Setting Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: purpose, persuade Grammar Workbook: ACELA1464 Identify synonyms in text. p. 68 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1464 Identify antonyms in text. p. 69 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 1 Selection from ACELY1670 Make inferences. ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 3 p. 2 Selection from ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 5 p. 7 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1591 Describe setting. ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook pp. 134-135 ACELT1591 Describe setting. (continued) ACELA1462 Explain how an author shapes characters. Term 3 book p. 58 pp. 136-137 ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 138 ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. (continued) p.139
Comparing Stories Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: inference Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify and use pronouns. p. 71 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify concrete and abstract nouns. p. 75 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 3 Selection from ACELT1591 Compare similar stories. p. 9 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 10 . p. 4 Selection from ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. p. 13 p. 14 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1591 Compare similar stories. ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 8 ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook p. 140 ACELT1591 Compare similar stories. (continued) ACELT1591 Describe setting. p. 141 ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. p. 11 pp. 142-143 ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. (continued) pp. 144-145
Quiz 1 Moral of the Story Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: confirm, prediction Grammar Workbook: ACELY1672 Edit text for correct punctuation. p. 76 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1467 Identify compound sentences. p. 77 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 5 Selection from ACELA1462 Identify the moral of the story. p. 17 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 18 p. 6 Selection from ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 8 ACELY1670 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1462 Identify the moral of the story. ACELT1591 Compare similar stories. p. 11 ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook p. 146 (continued) ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. p. 15 pp. 147-148 ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. pp. 149-150 Quiz 1
Social Dilemmas Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: persuade, opinion Grammar Workbook: ACELA1467 Write compound sentences. p. 78 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1465 Use commas in a series. p. 80 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 7 Selection from ACELA1462 Identify social dilemmas in stories. p. 21 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 23 p. 8 ACELY1670 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1462 Identify social dilemmas in stories. ACELT1591 Describe setting. p. 4 ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook p. 151 (continued) ACELA1462 Identify the moral of the story. p. 19 ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. p. 15 pp. 152-153 ACELA1468 Identify and use reflexive pronouns. p. 25 p. 154 ACELA1468 Identify and use reflexive pronouns. (continued) p. 155
Assessment 1 Assessment 1 Writing Sequels Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review Assessment 1 Writing Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: improve Grammar Workbook: ACELA1472 Identify prefixes. p. 81 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify proper and common nouns. p. 84 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 9 Selection from ACELT1593 Create a sequel to a story. p. 29 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 30 p. 10 Selection from ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 8 ACELY1670 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1593 Create a sequel to a story. ACELA1462 Identify social dilemmas in stories. p. 24 ACELT1591 Compare similar stories. p. 12 ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook pp. 156-157 (continued) ACELA1468 Identify and use reflexive pronouns. p. 28 p. 158 ACELT1591 Describe the impact of setting on characters. p. 159 Assessment Assessment 1
Responding to Stories Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: Grammar Workbook: ACELA1472 Identify suffixes. p. 85 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify noun phrases. p. 88 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 11 Selection from ACELA1462 Identify the moral of the story. p. 20 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELT1590 Respond to stories. p. 33 p. 12 p. 36 Selection from ACELT1593 Create a sequel to a story. p. 31 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1590 Respond to stories. ACELT1593 Create a sequel to a story. ACELA1462 Identify the moral of the story. ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook pp. 160-161 ACELT1590 Respond to stories. (continued) ACELT1587 Compare stories with similar central messages. p. 16 p. 162 Preview Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. p. 39 p. 163 Preview Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. (continued) pp. 164-165
Quiz 2 Year 3 Preview Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Mat time and review Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: shape Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify and use reflexive pronouns. p. 73 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify and use pronouns. p. 71 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 13 Selection from ACELA1462 Identify social dilemmas in stories. p. 24 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELT1590 Respond to stories. p. 38 p. 14 ACELY1670 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 3 ACELY1679 Use context clues. p. 43 ACELA1462 Identify social dilemmas in stories. ACELY1673 Handwriting Workbook p. 166 Preview Year 3 ACELY1679 Use context clues. (continued) ACELT1590 Respond to stories. p. 167 Preview Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. p. 40 pp. 168-169 Quiz 2
Year 3 Preview Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment ACELY 1677 Plan a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Students should be given time to practise their presentations before delivering them. Students can continue writing their text as a part of this day if needed. Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: plot, problem, solution Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify and use reflexive pronouns. p. 74 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1467 Write compound sentences. p. 79 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 15 Selection from Preview Year 3 ACELT1599 Identify words used to describe character traits. p. 47 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences p. 49 p. 16 Preview Year 3 ACELY1675 Identify point of view of characters. p. 51 p. 52 Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 3 ACELY1679 Use context clues. p. 46 ACELT1599 Identify words used to describe character traits. ACELT1593 Create a sequel to a story. p. 32 p. 50 Preview Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. p. 42 ACELY1671 Plan persuasive text Give students the prompt for Writing Assessment #2. ACELY1671 Write persuasive text.
ACELY 1677 Deliver a Presentation Assessment Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment 2 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: Grammar Workbook: ACELA1468 Identify and use pronouns. p. 72 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1472 Identify prefixes. p. 83 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1471 High-Frequency Words p. 17 Selection from ACELT1590 Respond to stories. p. 38 ACELA1471 High-Frequency Sentences ACELY1670 Read book of your choosing. p. 18 ACELY 1677 Deliver a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Review Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1590 Respond to stories. Preview Year 3 ACELY1675 Identify point of view of characters. p. 53 ACELT1599 Identify words used to describe character traits. p. 50