JASMINE HAIR OIL INTERACTIVE SHELVES ONE FREE ON SELLING TWO Scheme #1 Displaying JASMINE HAIR OIL INTERACTIVE SHELVES near the cash counter of the modern day retail stores like big bazar, Walmart, spencer WHAT IS JASMINE INTERACTIVE SHELF It will have two mirrors one will be rusty other one will be shinny People will look in the rusty but seeing the clear SHINNY mirror they will shift to the clear mirror Then it will be written for them “people who chose to be shinny and smart choose JASMINE hair oil” Putting in people’s mind that shine is much more appreciated than normal/rusty #2 ONE FREE ON SELLING TWO Scheme For grocery shops we can use this scheme Sell two cartons and get one cartoon free scheme The money earned from selling the free carton will give the shop keepers incentive to increase the word of mouth of the product
SHINE TO WIN ( NATIONAL FASHION COMPETITION FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS) #3 SHINE TO WIN ( NATIONAL FASHION COMPETITION FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS) Start a face hunt competition “SHINE TO WIN” Go to colleges and ask students to gather in auditorium Keep a surprise audition judged by a celebrity( to attract participation) RULES & GUIDELINES Every college winners will get exciting goodies + dinner with celebrity + will be featured on social media Regional winner will become the face of the month, where they will win a certain cash prize + be on the cover of the hair oil products of their region for a month National winner will Act in the TV commercial of the PARACHUTE JASMINE HAIR OIL PRIZES Students cannot leave the auditorium Students have to style their hair using the JASMINE HAIR OIL and have to walk the ramp A college winner will be chosen who will be chosen for regional round After which all the college winner from a particular region will be made to compete The regional winners will go to the national finals
HOW DOES MY HAIR LOOK APP (FOR MOBILE) #4 HOW DOES MY HAIR LOOK APP (FOR MOBILE) Mobile apps is something which every member of the TG uses Making an mobile app called “How does my hair look” will engage people and increase brand awareness HOW WILL IT WORK ROUGH DRAFT OF MESSAGES ( every time a different message with the same intent will be displayed ) Install the app Log in with Facebook ( to have idea about age and gender ) Click a selfie And like the “Microsoft age guesser” they will rate your hair on the scale of 1 to 10 with customized messages Share the selfie on your Facebook wall options 1 to 5 --- still time dress up and apply jasmine hair oil to shine 6 to 7- *whistles* you look good but look better and shine with jasmine hair oil 8,9 – perfect and awesome 10--- share in Facebook and win rupees 100 mobile recharge MARKETING OF THE APP It can be done by the parachute advansed page which has more than 700k likes and followers Offline marketing strategies like poster with QR code for installing the app can be used pasted outside cinema halls, saloons e.t.c
POSTERS FOR CINEMA HALLS/ RESTAURANTS/SALONS #5 POSTERS FOR CINEMA HALLS/ RESTAURANTS/SALONS Interactive posters pasted in the washrooms of cinema halls, restaurants, Salons as shown in the sample poster on the right Oil dispensers installed in these washrooms so that they can test it instantly Thus positioning correctly in TG THESE WILL BE MIRRORS WHERE PEOPLE CAN SEE THEMSELVES #6 SOCIAL MEDIA One of the most important means of marketing The apps that we talked about can be marketed in the facebook page of PARACHUTE advansed which has 700k + followers The college competitions that we talked about can be marketed in social media Hairstyling techniques posted every week Creating a fictional character jasmine and making hair care suggestions through comic strips Old school methods like selfie competitions etc. are always helpful