Environmental Health Australia Manager’s Forum Project: Induction tool for EHOs Project working group: Karen Rokicinski, Karen Ferres, Darren Isgar, Verity Jennings/Adam Filipi
Relevant & credible Specific to current South Australian context Links to enHealth EHO skills and knowledge matrix Based on tool by Gold Coast City Council Assumes EHO is fully qualified
Purpose Not designed to replace standard Council induction processes Not a training manual Consistency of EHO induction across Councils Designed for new, qualified EHOs OR Experienced EHOs being inducted into new portfolio areas or new to South Australia Assist sole/rural EHOs and their managers to guide EHO learning/development Non-mandatory program Non-EHO managers don’t necessarily understand what their EHO needs to learn
Content General information on qualifications, Authorisation, Delegations relevant to an EHO Overview on enforcement Pre-induction self assessment survey to guide/inform training plan Series of competency assessment tables
Competency assessments Underpinning skills and knowledge Swimming & spa pools Wastewater Drinking water/other recreational water Food surveillance (inspection & audit) Indigenous environmental health Sustainability & climate change Emergency & incident management Immunisation High Risk Manufactured Water Systems Vector and pest control SRFs One off/mass events & festivals
Competency assessments
Content (continued) Training plan Statement regarding the need for ongoing professional development