Speech of Tribute
Purpose The purpose of a tribute speech is to stimulate and strengthen the audiences' sentiments of adoration and excitement about a person or a group. Recognize and celebrate accomplishments Honor a person you know and admire Person does not have to be famous Inspire, entertain, honor Describe impact of person on others
Aim The speech of tribute aims to honor, praise or celebrate an individual, an entire group, an institution or an event. It's even possible to celebrate an idea or a place. Tribute speeches are often given on the occasion of the success.
The Golden Rule Inspire your audience, rather than to inform them. Generate respect for the subject being honored
Examples Honor veterans who completed their mission successful. Praise their courage and accomplishments. Honor your co-workers at a ceremony that marks the end of an important building project. Praise and celebrate their co-operation and merits.
Essential Elements 1. First start with identifying the subject. Note down the major bare facts. Is the person, group event, the institution, the idea, or the place historical or contemporary? Is the subject well known or famous? Because of what? Is the subject someone you love or who you have loved? Formulate one simple sentence to express why. Does the subject make you happy? Why?
Essential Elements…Cont’d 2. Briefly describe the qualities that are necessary to be honored in a ceremony like this. What makes the subject different? What are the unique and great qualities of the subject? What are the credible examples of the major accomplishments?
Essential Elements…Cont’d 3. Your audience has to recognize the unique qualities of the subject. Research specific aspects. Look for hidden information and observations to strengthen respect.
Essential Elements…Cont’d 4. Come up with a brief story, an illustration, a creative and organized visual aid, or figurative language? Can you reveal any not well known factors or achievement? How does your subject benefit society?
Essential Elements…Cont’d 5. If your subject is an individual who is being praised, then mention some valuable community activities, contributions in professional life that are or were important for the honoree. Can you refer to any professional accomplishments? Her or his personal values?
Essential Elements…Cont’d 6. Praise the special characteristics or virtues. Tell the public an insight story, but only mention the positive sides.
Essential Elements…Cont’d 7. What are the major specific characteristics? If it is a person: can you refer to an essential incident that gives more insight in the personality and character of the person? Do you know examples of the characteristics? For example, compassion, kindness, great defender of family values. Can you describe an experience of your own with the honoree?
Essential Elements…Cont’d 8. End your speech with a statement the audience members have to remember. Can you summarize why you do truly respect the honoree? Can you come up with a one-liner that captures the essence of the subject? If yes, will it help the audience to reacquaint with the qualities of your subject and why it, she or he is worthy of being honored?
Advice 1. Be credible and sincere. 2. Stay polite and honest. 3. Remember, do not exaggerate. It can make the listeners feel embarrassed if you exaggerate tribute speech topic
Rehearsing Tips Highlight important words and phrases. Mark pauses and places to breathe. Rehearse in front of a mirror. Make a tape recording and play it back, listening for poor quality. Rehearse at least four or five times.
Delivery on the Day Enter with typed speech in a folder. Look at the audience, arrange your papers, and greet them. Express gratitude for having been invited. Proceed with your speech. When you reach the end of your speech, thank them.
CONCLUSION INSPIRE – it is not a biographical list of facts. Focus on the worthy life of the subject. Write with passion; remember requirements. Practice makes perfect: rehearse.
Assignment 1-Speech of Tribute Due Date is Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014. -See posted guidelines and examples