Port Agent, Houston Pilots Dredging Your Docks 2014 JJ Plunkett Port Agent, Houston Pilots
Houston Pilot Responsibilities Protect interests of State of Texas and citizens of Harris County by safeguarding: Waterway Environment Port infrastructure Vessel, cargo, & crew
Houston Ship Channel Hydrographic Data
But last 50 to 70 yards are a mystery! Routine Hit & Miss “Indication of Shoaling”
Recommended Reading Coast Guard Sector Houston Galveston Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) 03-14 Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee “Best Practices for Berthing Area Surveys”
“Indications of Shoaling” May be able to dock, or may have to find lay-berth Impose a conservative draft restriction at dock Require hydro survey be complete prior to adjusting draft restriction Hydro survey: automated data acquisitioning system using a digital fathometer and a real time positioning system. The survey must show the dock lines as a reference and must be corrected to mean low tide (MLT). Review soundings with Houston Pilots & discuss dock dredge plan