Midterm Exam Results 2:00 Class 3:30 Class 5 As 8 Bs 2 Cs 2 Ds 3 Fs.
Mapping Out the Speech: Outlines Chapter 11 Lecture/Recap
Blueprints of the Speech Preparation Outline—map out material Speaking Outline—map out delivery
When mapping out your speech…. State your specific purpose Identify the central idea (include in your intro) Label each part of your Intro, Body, and Conclusion Use consistent pattern State main points/sub-points as short phrases/keywords/incomplete sentences Label your connectives (e.g. transitions) Include a bibliography List in the speech where you will cite sources
On your note cards… Use framework of fuller outline Keywords and very short phrases Direct quotes and stats Make sure its legible Can also include delivery cues
Speech workshop Begin to map out your speech. Share with another classmate. Share with Dr. Goldman
Choosing Appropriate Language Chapter 12 Lecture/Recap
Be clear on the meaning Connotative vs. Denotative Accuracy Synonyms—which is appropriate?
Be clear Avoid jargon, technical language, etc. Use language familiar to your audience Abstract vs. Concrete Avoid redundancy and other clutter
Paint a Picture for the Audience Use vivid language Imagery(e.g. concrete words, similes, metaphors) Rhythm (e.g. parallelism, repetition, alliteration, anthithesis)
Use Appropriate Language Must consider… The occasion The audience The topic You, as a speaker
Be Audience Centered Use inclusive language Avoid offensive, insensitive language Examples of what NOT to use The generic “he” Stereotypes and Gender roles Names that groups do NOT use to identify themselves
Speech Activity Practicing your language use As you go through the activity, think about: What descriptive language would be helpful? How vivid language would be helpful? If concrete words would be more helpful? If you should use connotative meaning or denotative meaning?