1.INDEPENDENT HOTEL These hotels are on ownership basis . No affiliation/contract through any other property. No tie up with any other hotel with regard to policies , procedures and financial obligations. Adventage of the hotel is that they need not to maintain a particular image and are not bound to maintain any set target. They are autonomous.
2. MANAGEMENT CONTRACT HOTELS. Type of chain organization Operate properties owned by individuals/partners. Contract is entered on long term basis between the owner and operator. Owner retains legal and financial responsibilities. Operator pays for operating expenses and recovers from the owner on an agreed upon fee.
. MANAGEMENT CONTRACT HOTELS Owner is responsible for paying taxes ,insurance and debts.
3. CHAIN HOTELS. When single owned hotels / motels get affiliated to each other. Gives them large central organisation providing reservation system , management aid, financial strength , manpower specialities and promotional help.
CHAIN HOTELS REFFERAL GROUPS When independently owned and operated hotels join hands together. They share advertisement expenses. Have joint reservation system. Maintain standardized quality in each property. No shared management . No financial assistance.
CONCEPT OF FRANCHISE Means one company ties up with other company ,taking help of other company to run a business. It is a method of distribution where by one property has developed a particular pattern for doing business gives the benefit to other property. Franchisee owner grants another the right or privilege to merchandise the product or services for specified returns. The most important benefit is of belonging to one already known group.
CONCEPT OF FRANCHISE (cont). These organizations have a set standard for design , décor , equipment , operating procedures to which all the properties must adhere,, this helps them to grow and maintain the level of service. The franchisor usually offers national and international CRS , advertising campaigns , management training programmes , central purchasing facilities. If desired some also provide architectural construction , interior design services etc.
CONCEPT OF FRANCHISE The franchisee looks up on the franchiser for a strong brand name which helps in marketing the hotel . Some franchisers offer management services along with the franchising contact.
TIME SHARE This is new concept in India and is picking up very fast . Also known as vocation ownership or holiday ownership. Properties are usually at hill stations , beaches, forests etc. These properties typically involve individuals who purchase the ownership of accommodation for a specific week or weeks.
TIME SHARE Price of the property depends on the week one intends to buy. Guest can choose a peak season , semi peak or lean season. The owner pays a fixed price for certain number of years,,(20 to 30 years) , and has right to stay at the hotel during the rented weeks. Owner is required to pay the annual contribution towards the maintenance , electricity , gas , water , safety ,insurance etc.
TIME SHARE Owner has to pay a nominal per day rent for the services like telephone , kitchenette ,cable etc. owner can also rent out the unit from management . The concept started in 1960 by Alexander ma German who was the manager in Switzerland. Most common time shares in India are mahindra and mahindra .
TIME SHARE Owner can also exchange the resort with any other resort either directly owned by the same company or through exchange contract signed with any other company / management by paying a nominal fee. Owners are also allowed to exchange the week for which they are booked to any other subject to availability and off-course for some nominal price.
CONDOMINIUM HOTELS. Quite similar to time share. These are developed on joint ownership basis. Each owner purchases and has full right of a unit ,and shares the cost common to the complex such as taxes, insurance, maintenance and upkeep of public areas , swimming pool , health club etc. Each owner can occupy or sell his unit independently but is required to follow the rules and regulations laid by the management.
CONDOMINIUM HOTELS. The owner enjoys the benefits of property appreciation . It relieves the owner of maintenance worries . The owner can enjoy extensive recreational facilities exclusive to the complex . Condominium management looks after the unit in absence of the owner and if required let it to provide income.
OTHER HOTELS SUPPLEMENTARY ACCOMMODATION This group includes all forms of rented accommodation other than the above mentioned categories. Such as youth hostels , dakbunglows , forest lodges , dharamshalas , camping grounds(these are sights demarcated with amenities for living in open air in a tent . Usually camping sites fall in to four main groups those are transit , weekend , holiday and tourist use.
Green hotels These hotels are eco friendly . These hotels remind us of preserving our ecology. (cont)
HERITAGE HOTELS During pre partition days India has many princely states ,each state had its own king and kings had made various palaces for them and their family members residence . These were not only built in the capitals but also at various tourist resorts and business hubs. Domestic and foreign tourists have inclination to visit these old palaces . The GOI to boost up tourism and to preserve the Indian heritage , has started a scheme , where these old buildings can be converted into hotels and are called as HERITAGE HOTELS.
HERITAGE HOTELS The only condition was that the building has been built prior to 1950 (1935 current), and there should be no exterior change in the original building plan. The rooms ,bathrooms interiors can be modified to make it comfortable for the guest. Heritage hotels can be classified into three categories ( heritage grand, classic and heritage)
BOUTIQUE HOTELS Very small and expensive hotels. Mainly cater for elite class. Hotel is small but has two to three restaurants , each restaurant is decorated keeping in view a theme and the food served. The uniform of the staff , the menu even the way of welcoming the guest matches with theme.
CASINO HOTELS Means gambling houses. Hotel is meant for those guests who would like to spend more of their time in gambling. Casino hotels don't exists in India as gambling is prohibited.
BOARDING HOUSES Establishments providing accommodation usually with meals and for a definite period of time commonly for a week or longer. The facilities are generally restricted to use by resident guests .
CONFERENCE HOTELS These are hotels specially designed to accommodate group meetings . Most hotels of this category offer overnight stay facilities to the conference delegates to make meeting a success . They provide leisure facilities such as golf course , swimming pool , fitness centre , jogging ,and may be spa also.
BREAD AND BREAKFAST INNS Establishments that provide room with breakfast ranging from continental to full breakfast ,main meals are not served. Located along commercial and holiday routes and in rural and resort areas.