SHMS Aerogel Detector Construction is complete SHMS Aerogel Cherenkov detector: 1 diffusion box, 4 exchangeable aerogel trays of indices 1.03, 1.02, 1.015, 1.011 Built with support of NSF MRI PHY-1039446 by a consortium led by CUA Consortium: CUA, University of South Carolina, Florida International University, Yerevan, JLab Construction is complete and detector has been installed in the SHMS Installed between Heavy Gas Cherenkov and 2nd scintillator plane Covers momentum range from 2-6.5 GeV/c The four aerogel refractive indices cover the momentum range required by the experiments
SHMS Hodoscope Trigger Signal: (S1).AND.(S2X) SHMS Aerogel detector readiness Detector has been tested with cosmics using the SHMS hodoscope arrays as trigger Signals time distribution in fADC: Channel 14-32 for reals, Channel 52-70 for accidentals Pedestal and Single Electron Peak distributions (Fit values were used to calculate number of PE) SHMS Hodoscope Trigger Signal: (S1).AND.(S2X) S1 = (S!X).AND.(S1Y) S1X = (S!XL).AND.(S!XR) S2X = (S2XL).AND.(S2XR) All PMT channels are counting – hardware is ready
SHMS Hodoscope Trigger Signal: (S1).AND.(S2X) SHMS Aerogel detector performance Detector has been tested with cosmics using the SHMS hodoscope arrays as trigger Reflector material is different for the two indices shown (higher reflectivity for n=1.015) n=1.030 n=1.015 Inserts show accidentals Matsushita aerogel previously used in BLAST experiment JFCC new aerogel GORE reflector Millipore reflector SHMS Hodoscope Trigger Signal: (S1).AND.(S2X) S1 = (S!X).AND.(S1Y) S1X = (S!XL).AND.(S!XR) S2X = (S2XL).AND.(S2XR) Summed number of photoelectrons Summed number of photoelectrons Aerogel trays perform as expected – detector is ready for beam
SHMS Aerogel Detector Performance – prior to beam operations Lines denote expected light output Details available in: arXiv:1607.05264 Signal position dependence also as expected
SHMS Aerogel Detector – Final preparations Readout: plug into full SHMS system when ready – support from Hall C required Currently using smaller scale system similar to full SHMS readout Analysis software: test with full analysis framework - collaboration Analysis code has been adapted to SHMS Final preparation for operation with beam: install SP-30 aerogel tray – support from Hall C required initial refractive index needed by early experiment run group
SHMS Aerogel Detector Operations Operations Manual has been written to specify detector operations. Includes for example, Tray Exchange Servicing PMTs Configuration changes require coordination with Hall C work coordinator Responsible Personnel: CUA and Yerevan will be responsible for maintenance and control CUA: S. Ali, M. Carmignotto, A. Mkrtchyan, T. Horn Yerevan: A. Asaturyan, H. Mkrtchyan, V. Tadevosyan