Hackathon Day Presentation May 29, 2015
The IBM Durban hackathon Blue muffin Mix Team.
The Need: The Need is to create an interaction with the Museum and the people while increasing foot traffic. The Citizens of Durban. The importance is to increase the foot traffic of the museum.
Your Solution: Our Solution is an App Called the Time Machine, and the time capsule of photographs within the website.
The Scope. We have an interactive Website where the Citizens of Durban may upload Historical information of their Family past that had an impact in KZN or the EThekwini Municipality. The App will link to the Website, and once a person scans an artifact they will be forwarded to the website which will entail a time Line of the Artifact The website will lastly direct citizens to visit the museum for further reference
home Museums blog about Nat Nakasa Exhibition DURBAN HISTORY MUSEUMS home Museums blog about Nat Nakasa Exhibition ends 03/23/2016 current exhibitions see more /Link/>> latest news © Durbanhistory museums Old Court House Museum, Durban. kzn, 4001 see more >>
The Time Machine Version 1
Family took this picture Time Machine Time Machine Time Machine In 1934 during World War II, a soldier sending a post to his Family took this picture of the Durban City Hall while making his way to the battle grounds of Germany 1874 For More LINK TO
What’s next We plan to improve photo recognition on the App. The app will then take a pic of the building, and have a short historical reference of the Building will appear. After that, the app will show you where the nearest Museum with the information is located.
What’s next We plan to improve the Website by having a short time-lapse film of one Historical Building at a time which will appear after a visitor enters. After that, the website will show you a map of the nearest Museums where the information is located.
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