1.6 Asking for and sending information You can ask for information in different ways Please can you tell me……. Please can you send me…… Please can you send me details of……
1.6 Asking for and sending information You can ask for information in different ways Please can you tell me the price of no.12 Please can you send me your catalogues. Please can you send me details of shipment.
1.6 Asking for and sending information If you are replying, you can first thank the person for their message. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your email, dated 6 June. Many thanks for your message, dated 6 June. Thank you for your - enquiry. order - offer
1.6 Asking for and sending information You can send the information they want. I am attaching details of……. I have pleasure in attaching…… I attach some information which I hope you find useful. I attach our price list and look forward to hearing from you.
1.6 Asking for and sending information You can send the information they want. I am attaching details of packing. I have pleasure in attaching our price list. I attach some information which I hope you find useful. I attach our price list and look forward to hearing from you.
1.6 Asking for and sending information Ending Sentence look forward to + n./ Ving (期盼) I look forward to hearing from you soon. expect to + 原V I expect to hear from you soon.
1.6 Asking for and sending information practice 1. 本公司很樂意附上一份最新的目錄與您 2. 請您寄一個樣品予本公司 3. 感謝貴公司10月22日的訂單
1.6 Asking for and sending information 1. 本公司很樂意附上一份最新的目錄予您 We have pleasure in attaching a copy of the latest catalogue. 2. 請您寄一個樣品給本公司 Please could you send us a sample 3. 感謝貴公司10月22日的訂單 Thank you for your order of October 22.
1.6 Asking for and sending information p.11 exercise You work for a company that sells mobile phones. What can you write in these situations? a. Someone has written asking for details of mobile phones that include a camera.
1.6 Asking for and sending information Ans: Thank you for your inquiry of October 1. I have pleasure in attaching our mobile phones that include a camera. Someone has written asking for details of mobile phones that include a camera.
1.6 Asking for and sending information You want to know more information about the new MI300 Henrison mobile phone and when it will be available.
1.6 Asking for and sending information Answer c. Please can you send me more information about the new MI300 Henrison mobile phone. Please could you also tell me when it will be available.
1.6 Asking for and sending information Question The air conditioner in your shop doesn’t work. You want a list of service centers.
1.6 Asking for and sending information Answer d. The air conditioner in our shop doesn’t work. Please could you send me a list of service centers.
1.8 Practice To: Next Travel<info@nextravel.com> From: Renate MakosCh <r.makosch@observer.lorg> Subject : a__________________________ Attached: pricelist.pdf Dear Sir or Madam This year, the Daily Observer newspaper will print a special report on travel agencies. We were wondering if you’d like to put an ad in it. I attach our price list and look forward to hearing from you. b___________________ Renate Makosch
1.8 Practice: the Answer To: Next Travel<info@nextravel.com> From: Renate MakosCh <r.makosch@observer.lorg> Subject : Observer Special report Attached: pricelist.pdf Dear Sir or Madam This year, the Daily Observer newspaper will print a special report on travel agencies. We were wondering if you’d like to put an ad in it. I attach our price list and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Renate Makosch
1.8 Practice: the Answer ad = advertisement (n. ) 廣告 commercial 1. 商業的 2. 廣告 例: TV Commercial We were wondering if you’d like to put an ad in it.
1.8 Practice To: Ms I. Morales<IsabelMorales@iol.it> From: Tom Lander <tlander@sportscars.co.uk> Subject : c__________________________ Attached: Swiftzx.doc Hi! Thank you for your email about the Swift ZX series sports cars. I attach some information which I hope you will find useful. Bye for now. d___________________
1.8 Practice : the Answer To: Ms I. Morales<IsabelMorales@iol.it> From: Tom Lander <tlander@sportscars.co.uk> Subject : Swift ZX series Attached: Swiftzx.doc Hi! Thank you for your email about the Swift ZX series sports cars. I attach some information which I hope you will find useful. Bye for now. Tom Lander