‘Choose to be a well being’
WALT: identify the 5 aspects of wellbeing : think about our own wellbeing WILF: I can think about all 5 aspects of my wellbeing. I can understand that a high level of wellbeing requires all 5 aspects to be working well together.
Think about the word ‘wellbeing’ Break up the word ‘wellbeing’ and discuss its meaning. What other words could we use for ‘wellbeing’? What are the 5 aspects of wellbeing that we talk about at Oakhill Drive? Wellbeing aspects can be called SPECS. This ‘acronym’ helps us to remember them all. What is an acronym? Let’s take a close look at wellbeing though our SPECS! Purpose is to consolidate the meaning of wellbeing by breaking it up. Explain the term acronym Relate SPECS to spectacles, they help us see things better. We can look more closely at wellbeing using our SPECS
We can work on our wellbeing ANYWHERE! 5 ways to SMILE on the way to school This video uses some different words to talk about WELLBEING – Smile Move Imagine Learn Enjoy What is the acronym that this video uses? How do these words match to our 5 aspects of wellbeing - SPECS Smile – social (sharing our thoughts with friends, friends helping each other) Move – physical Imagine – emotional (it brings positive feelings) Learn – cognitive Enjoy – Spiritual (taking notice of what’s around, appreciating it and feeling peaceful)
SPECS = Birthday party! STOP and think of the BEST birthday party you could imagine…. Think, pair, share your ideas. Where would it be? What would you do? Who would be there? What games would you play? How long would it go for? Slide 4 Students pair share their words and share their answers with class.
Wellbeing – Birthday Party Activities If we imagine the 5 “SPECS” of wellbeing as being addressed by a birthday party, think about what parts of a birthday party would match our aspects of wellbeing… Stage 3 – Think of your birthday party and try to figure out what parts of the birthday party would fit under each aspect of wellbeing (‘SPECS’) Stage 2 – Work in 5 groups. Each group will brainstorm what things about a birthday party would go under the aspect of wellbeing they are given Group 1 – S Group 2 – P Group 3 – E Group 4 – P Group 5 – S Slide 6 Students imagine that the 5 SPECS relate to a birthday party. What parts of a birthday party relate to Social aspect? Physical aspect? Emotional aspect? Cognitive Aspect? Spiritual aspect?
Our wellbeing is like a birthday party Social (relationships) – Who is at the party? Physical (body) – What are you doing at the party? Emotional (feelings) – How do you feel at the party? Cognitive (brain) - How did you plan the party? Spiritual (belonging/purpose) - How do you feel about having the party? What would happen if you took one of the aspects away? Do we need to support all 5 SPECS to have a good sense of wellbeing? Why? Slide 7 What would happen if we took one of the SPECS away? What if we took away cognitive wellbeing – not planning a party = bad party, not as much fun, not enough food (links to physical) What if we didn’t have any social wellbeing? – No one comes, then makes you feel unhappy (links to emotional) What if there were no activities? What if people weren’t having fun? How would parents, or children feel if people didn’t say thank you or appreciate the party? Do we need to support all 5 SPECS to have a good sense of wellbeing? Why?
SPECS = Can we make a ‘Wellbeing Pie’? Next term we will talk about: Every slice of a pie is important to make a complete meal. What ingredients do you have in each slice of your wellbeing pie? Discuss - With the 5 specs of wellbeing we can make a wellbeing pie. For us to feel comfortable, safe and happy we need to fill our bodies with every piece of the pie. It is so important that we always look after our; Social Wellbeing: Relationships and friendships Physical Wellbeing: Our Bodies through exercise and eating healthy Emotional Wellbeing: Our Feelings Cognitive Wellbeing: Our Brain (what it thinks affects how we feel) - Spiritual Wellbeing: Our sense of belonging and purpose (who are we connected to in our everyday lives and why this is important) Note that next term we will discuss the ingredients of each piece of the pie. Every aspect of wellbeing is important to make us feel complete and well. What ingredients do you need to add to each slice of your pie?
Today we have looked at: SPECS The way our wellbeing is like a pie with 5 slices. It is not complete if pieces are missing. How our wellbeing in all connected and supports other aspects It’s important that we look after ALL SPECS to feel great! Could we create a wellbeing superhero for ODPS? Slide 9
Superheroes – what makes them strong? Brainstorm a list of superheroes and discuss what makes them strong. Special Clothes? Special accessories? Special vehicles? Special Food? Draw on students’ experiences
making him/her healthy in all ways! Wellbeing Superhero Can you develop a Superhero that has amazing Wellbeing who is: Physically strong Emotionally strong A good thinker A good friend to others Purposeful and appreciates life The wellbeing superhero puts good ingredients into his/her wellbeing pie, making him/her healthy in all ways! This superhero gets special powers by eating his/her healthy Wellbeing Pie.
Creating a Superhero! Superheroes and superpowers What or who would be the ‘arch enemy’ of this superhero? What would you call the superhero? What would the superhero wear? What would the superhero do? How could we use this superhero at school? Have a go at creating the Wellbeing superhero over the holidays. See the design brief! You could be famous as the Oakhill Drive’s superhero creator! Teacher distributes Superhero design brief and encourages participation
We can all be superheroes! A tribute to superheroes “turning pain into power” “struggle to make things right” Sometimes we struggle but, like superheroes, we have the power. Power to improve our wellbeing…and that makes things right! Play the song, encourage students to listen to the words. Discuss the words. Relate to our ability to increase our wellbeing which makes us able to do anything! Well almost!