Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis Kevin Jamison Shih-Chieh Hsu August 1st, 2013
Large Hadron Collider at CERN LHC ATLAS Experiment Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis ATLAS Detector Used to perform measurements of charged particles that result from collisions Pixel sensors located in inner detector closest to beam pipe Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis Silicon 3D Sensors Pixel detector uses silicon sensors. Silicon sensors provide a way to measure charge and location of charged particles. 3D sensors are faster, allow better edge detection and have increased radiation hardness. Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Motivation for Test Beam Analysis Develop slim edge 3D sensors for ATLAS Forward Physics Project (AFP). AFP requires sensors that will be non-uniformly irradiated and have great measurement at edges. Test Beam measures performance of these characteristics of the 3D sensor. Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 2 Test Beam Experiments Fire charged particles into sensor modules and determine where on the sensor hits occurred. In this set up we are most interested in the edge of the sensor. Expose one portion of sensor to large amounts of radiation to simulate non-uniform radiation in detector setup. Measure sensors performance afterward. Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis Test Beam Setup Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Test Beam Data Analysis Reconstruct paths of charged particles and determine if a hit occurred, and if the sensor measured the hit. Measure how efficient the edge of the sensor is at detecting hits from the particles. After sensors have been irradiated, repeat test beam and measure how non-uniform radiation changes sensors performance in the irradiated region. Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis Histograms Reserved for showing histograms Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13
Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis Summary 3D silicon sensors are a particle detector technology with advantages over planar sensors for the AFP experiment. Test beams are used to test how well the sensors will perform when they are installed in the LHC. By analyzing the data from the test beams, we can understand how and where to make improvements on detector technology. Pixel 3D Sensor Test Beam Analysis 8/1/13