OBJECTIVES OF IQAC The basic purpose of establishedment of iqac is to develop a system for highly effective functioning of various academic and administrative activities of the college. To provide quality education for girls. To promote personality development in girls. To improve managerial quality in girl students. To engage the students in community development activities. To provide a safe and healthy environment to our girls. To bring out hidden talents of the girl students. To promote computer literacy. E
S SIGNIFICANCE OF IQAC Girls empowerment. Skill development/ personality development. Various social work in nearby areas. Entrepreneurship through self employment cell. Special lectures by experts. Leadership through student union. Various activities through committees. Proper implementation of policies and development plans. Academic audit committees monitor the proposed work as per government academic calendar. S
Workshop, seminars for students. Basic knowledge about computer operations.
IQAC IN MY COLLEGE Establishment-We had IQAC in the college IQAC IN MY COLLEGE Establishment-We had IQAC in the college. IQAC established in the session 2013-14,dated 30.07.14,but fully functional IQAC started functioning from the session 2014-15.
COMPOSITION OF THE IQAC IQAC members are taken as per guid lines of UGC for Naac. Principal and chair person- Dr. S.R.Kamlesh. Co-ordinator- Dr. Naaz Benjamin. Members from faculty-Dr. Aarti Singh Thakur Smt.Shobha Mahishwar Dr. Shashikala sinha Dr. Rajkumar Sachdev Dr. Deepak Shukla Administrative member- Dr. ArunSingh Bilaspur University External Experts- Dr.Manju Tripathi(pricipal) Govt.Mini Mata Girls College, Korba Dr.Seema Mishra,Assitt.Prof. Govt.Bilasa Girls College,Bilaspur Dr.Manju Mitra-Ex-Principal.
Session 2013-2014. Meeting of IQAC First meeting held in dated 24.10.2013. Second meeting held in 15.02.2014. Session 2014-2015 First meeting held in 12.08.2014. Second meeting held in 01.0315. Session 2015-2016 First meeting held in 20.07.15. Second meeting held in 29.10.15.
The major decisions taken by IQAC Enhancement of Academic activities. Proper conduction of internal Assessment. Use of power point presentation in class. Organising expert lectures and work shop for the students. Guidance to weak students through tutorials. Extension Activities-through Red cross and N.S.S. Health check-up of students. Promote participation in seminar/conferences and encourage publication. Participation in Government campaigns to generate awareness on important issues. Organising ‘Aadhar Card’ camp for the students, parents and people of the neighbouring areas.
To send proposal for National seminar on interdisciplinary topic. Organise ‘Alumni meet’. Monitor shishak Abhibhavak yojna in college. Organising certificate courses for skill development. Enhance activities of self employment cell. Organize “Anand mela” in the college to develop managerial skills and entrepreneur qualities in students. Enhancement of career counselling activities.
Proper implementation of Academic programme. Decision Implemented by IQAC Proper implementation of Academic programme. Expert lectures organised. Workshop on ‘Win English’, ’stress management’ and ‘Human Rights Organized’ Extension Activities Conducted in chingajpara. Health check up. Blood group test of the students done. Participation of students in Government campaigns under sveep programme and swach Bharat Abhiyan. Proposal send to UGC for National seminars. ’Anand mela’ organized. Visit to I.T.I. Organized for career guidance. Certificate course in self empioyment and ‘Swam Siddha’. Alumni meet organized. Shikshak Abhibhavak yojana. Enhanced participation in seminars/ conferences and more published work.
IQAC contributes to improve the teaching process. Contribution to Session IQAC contributes to improve the teaching process. Motivating faculty members to enhance their research related activity. Motivating teachers to use power point presentations in class rooms. The teacher are required to submit their programme schedule for the activities to be conducted for the students by the department or committee in the academic year. Obtaining feedback from parents on course and teacher performance. Obtaining feedback from parents and Alumni. Analyzing the feedback and taking necessary action.
Student Performance and Learning OutComes Highlighted in college magazine. Most of the pass outs of our college get admitted to various institutions for higher education. The pass out students of our college are placed with C.G.PSC, public/private sectors, state government and also engaged in teaching jobs. Some students of the college are also engaged in self employment. Some are Entrepreneur. Thanks