Home Campus Tutorial https://fhsaahome.org/login.php The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Browser Compatibility The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Welcome Screen This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Welcome Screen 1. Basic Account Info. 3. FHSAA To Do List 6 4. 5. 2. Tool Bar The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Set-up This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
School Setup The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Your Account Add New User Button S. Young Syoung@fhsaa.org Edit Your Account Update Your Account Settings Add Sports to your account Need to add Sports under your account to display teams. The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Set-up - Facilities Step 1a Search for the off-site facility first to avoid duplications Step 1b If the facility does not exist, then Click on “Add New” Add New The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Set-up - Facilities Types of Facilities On Campus Would include any facility on your campus Off Campus Other facilities that you use not on you campus Reminder – Off Campus facilities are shared by all member schools To avoid duplication Step 3 FHSAA Geographic Location Added Facility The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Adding Software Users & Other Personnel This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
School Setup – Your Account/ New Users Add New User The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Your Account/ New Users 1. General New User Information 2. Position Dropdown box 4. If you purchase the upgrade you can add non FHSAA sports and activities 3. List of FHSAA Committed Sports The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Users 6. User Permissions 5. User Types School Administrator - Has Full Access School User - You Assign Them Access Remember To Save! The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Athletic Faculty This page will be automatically generated as you add USERS. You must add your staff to USERS for logins. Anyone added here will not have access to the software. The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Coaches This page will be automatically generated as you add USERS. You must add your Head Coaching staff to USERS for logins. Anyone added here will not have access to the software. Suggestion: Add Assistant Coaches Here The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – School Info Update the Following: Representative Primary AD School Enrollment School Website Upload School Logo The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Game Reminders This a an optional reminder which will be sent out to you and your opponents about upcoming contest The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Adding & Importing Athletes This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
School Setup – Students Adding Athlete 1-by-1 Upload Template Example The Template will be saved in Your Defaulted folder The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Entering Student Athletes One-by-One Select additional options you would like to display for each athlete (Optional) FHSAA Requirements When applicable The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Students Click “Add New” Remember to SAVE! The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Example Template Downloaded Format: Excel Add 2017-18 Students MUST Keep Headers and Column as is – Do not Edit This can be shared with any other 3rd party software company 3rd party company questions: homecampus@fhsaa.org The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Importing Student Athletes Current Import Fields Last Name Middle Initial First Name Birth Date Gender Year Student Id Email Address City State Zip code Country Home Phone Parents Names GPA Eligibility Fathers Cell Mothers Cell Fathers Email Mothers Email Meetings Code Of Conduct Allergies Health Insurance Doctor Preferred Hospital Clearance Notes DE9 EL2 / Physical EL3 EL5 GA4 INS TYPE DOE Race Equity FHSAA Required Information – If applicable to student Required to enter student The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
School Setup – Column Formatting #1 – Date Fields: Formatting for the date must be 7/26/17 in order to import correctly. #2 – Gender: This must be written out fully, either “Male” or “Female” #3 – Insurance: This must be written out fully, either “Yes” or “No” #4 – Type: Traditional will be indicated with “T” and Non Traditional will be indicated with “NT” #5 – DOC Race: For this column, please use one of the following: Other, White, Black or Hispanic Check for “erroneous” characters within the cells. Check student names for “extra” characters. For example, if a student name contains an [‘] apostrophe, these characters must be removed to upload your data successful. The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Editing This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Team Listing Levels Manager Varsity JV Freshman Middle School Middle School JV The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Listing – Level Manager Add Levels Manager Varsity JV Freshman Middle School Varsity Middle School JV 1. Select the level to add 2. Click Add level These levels would be added to each sport even if you don’t have the team The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Editing Select Default Facility Add Team Picture Add/Edit Coaches 5. Add Contest, etc. 1. 3. 2. 4 Select Default Facility Add Team Picture Add/Edit Coaches 4. Add players to the Roster 5. Add contest, etc. The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Editing – Adding Team Pictures Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Upload Picture from your computer Select where the picture is saved Chose the photo Click Upload Picture The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Editing – Adding Coaches Step 1 . Dropdown of All the coaches you have listed in the system Add Add Button Step 2 . Step 3 . The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Team Rosters This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Team Editing – Adding Athletes to Roster Step 1 . 1 Step 2 . Click on >> or << to move Athletes Click on Athletes to Add Click Save Step 3 . The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Adding Events This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Add Events Add Game: Used to add contest to your sports Add Event Type Buttons “Add New Game Template” Add Game: Used to add contest to your sports Add Practice: Used to add Practices to sports Add Team Event: Used to add Individual Sports contest Does not need contracts for the 2017-18 year School Event: Used to add non athletic events to your calendar Non School Event: Used to add events to your calendar when your school facilities are being used by non school groups The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Add Events – Add Game Add games one-by-one Add Multiple game at once Menu Locations: Home Page Each Team Page One-by-One scheduling Add games one-by-one Add Multiple game at once The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Add Events – Add Game (1-by-1) Schedule Conflict Message Enter all Info. Save! The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Add Events – Add Game (1-by-1) Schedule Color Code Additional Details Event General Details Contract Status The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Game Contracts This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Games and Contracts – Contract Creator HOME Game contracts are automatically accepted/”signed” as you schedule them. Copy box will “place” the game onto your schedule Agree & Sign – Signs the contract Once the AWAY contract is signed(checked/saved), it will then appear in your “Executed” list “Copy Link” – is used for NON-FHSAA school contest The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Games and Contracts – Contract Creator Reminders: You are signing Away contracts Use the schedule color code to see if you are missing signatures HOME AWAY Contract Status The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Online Directory This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Online Directory Reminder: Please update your Users and Staff For directory updates NFHS Rules Apps FHSAA Communications The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Forms This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
FHSAA Forms Types of Forms Downloadable Forms - www.fhsaa.org/forms Eligibility Forms - Eligibility and Compliance Forms Drop/Add Surveys Elections 5. Additional FHSAA forms Start a new form The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
FHSAA Forms Student Appeals Eligibility Eligibility EL4 - Registration Form for Youth Exchange, Other International or Immigrant Student EL13 - Registration Form for New/Returning Non-Traditional Students Participating in Athletics at a Member School EL15 Registration Form for Home Stay Students Student Appeals EL10 - Request for Eligibility Ruling EL11 - Request for Sectional Appeals Committee Hearing School Appeals EL11 - Request for Sectional Appeals Committee Hearing The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
FHSAA Forms Fill out the pertinent information for the form and click SAVE/SUBMIT The FHSAA will process the form The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
FHSAA Forms Each form submitted to the FHSAA will appear in the list Click on Details to view the request and FHSAA response You will be notified when a form is processed or if additional information is required EXAMPLE The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
FHSAA Forms – Drop/Add Select which request you would like to start Chose options SAVE/SUBMIT NOTE: Check Team Page for Current Assignments The FHSAA will process the form. Results are reflected on each sports assignment page The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Reports This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Can be modified by other 3rd party assigning software FHSAA Reports Import for Arbiter Can be modified by other 3rd party assigning software The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Widgets This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Widgets Definition: A small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by an end user Step 1 Step 2 (2) Your IT Department can add these to your established websites for display The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Home Campus Support This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
ALL OTHER QUESTIONS, SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE FHSAA STAFF FHSAAHome Help THIS TICKET REQUEST SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR BUGS! Error messages Buttons don’t behave as intended Software not loading ALL OTHER QUESTIONS, SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE FHSAA STAFF www.fhsaa.org/homecampus The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
FHSAAHome Help Search Articles: These are currently being updated for FHSAA Additional Resources: www.fhsaa.org/homecampus The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Future Updates This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-
Clearance Package Upgrades If you are interested in upgrading your schools package, please email: Homecampus@fhsaa.org The Florida High School Athletic Association . . . building leaders through teamwork, sportsmanship and citizenship.
Questions This PowerPoint presentation from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) covers the following: 2014 NFHS Football Rules Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Editorial Changes- 2014 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis- 2014 NFHS Football Rules Reminders- 2014-15 NFHS Football Information-