A Critique of a TV Commercial By: Erin, Brandee and Connie
Step 1: Define the product. I watched a commercial for _________. The company is ______.
Step 2: Describe the commercial. What happened in the commercial? First... Then.. After that.. Finally... In the end...
Step 3: Analyze the commercial. What time of day did you see the commercial? What show were you watching when you saw the commercial? What were the important things in the commercial? What did you remember most about the commercial? Who do you think the commercial was made for?
Step 4: How does the commercial try to persuade the audience? The commercial uses __________ to try to persuade the audience. Ex: music language (the best, the most affordable) celebrities, etc. text (large, colorful font) experts (doctors say...)
Step 5: Do you think the commercial is realistic or honest? In my opinion, the commercial is/is not _______________ because ____________________________________.
Step 6: Do you like the commercial. Why or why not Step 6: Do you like the commercial? Why or why not? Would you buy the product? I like this commercial because ___________________. Or I don't like this commercial because _____________________. I would/would not buy this product because _______________.