Quickwrites Write “Quickwrites” at the top of the page. Draw a line halfway down by the hole, splitting your page in two. You have 5 minutes to write ½ a page. I’ll collect them when we’ve filled up a single sheet with 4 Quickwrites. Full credit will be earned for ½ a page of serious thoughts on the subject.
Perfection Your Idea of Perfection (per-fek-shuhn) - noun Describe in detail your idea of what a perfect world would be like. What things would be eliminated? What things would be added? How would you take care of the world’s problems?
Adulthood Adulthood…when? (uh-duhlt-hood) - noun If you had the choice to be considered an adult at age 12, would you do it? Explain your answer. What would you gain by doing this? What would you lose?
Complaints A Chance to Complain (com-playnt) - noun Take this time to complain about something that feels like a big deal to you right now. Talk about the emotions you are feeling and any injustice you think you are experiencing.
Color Life in Color (kuhl-er) - noun Describe what life would be like without color. What would you miss the most? Why? (NOTE: You can write about more than one thing that you’d miss. Just make sure to explain why.)
The Old Caring for the Old (the ohld) - noun In what ways are the elderly useful? Or not? Describe an experience you’ve had in which you cared for or watched someone else care for an older person. What emotions and feelings did you have? Were those emotions good or bad?
Safety Letting Us Choose (sayf-tee) - noun Jonas comes to the conclusion that letting people choose their own clothes, spouses, and even jobs would be dangerous. In what ways would it be safer (and even better) to have society choose things for us? What bad things would be fixed by having society choose for us? Is it more dangerous if we’re allowed to make our own choices?
Memories Erase Your Memories? (mem-uh-rees) - noun I would gain … If you had the power to erase the memories of all the times you have experienced pain (sadness, unhappiness, fear, grief, loneliness) would you want to do it? How would you change? I would gain … I would lose …
Back & Back The Memory Keepers In our society, who carries the memories of the past? What do the people with memories have to offer us? Do you care when they try to pass them down to you? Should we listen to them? If we don’t listen to them, how might it impact our lives?
Famous Fame or Being Remembered? (fey-muhs) - adjective If you had to choose, would you rather be famous and recognized during your life and then forgotten when you die OR be unknown during your life but then remembered after your death for doing something significant? Why? Explain your answer.
Giving That One Gift (giv-ing) - noun If you could give any one gift to any one person, what would it be and why? Explain the significance of the gift and why you chose that gift over all the other possibilities. (NOTE: Feel free to think physically, mentally, emotionally, politically, and even spiritually.)
Favorites A Few of Our Favorite Things (fey-ver-it) - noun This is a brainstorm. Divide your paper into two columns and jot down what comes to mind about each word. Love Family
Sorry Writing Apologies (sawr-ee) - adjective Write two standard, very formal apologies for offenses committed at your school. Model them after Asher’s apology for being late. “I apologize for inconveniencing my learning community.”
Pain Oh, the Pain! (peyn) - noun In a half page, describe the worst physical pain you have ever felt. Try to use as many sensory details as possible to fully describe it for the reader.
Love What is love? (luhv) - noun Split your paper into 2 sides. On the left, brainstorm all the things you love. On the right, define what you mean when you love that. pizza ???????????? cousin ????????????
War War Brainstorm (wawr) - noun For the next 6 minutes, create a brainstorm for the word “war.” What comes to mind when you hear the word? Jot down words, phrases, images, etc.
Legacy After You’re Gone (leh-guh-see) - noun What do you want to be known for? When people look back on who you were (your accomplishments and character), what do you hope they remember? What do you hope they forget? What lasting change do you hope you were able to help happen? How do you think you’re doing so far?