The Who, What , Where, When, Why and How Advertising The Who, What , Where, When, Why and How
WHAT is Advertising? The basics: Advertising is providing information, calling attention to, and making known something that you want to sell or promote. It is a multibillion dollar industry (more than $100 billion a year) in the U.S Advertising itself means “to announce”
Early Advertisements Village criers were among the 1st advertisers They announced the arrival of ships along the Nile, described goods in Babylon, called attn. to the slaves, animals & other ware available in Greek cities The invention of the printing press gave advertising a big boost.
WHEN did advertising start? According to Advertising Age: 1704: The first newspaper advertisement, an announcement seeking a buyer for an Oyster Bay, Long Island, estate, is published in the Boston News-Letter. 1742: Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine prints the first American magazine ads. 1938: Radio surpasses magazines as a source of advertising revenue. 1st commercial radio station w/ regular broadcasts is Aug. 20, 1920 1941: The first TV spots, featuring a Bulova watch that ticks for 60 seconds.
Sample of early advertisements
Why do people advertise? To promote or sell a product, a service, or an idea. Examples of what advertising is used for:
Examples: Products: clothes, food, cars, houses, movies/t.v. shows etc. • Services: housekeeping, handyman, hair stylists/barbers, etc • Vacation spots
Who Advertises? • Stores • People: political officials • Organizations/groups Make a list of the companies you think spend the most on advertising. How much do you think they spend a year on advertising?
According to Marketing Pilgrim The top BRANDS as far as how much they spent on advertising are as follows: 1. Microsoft – more than 20 percent of their annual revenue or $11.5 billion 2. Coca-Cola – more than $2.5 billion 3. Yahoo – more than 20 percent of their annual revenue or $1.3 billion 4. eBay – 14 percent to 15 percent of its revenue – which was $871 million, much of that to advertise on Google 5. Google – In the millions rather than billions of dollars – with $188 million 6. Starbucks – $95 million
Who spends the most on advertising in the UNITED STATES? During the early part of 2008, Proctor & Gamble topped all other advertisers on Nielsen’s list of top advertisers, with a total of $1.179 billion spent. They were followed by General Motors, which spent $646 million.
According to Ad Savvy Here is Nielsen’s complete list (in millions): 1. Proctor & Gamble: $1179 2. General Motors: $646 3. AT&T: $579.1 4. Verizon: $489.2 5. Pepsico: $455.0 6. Johnson & Johnson: $427.3 7. Toyota: $406.3 8. Time Warner: $391.1 9. Ford: $373.8 10. GlaxoSmithKline: $373.2
WHERE is advertising seen? Brainstorm a list of places you see advertisements. How many places can you come up with?
Ads are just about everywhere The media is the most obvious: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet Also: billboards, park benches, shopping carts, clothing, posters, vehicles, even the sand.
WHY do we need to be aware of advertising? It is all around us. It influences our daily living, and there are some concerns about it such as:
Concerns about advertising: Too much means we tune it out Too much also means it clutters the roadsides and causes “scenic pollution” Some people believe it makes us buy things we don’t need and promotes gluttony It’s not always truthful Others?
What are the good things about advertising? Makes us aware of new and improved products Sells items (good for businesses/products) Fosters competition (products want to be better, cheaper, have more sales)
Good or Bad, like television, you need to be approach ads critically. Be aware of gimmicks Be aware of appeals Be aware of the different aspects of advertising such as logos, jingles, slogans and how they affect you.
What are gimmicks? Typical gimmicks in products include using attractive colors, packaging, or other features that will attract a consumer's notice. A gimmick is a unique or quirky special feature that makes something "stand out" from its contemporaries. ..
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What are logos? They are graphic symbols or emblems commonly used by a company, product, and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition….such as?
Logo examples:
What companies are these logos for? The red bulls eye? The golden arches?
What are slogans? They are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product.
Examples: Can you hear me now? Do you have the bunny inside? Don’t leave home without it. Kid tested, mother approved. Others?
The Pause That Refreshes, 1929 Both logos and slogans might change over the years. For example, Coke’s slogans over the years: The Pause That Refreshes, 1929 It’s The Real Thing, 1941 Coke is it, 1982 The Real Thing, late 1980’s Always Coca Cola, 1990’s
And Pepsi’s logo has been:
How Much Do Ads Cost? According to The cost of billboard advertising ranges from about $700 to $2,500/mo. A full-page b/w ad in the Wall Street Journal National Edition will run $164,300. A full-page color ad runs $210,300 It depends on the paper: In Milwaukee a full-page ad is about $15,000. The average cost of producing a 30-second national TV commercial is nearly $350,000--this depends on time the commercial is aired.
Other Advertising terms: Brand name: A name that identifies a product, such as “Toyota” Product name: “title” of the product, such as Toyota “Camry” Jingle: Catchy song/tune associated with a product, such as Subway’s $5.00 footlong