Requirements for the Software Group (and agreed actions)


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Presentation transcript:

Requirements for the Software Group (and agreed actions) G4MICE Model of the Tracker and Spectrometer Solenoid Vacuum windows (Chris Rogers) He / Vac in Tracker Volume (Takashi Matsushita) Waveguides, patch panel, diffuser mechanism (Makoto Yoshida and Hideyuki Sakamoto) (2nd priority after CKOV) Reconstruction Track fit seed (Aron Fish) Navigation through field map (Malcolm Ellis) Alignment Need to define exactly what CMM measurements are required (to define position, orientation, etc of each station) (Takashi and Maiko) Need to know what the format of the CMM measurement output is (Maiko) Take CMM measurements and create G4MICE model (Maiko) This should be done for Station 5, one view at a time (Geoff) Surveying in the MICE hall should be discussed later on Malcolm Ellis - Tracker Meeting - 7th August 2006

Requirements & Actions continued Decoding Code and data files produced by Takashi are to be imported into G4MICE and used for Aron’s analysis of the KEK data (Takashi Matsushita and Aron Fish) The existing functionality allowing the use of the Osaka group’s format should be retained (Malcolm Ellis) QA / Fabrication Requirements Data Base – Agreed that for the construction phase an Access data base will be maintained at Imperial to contain all the information about the construction and QA process. (Ken) Once a longer term structure is defined for use in G4MICE for MICE running, the information from the Access data base will be imported into the new database. G4MICE will be used for offline processing of the data taken during station acceptance and used to decrease the data size and later on for the analysis of each station. (Maiko Takahashi and Malcolm Ellis) Malcolm Ellis - Tracker Meeting - 7th August 2006

Requirements & Actions continued Calibration For building Station 5, and likely for the full tracker assembly, the existing calibration code in G4MICE will be sufficient. A more sophisticated scheme needs to be designed (see below) for proper data taking. AFEIIt / DAQ Need to investigate the two plausible options for a DAQ for the station testing: UniDAQ – modification of code used in KEK Excel – modification of test spreadsheet to allow readout of multiple events from multiple boards (Maiko and Malcolm) Slow control / AFEIIT initialisation can be performed using a combination of the code written for the KEK test and the testing spreadsheet.(Maiko and Malcolm) The options and requirements for this system should be considered and a conclusion reached (perhaps at the DAQ workshop at DL in September?) Malcolm Ellis - Tracker Meeting - 7th August 2006

Requirements & Actions continued KEK Analysis Hideyuki Sakamoto and Aron Fish will complete their analyses and prepare a MICE Note each on their work. Once the MICE CKOV has been added to G4MICE, the ACC from the KEK test will be added to the G4MICE analysis (Aron Fish and Hideyuki Sakamoto) Data Base for MICE data taking Serious thought needs to be given to the requirements for a data base of running conditions and detector and beam line information for data taking. This should be discussed at the DAQ workshop at DL in September and the tracker group should give some thought to what information is going to be needed for the tracker. (Paul Kyberd) Malcolm Ellis - Tracker Meeting - 7th August 2006