Aguilar-Guevara & Schulpen
Enriched meanings?
Different kinds of meaning effects Entailment John loves Mary and Sue. > John loves Mary. > John loves Sue. > John loves Mary and Sue. Presupposition Holland stopped selling tulips to Namibia. > Holland sold tulips to Namibia before.
Different kinds of meaning effects Conversational Implicature (CvI) [Will Sally be at the meeting?] Her car broke down. > Sally will not be at the meeting. Conventional Implicature (CI) The rice pudding is still not ready. > The rice pudding should have been ready. Ames, who stole from the FBI, is now behind bars. > Ames stole from the FBI.
Different kinds of meaning effects Idiomatic meanings John kicked the bucket. > John died.
Criteria that distinguish the effects
Criteria that distinguish the effects Calculability Misleading term... "A meaning m conveyed by an utterance U in a context c is calculable iff m is derived by tracing a line of reasoning that leads from U to m and includes the assumption that the conversational principles are being obeyed."
Criteria that distinguish the effects Detachability Misleading term... "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is detachable iff the expression in S from which m is derived cannot be substituted by another semantically equivalent one without resulting in changes in m."
Criteria that distinguish the effects Reinforceability "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is reinforceable iff m can be stated explicitly without causing redundancy."
Criteria that distinguish the effects Defeasibility "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is defeasible iff m can be subject to cancelation or to suspension without causing a contradiction."
Criteria that distinguish the effects At-issueness "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is at-issue iff m is part of the main content of S."
What about enriched meanings? Calculability Misleading term... "A meaning m conveyed by an utterance U in a context c is calculable iff m is derived by tracing a line of reasoning that leads from U to m and includes the assumption that the conversational principles are being obeyed." Mary went to the hospital. > Mary went to get medical treatment.
What about enriched meanings? Detachability Misleading term... "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is detachable iff the expression in S from which m is derived cannot be substituted by another semantically equivalent one without resulting in changes in m." Mary went to the hospital. > Mary went to get medical treatment.
What about enriched meanings? Reinforceability "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is reinforceable iff m can be stated explicitly without causing redundancy." Mary went to the hospital. > Mary went to get medical treatment.
What about enriched meanings? Defeasibility "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is defeasible iff m can be subject to cancelation or to suspension without causing a contradiction." Mary went to the hospital. > Mary went to get medical treatment.
What about enriched meanings? At-issueness "A meaning m conveyed by a sentence S is at-issue iff m is part of the main content of S." Mary went to the hospital. > Mary went to get medical treatment.
What about enriched meanings? > Entailment with lexical restrictions. > Presupposition that is at issue. > Conventional implicature that is at issue. > Idiomatic meaning (with a compositional core).
Main question and rationale How strong are enriched meanings? Rationale If they are stronger than pragmatic implicatures, they're probably semantic.
Extra complication Problem Some nouns might simply trigger stronger pragmatic implicatures. Solution Include cases of 'weak definites' that are modified so that the weak definite reading is blocked.
Items Agent + location weak definite condition weak definite condition modified regular definite condition regular definite condition modified whenever the location was modified, the agent was modified as well
Predictions weak definite condition vs. regular definite condition weak definite condition vs. weak definite condition modified weak definite condition modified vs. regular definite condition modified
Results weak definite condition vs. regular definite condition weak definite condition vs. weak definite condition modified weak definite condition modified vs. regular definite condition modified
Questions and discussion