Presented by: Ricardo Brown FLOOR FINISHES Presented by: Ricardo Brown 1
FLOOR STRUCTURE OF A FLOOR. Structural component made to provide a level surface . It is a horizontal sanitary surface that supports the occupants of a building, furniture and equipment. STRUCTURE OF A FLOOR. The floor is divided into three components Sub base Base concrete Floor finish
SELECTION OF FLOORING MATERIAL Cleanliness- The flooring should be capable of being cleaned easily, and it should be non-absorbent. Resistance- Should have effective resistance against absorption of oil, grease etc. Durability - The flooring should have sufficient resistance to wear, temperature changes, disintegration with time and decay. Tiles, marble, terrazzo, concrete, mosaic etc. are considered to be of best types.
SELECTION OF FLOORING MATERIAL Hardness- It should be sufficiently hard to resist indentation marks, imprints etc. likely to be caused by shifting of furniture, equipments etc. Maintenance - Flooring material should require least maintenance, repairs can be done easily. Tiles, marble, terrazzo, concrete etc. require less maintenance.
STONE FLOORING Marble flooring There are following types of stone flooring – 1-marble flooring 2-granite flooring 3-kota stone flooring Marble flooring Marble flooring is commonly is provided in places of worship and in public buildings having rich specification.
COLOURED MARBLE makrana Green marble Black marble Pink marble
LAYING OF MARBLE FLOORING The size of marble slabs to be used in flooring depends upon the pattern to be used. The slab for normal works are square or rectangular in shape and their thickness varies from 20 mm to 40mm. The flooring is laid on prepared sub grade of concrete or on RCC floor slab. Before laying of flooring, the sub grad4e in cleaned wetted and mopped properly. Then a layer of bedding mortar which can be 1:4 cement mortar(1 cement:4 coarse sand) or lime mortar is spread in average thickness of about 20mm under the area of each slab. The marble slab is laid on the top of the bedding mortar, pressed and tapped with wooden or rubber mallet.
Finishing of marble flooring
GRANITE FLOORING Granite has fine grains and it is harder than marble
There are mainly three types of granite- BLACK GRANITE GREEN GRANITE RED GRANITE
KOTA STONE FLOORING Kota stone is commanly 25 to 40 mm thick. It should be hard, sound,dense and homogenious in texture. it is done to obtain smooth surface.
LAYING Same as that of marble Except that the edge of slab to be jointed shuold be buttered with grey cement.
Tiled Floors
Tiled Floors The usefulness of tiles as a flooring material is due to Their pleasant appearance. It eliminates the possibility of cracks. Quick execution of flooring Constructed from square, hexagonal or other shapes Made of clay ( pottery), cement concrete or terrazzo. Available in different sizes and thicknesses. Commonly used in residential houses, offices, schools, hospitals and other public buildings, for floor to be laid quickly.
BASE FOR TILE FLOORING Flooring may be laid on reasonably rigid base. Surface of the base shall be rough to form suitable key with bedding mortar. The base, about 35 to 50 mm below the level of the finished floor, to be properly graded and free from lose earth, dirt, dust and lumps.
LAYING OF TILES Laying of Bedding Mortar- For pre-finished ceramic tiles – the bedding mortar used for this has the cement and coarse sand ration of 1:4 For glazed earthenware tile -the bedding mortar used for this has the cement and coarse sand ration of 1:3 Quantity of water should be such that it gives the motar sufficient amount of plasticity and also makes the mortar workable. Average thickness of bedding mortar = 20 mm Thickness under the tile = not less than 10 mm. Allowed to harden for 12 to 24 hours. Before laying the tiles, neat cement slurry is spread over the bedding mortar
Preparing the bed for laying the tile
LAYING OF TILES Tiles are laid flat, gently pressed into the bedding mortar with the help of wooden mallet. Before laying the tiles, thin paste of cement is applied on their sides, over the entire perimeter surface Next day Joints between adjacent tiles are cleaned of loose mortar etc. to a depth of 5 mm, using wire brush Then grouted with cement slurry of the tile colour. The slurry is also applied over the flooring. Then curing is done for seven days In Vitrified ceramic tiles – wetting of the back surface before laying is adequate. In Glazed earthenware tiles - tiles are soaked in water for an hour before laying.
Cutting of the Tile
Fixing of the tile after the laying of tile
VITRIFIED TILES Pre polished tiles having glazed surface. Made up of same or homogenous material Made of White burning clay, specially suited to the verifications process. Has special qualities like compaction, hardness, strength and ultra low water absorption VITRIFIED TILES
VITRIFIED TILES MANUFACTURE White burning clay is fired at 1200 degree Celsius in 111.3m kiln. This firing yields a tile that confirms all the parameters. Clay is then mixed with high grade, pure white burning minerals. Base concrete in a ratio of 1:8:16 or 1:6:12. and the cement and sand ration1:4 or 1:5 Tiles laid with the help of wet cement paste Gap between the tiles grouted by powder mixture.
VITRIFIED TILES SIZES 290 by 290mm - Rs 45 per sq. ft. THICKNESS 8mm or 10 mm
VITRIFIED TILES MERITS Scratch resistant. Fire proof. More durable. Easy maintenance. Less slippery. More glossy and is widely used in commercial purposes DEMERITS Non stain resistant. Costlier
CERAMIC TILE Ceramic tiles are not homogeneous tiles. Flooring made of these tiles as a basic material, is known as ceramic tile flooring. MATERIALS Clay Sand Crushed stone
CERAMIC TILE FLOORING DEMERITS OF CERAMIC TILE Cannot be used in heavy traffic. Does not last for long time. MERITS Water resistant
CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORING TILES These are available as (a) Plain cement and plain coloured tiles for general purpose (b) Terrazzo tiles with chips of varying sizes, and (c) Heavy duty plain cement / coloured tiles. SIZE: These are available in three sizes: 200x200x20 mm 250x250x22 mm 300x300x25 mm
Chequered tiles Laying of footpath Prep. of base CHEQUERED CEMENT CONCRETE TILES Chequered tiles Laying of footpath Prep. of base
CHEQUERED CEMENT CONCRETE TILES SIZES: Available in three sizes 200x200X22 mm, 250x250X22 mm, and 300x300x25 mm. RANGE OF DIMENSIONS: Shall not exceed I mm on length and breadth and 3 mm on thickness
CHEQUERED CEMENT CONCRETE TILES USED IN Footpaths Entrance Staircase of Public Buildings Foot Dyer Bridges Passages Driveways, etc. MANUFACTURE mixture of cement, natural aggregates, and colouring materials as required, by pressure process. Subjected to a pressure of not less than 140 kg/cm2
CHEQUERED CEMENT CONCRETE TILES TILE CHARACTERISTICS The center to center distance of chequers shall not be less than 5 mm and not more than 50 mm. The grooves shall be uniform and straight. The depth of grooves not be less than 3 mm. The edges of the tiles may be rounded.
COMPARISON OF CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS TYPES OF TILES Item CC ceramic tiles Vitrified tiles Common sizes 250x250, 300x300, 375x375, 400x400, 600x600, 600x400, 300x300, 450x450, 300x300 600x600, 600x400, 300x300, 450x450, 300x300 Thickness ( mm ) 20-25 8-10 Weight ( Kg/Sq M) 40-50 16-22 Water absorption (in%) 5-10 0-5
Terrazo and Mossaic flooring Mosaic Flooring is made up of marble chips laid on thin layer of concrete topping. Widely used in school, residential buildings, hospitals, offices and other public buildings. Terrazzo Is the specially prepared concrete surface containing cement and marble chips in proportion to 1:12 to 1:2
MOSAIC FLOORING MATERIALS White cement or grey cement. Marble chips, size varies from 3mm to 6mm. Tint of color as desired PREPARATION The sub base is prepared in ratio 1:6:12. It is 3 inch deep A 30mm deep plain cement concrete is laid in the ratio of 1:2:4.
MOSAIC FLOORING The finishing layer is of cement and marble dust mixed with marble chips. Cement and marble dust are mixed in ratio of 5:l cement and marble dust with marble chips, mixed in ratio of 1:2. Then grinding finishes the floor.
Mosaic flooring
The area is divided in to suitable panels of predetermined size and shape Strips are jointed to base concrete with help of cement mortar Thickness of strip may be 4 to 6 mm. Surface of base concrete is cleaned and wetted and then base concrete is laid in alternate panels. The surface is then cured for 7 days. It is then scrubbed and cleaned thoroughly and cement grout is applied again. After 6 days curing, final grinding is done with carborundom stone of 320-grid size. Then it is washed with dilute oxalic solution and finally the floor is polished with the machine
Stone chips Marble chips
SECTION THROUGH TERRAZO FLOORING Marble chips and cement Glass strip Cement concrete(1:2:4) Lime concrete Mortar screed SECTION THROUGH TERRAZO FLOORING
The propotion of terrago mix depends on the size of marble chips The propotion of terrago mix depends on the size of marble chips. But is generally taken 1:2 to 1:3 i.e. one part of cement to two or three pats of marble chips by volume. The total thickness of terrazo flooring is about 20mm. Colour Pigment to be used Proportion of Pigment Proportion of Cement Proportion of White Cement Red Red oxide of Iron One Unit 60ml 15-20% - Black Carbon Black One Unit 60ml 25-40% Pink Red Oxide 10%
It is used where Cheap construction is done Places where heavy articles are to be stacked. MATERIALS Brick Lime or Cement mortar Base concrete generally 75mm thick of ratio of 1:4:8 and lean cement concrete 1:5:10.
General LAYING OF BRICKS Bricks are laid on edge and on bed. The joint between the brick should not exceed10mm thickness The brick is protected from rain when mortar is still green. General The usefulness of bricks as flooring material lie mainly in their good wearing quality and ease of quick installation. The performance depends on the quality of bricks, bedding prepared and the laying is done. It’s done generally in low cost areas.
Laying The bricks shall be laid on the edge on 12mm mortar bed in plain or diagonal herring bone pattern. Each brick should be properly bedded and set home by gently tapping with wooden trowel handle or mallet. Its inside face is applied with mortar, before the next brick is laid and pressed against it. On competition of a portion of flooring the joints should be filled with mortar. The surface of the flooring during laying should be frequently checked with a straight edge. Curing Brick work should be protected from rain by suitable covering when the mortar is still green. Brickwork shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a period of 7 days.
Consists of cement concrete(1:2:4) thickness of 25,40 or 50mm. Laid over base concrete after proper sub base preparation QUALITIES Smooth, hard and pleasing in apperance. Posses good durablity. Economical. Does not required proper maintenance. Required skilled labor. Does not equalize the temperature. Can be easily cleaned Can carry expected loading and traffic.
USES This is one of the most common flooring used throughout the world for nearly all types of buildings like houses, shops, hospitals etc. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS CHOICE OF AGGREGATE: should be hard enough for good durability as well as abrasion resistance. WATER CEMENT RATIO: lower the water cement ratio, greater the durability and wear resistance. DENSITY OF FLOORING: flooring should be well compacted. density is increased with increase in density of finish. CURING: adequate curing is essential to ensure good wear resistances
CEMENT CONCRETE FLOOR FINISH Finish is laid with base concrete on ground. Topping is laid within 2-3 hours of laying the base concrete Base concrete imparts strength and have good wearing properties. , Base concrete Consists of 100 mm thick1:4:8 cement concrete Before placing the base concrete, the sub base should be properly wetted. Surface should not be finished smooth but kept rough to provide adequate bond for topping. Floor finishing Topping consist of 1:2:4 cement concrete with a minimum thickness of 25 mm. Topping should be placed in position as soon as possible but not later than 2to 3 hours of laying
Prep of base from (brick ballast)
TIMBER FLOORING Flooring in which timber is used is known as timber flooring. It is the most common flooring and it possess natural beauty.
MATERIAL USED IN TIMBER FLOORING In Artificial wooden flooring M.D.F boards are used For natural wooden flooring teak, oak, shesham etc are used. Different types are adhesive used in tmber flooring CONSTRUTION METHOD- Steps used in timber flooring- Firstly ground is levelled and compected properly. Over the compacted surface of ground,a layer of lime Concrete 10-15 cm. or cement concrete 5 to 8 cm thick is laid and properly compected. Small walls at a distance of nearly 1.5 to 2.0 c/c are constructed over the concrete bed.
Over the dwarf walls, timber beams generally size , called sleeper or needle are laid. The wooden boards ,generally 2-3 cm. thick and maximum width of wooden boards recommended is 10 cm. In another type of timber floor asphalt layer about 6mm. Thick laid over the lime cement concrete base.over this base timber joints are laid dividing the floor area in square or rectangles.timber planks 3-4 cm. thick over these joints. The wooden planks are joined by tongue and groove.
TIMBER PLANKS FLOORING Wall D.P.C plaster dado Tlmber planks 1.5cm. Lime concrete Asphalt G.L TIMBER PLANKS FLOORING
TIMBER PIECES FLOORING wall D.P.C plaster Wooden block or Saw dust tiles Asphalt 1.5cm. Lime concrete G..L TIMBER PIECES FLOORING
MERITS DEMERITS Scratch resistant Non fading Not much polishing required. Does not damage the sub floor. Elastic in nature DEMERITS Costlier than other flooring Not easily available It is usually used where temperature drop low. Non water resistant Maintenance problems Cannot be used where there is heavy traffic.
USES Auditoriums dancing halls Gymnasia squash courts and residential areas etc.
PVC SHEET FLOORING PVC flooring material is manufactured in different patterns to suite different conditions. Gives a resilient and non-porous surface. Burning cigarettes will damage the neat surface of PVC sheet. Rubber base adhesives are used for fixing.
LAYING AND FIXING Flooring shall be laid on the sub-floor and marked with guidelines Adhesive shall then be applied with proper tools. When tack free, the flooring is properly placed so that air is squeezed out. Roller shall be used.