibrate RP alignment using BPM and rate measurements. RF pickup, trigger capability, tracking studies - Measure S/N ratio (detector prototypes with APV25 chip) - Measure trigger purity (trigger on Si planes with VFAT and verify with tracking planes) - Measure trigger efficiency by monitoring one plane with the other 3. - Try different trigger logics (3 out of 4, 4 out of 4, etc.) - Record proton tracks detected by the planes with the APV25 chip and reconstruct them offline. - Try to Fourier-analyse hit time distribution and look for components corresponding to the beam structure

Roman Pot Configuration Beam Parameters 1 – 8 bunches (spaced by 23 ms – 2.9 ms) Emittance N ~ 1 m rad up to 0.6 x 1011 protons per bunch Energy: 270 GeV (as high as possible)

Specific to X5: GEMs: F. Sauli, L. Ropelewski, Kari, possibly Genova technician October period Independent DAQ? T1: Genova group Independent Silicon Tests: First: Need test programme & strategy (next slide): everybody Then: Support mechanics: Marco O. Cooling: Friedrich Silicon telescope (if needed): Mario

Test Programme for X5: Aims Prepare full-size detectors, electronics and DAQ for SPS tunnel Need to identify  10 good detectors of each technology (4 with VFAT, 6 with APV25) Measure S/N Measure efficiency, edge definition Measure resolution Want to vary temperature??? Setup Issues Need support for 2 x 10 planes (full 3D and planar/3D unlikely to arrive at the same time); use pot parts of RPs? Options for reference system: Self-referencing plane arrangement Use Silicon Telescope (implications on DAQ) Both Trigger scintillators: Detector area: ~ 48 x 25 mm2 Have 50 x 50 mm2, 10 x 10 mm2 scintillators: adequate?

Arrangement Options Staggered cannot use pots for mounting measures only the edges of the upper planes

Bilateral With Telescope Better resolution (< 10 mm) Space in the centre with long baseplate ~ 55 cm (sufficient?) Investigate DAQ issues (e.g. timing)