Spiritual Reflection… Brockington College - A Church of England Academy Spiritual Reflection… Learning to Live Life to the Full
Brockington College - A Church of England Academy Value: Wisdom Brockington College – A Church of England Academy WOW: Enlightenment TOW: Learning to Live Life to the Full
TOW: The mind is everything! As this is very true, let’s do some brain training to get our minds working well. Learning to Live Life to the Full
Big Brain Training
Choosing A or B, identify which side contains the largest amount of money! The box of the correct answer will then expand.
Which is more? A B
Which is more? A B
Which is more? A B
Which is more? A B
By looking at the 4 pictures identify which picture represents the question asked. The correct answer(s) will then flash.
Which is largest?
Which is smallest?
Order smallest to largest
Order fastest to slowest
Which is a reptile
Lives somewhere cold?
Follow the number of people which enter and leave the house Follow the number of people which enter and leave the house. Identify the number which are left at the end. The answer will then appear in front of the house.
Head Count 3
Head Count 6
Head Count 6
Follow the instruction and say either the colour of the word or the word which is written.
Say the colour of the word Green Purple Pink White Brown Blue Yellow Green Red White Orange Yellow Black Blue
Say the word Green Purple Pink White Brown Blue Yellow Green Red White Orange Yellow Black Blue
Say the colour of the word Blue Green Red Pink Purple Orange
Look carefully at the 4 pictures shown and order them alphabetically Look carefully at the 4 pictures shown and order them alphabetically. They will then flash in the correct order.
Order alphabetically
Order alphabetically
Order alphabetically
Order alphabetically
Order alphabetically
Study all the numbers shown and identify either the largest or smallest number. The answer will then flash.
Which is largest? 63 22 98 44 77 97
Which is smallest? 16 -22 12 -26 2 -15
Which is largest? 6 16 36 96 76 26 46 86 76
Which is smallest? 80 76 46 55 27 83 84 56 36 42
Which is largest and which is smallest? 104 84 14 74 84 4 24 54 34 64
Study the 6 number balloons which appear on the slide, order from smallest to largest. The balloons will then flash in the correct order.
Order smallest to largest 35 31 34 39 37 36
Order smallest to largest 92 40 73 16 56 21
Order smallest to largest 82 10 64 33 91
Look carefully at the picture in the centre of the slide Look carefully at the picture in the centre of the slide. Study the 4 shadow pictures and identify which number 1, 2, 3 or 4 matches the picture in the centre. The correct picture will remain.
Identify the shadow picture 1 2 4 3
Identify the shadow picture 3 1 2 4
Identify the shadow picture 1 2 3 4
Watch carefully as different shapes fly across the screen Watch carefully as different shapes fly across the screen. After the shapes have stopped moving recall the order. The correct order will then appear at the stop.
Remember the pattern
Remember the pattern
Remember the pattern
Letters will appear on the screen Letters will appear on the screen. Identify the word which can be made by reordering the letters. The correct answer will then appear on the screen
Scrambled letters e m s o r t n monster
Scrambled Letters t r i e e c i y c l t electricity
Scrambled Letters e a h p s i s p c Spaceship
Time for reflection/prayer… Learning to Live Life to the Full