PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET 2017-2018 School Year May 1, 2017 “To promote an educational experience which will prepare our students to develop high levels of academic achievement, engage in a lifelong desire to learn and develop a deep respect for life and its diversity in our global society.”
Board of Education Maria Flynn– President Lisa Marshall– Vice President Dina Bargiel Thomas Bolen Bob Kassai Mark Salemi Jo-Anne Mitchell Ron Pascrell Maryann Perro
Agenda Dr. Michele Pillari, Superintendent of Schools Budget Goals Mr. Tom DiFluri, Business Administrator Revenue Expenditures Discussion and Questions
Overall Budget Goal To provide the best possible educational program for the children of the Woodland Park School District while exercising the utmost diligence in the expenditure of public funds.
BUDGET POINTS Maintains all existing programs Add new full time art teacher position Add new AM Pre K Disabilities class and additional Resource class at Charles Olbon School Add PT Tech Support position in order to meet the demands of the 1:1 district technology initiative Add Period 0 STEAM class in partnership with PV, Totowa and Little Falls School Districts Reduce one section of Kindergarten, one section of grade 1 and one section of grade 8 Teacher training in GF increases from12 to 28,000 Federal Grants Additional 30,000 for teacher training and education consultants
BUDGET POINTS Reduce part time art teacher position Reduce one section of LLD at Beatrice Gilmore School Total employer cost for health insurance increases $227,000 or 9% Total employee contribution for health insurance increases from $554,746 to $633,754 or 18.4% of total premium cost of $3,448,659 Teacher training in GF increases from12 to 28,000 Federal Grants Additional 30,000 for teacher training and education consultants
Factors impacting the budget 2% Tax Revenue Cap Flat State Aid Special Education Costs Health Benefit Costs Labor Costs Unfunded State Mandates Schools have become dependent on expensive technology- wireless infrastructure to support PARCC, digital textbooks, computers, printers, servers, network switches
SOURCES OF REVENUE Reversed for cities
REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND 2016-2017 2017-2018 Increase/Decrease WITHDRAW CAPITAL RESERVE $0 $250,000 SURPLUS $237,153 $240,929 $3,776 LOCAL TAX LEVY $15,175,650 $15,701,406 $525,756 or 3.4% MISCEL. REVENUE $56,000 $43,516 $(12,484) MEDICAID REIMBURSE $22,325 $26,173 $3,848 EXTRAORDINARY AID $80,000 STATE AID $854,297 TOTAL $16,424,425 $17,196,321 $770,896
DEBT SERVICE 2016-2017 2017-2018 Increase/Decrease SURPLUS $1 $0 LOCAL TAX LEVY $541,769 $548,657 $6,888 TOTAL $541,770 $548,658 Last payment of $219,975 will pay off $2,265,000 15 year bonds issued 2001 14 years left on $6,200,000 20 year bonds issued 2010
HOW ARE THE DISTRICT’S FUNDS SPENT: Support services: Guidance, CST, Library’s, Nurse, Curriculum,
Required Spending Contracted Salaries Contracted Health Benefits Mandated Special Education Spending Tuition – Out of District Placements Professional Services (Attorney, Auditor, Architect) Essential Building Maintenance ( Utilities, Custodial, Repairs, Maintenance) Transportation Mandated Insurances including flood State Mandated Testing (PARCC)
Discretionary Spending Textbooks (Hard Cover & On-line) Optional Instructional Software General classroom supplies Improvements to programs, instruction Teacher training/Professional Development (evolving into mandated cost) School Security
COMPARATIVE SPENDING Total Budgetary Comparative Cost Per Pupil 2017-2018 Sources: School District Budget Statement and 2017 Taxpayers’ Guide To Education Spending Woodland Park BOE $14,416 Totowa BOE $14,536 Little Falls BOE $16,190 State Average(K-8 16-17) $15,901 Need to look further into data
COMPARATIVE SPENDING Ranking of 77 K-8 Districts With Enrollment > 751 Students Total Comparative Budgetary Cost Per Pupil 2016-2017 Ranking Source: 2017 Taxpayers’ Guide To Education Spending Totowa BOE 17/77 Woodland Park BOE 22/77 Little Falls BOE 34/77 Need to look further into data
Focus on Professional Learning PLANS FOR 2017-2018 Focus on Professional Learning Continue implementation of Language Arts Consultant. Continue Partnership with William Paterson University. Continue Partnership with The Madison Institute. Continue and further develop Readers and Writers Workshop Attendance of Teachers at the Columbia Teachers College Readers and Writers Summer Institute for intensive training. Continue implementation of Professional Learning Communities Continue with Regional PD Day and ongoing articulation/trainings Add training for implementation of Fundations Program for grade 2 and follow-up training for grades K & 1
PLANS FOR 2017-2018 Implement Wilson’s “Fundations” for grade 2 Increase technology resources for instruction use Implement Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment Implement of new Science Curriculum K-4 which is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards Implement Pearson Interactive Science Books and Resources for Grades K-4 Implement Language Arts and Mathematics curriculum revisions as revised to align with New Jersey Student Learning Standards Design and utilize benchmark assessments in order to implement strategic data driven instruction.
AVERAGE CLASS SIZE 17-18 Grade Projected Enrollment # Of Classrooms K 110 5 22 1 2 111 22.2 3 104 20.8 4 107 21.4 117 23.4 6 122 24.4 7 105 21 8 121 24.2
ENROLLMENT HISTORY 2% tax cap forcing schools to create new in district special ed programs that require additional space
FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED FOR 2017-2018 Charles Olbon School -Replacement glass block windows in gym to vented insulated windows School #1 -Possible flooring and lighting and miscellaneous code upgrades Facility Improvements beyond 17-18 BOE and administration identified approx. 3 million cost of remaining projects The challenge-future funding
TAX IMPACT OF BUDGET Local school district property taxes for the average home assessed at $344,741 will increase from $3,279 to $3,345 or $66 per year TAX CALCULATION: tax rate increases from $.9514 cents per hundred to $.9706 cents per hundred or 1.92 tax points(Residents must plug in homes assessed value then divide by 100, times .9706 for local school tax) Tax point =165,000
Questions? Thank you for your continued support of the children of the Woodland Park School District. Please submit any questions to the Business Administrator at