Police Academies Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the transferability of credit to WBU from an issuing Police Academy. This Module will help familiarize the advisor with the process of transferring credit earned at a Police Academy or Police Certificate Programs to one of the University’s degree programs.
WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values: The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the WBU Mission and University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to transfer the appropriate credit gained from a Policy Academy or Law Enforcement Certificate. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able speak with a potential student about the likelihood of transferring credit from a Police Academy or Certificate Program. Advisors will be able to demonstrate what courses the transferred credit will satisfy and in what order they will be placed onto the degree plan. Students with this type of transfer credit will gain the most use of their credit hours by seeking a degree within the majors of Justice Administration, Human Services, or Applied Science. Advisor’s should be aware that this module only covers commonly used state Police Academies. If a student desires to bring in credit from a different state, you MUST speak with an Evaluator about the possibility of transferring in those particular credit hours.
Governing Policies The following policies are set forth for student’s who wish to receive credit for basic law enforcement certificates and academies. Appropriate documentation showing the student’s completion of an academy is needed for the student to receive credit. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that the University receives official documentation from the issuing institution. If a student has completed an academy (or been awarded credit for completing an academy) through an accredited college/university the student will have the option of choosing the coursework from the transferring institution or the evaluated credit from WBU. If the academy has not been evaluated by WBU, the student will only receive credit for the transferred coursework. Additional certificates and/or seminars will be evaluated at the rate of 20:1, unless it is unclear whether the credit was class or lab credit, which will be assessed at 32:1. The responsibility lies upon the student to ensure that official documents are provided to the University for review. Advisors should be cautious in advising students about transferring in credit without the official documents in hand. Due to various programs, states, and issuing agencies, there are too many variables to counsel a student correctly until the advisor can review the documents. Once the documents are received, it will be easier for the advisor to work with an evaluator (if needed) to assess the ability to transfer credit. Please note the rate in which certificates and seminars will be assessed.
Governing Policies Continued: Some of the credit from these certificates will duplicate Wayland courses. These have been identified, and the courses they duplicate are indicated. The credits from certificates are indirect equivalents and do not grant upper level credit unless specifically notated. If a student has one of these certificates, please advise him/her not to take the WBU course which would duplicate credit already earned. All students holding law enforcement academy certificates will receive 4 hours of Exercise and Sport Science, with only 3 used in the general education core. The 1 additional EXSS hour may be used in the general electives area. In order to be awarded the EXSS credit a student must have academy certificates showing completion of the course. The EXSS credit will not be awarded for bulk credit transferred from another college/university. Example: A student completes an academy through another institution and he/she is awarded bulk totals for portions of the course (i.e. 13 hours). The transferred coursework will not be broken-down to award EXSS credit. Many courses transferred in from an academy or from a certificate program will duplicate courses from the University. It is imperative that new students, who are in their 1st term and do not have their official documents turned in yet, do not take any courses that may be duplicated after review. Once the student’s official degree plan has been created, it is still important for the advisor to ensure that duplicate courses are never taken. Advisors need to pay special attention to the granting of the University’s Exercise credit (EXSS).
Assessed Credit By State Alaska: Alaska Department of Corrections – 10 hours: Basic Correctional Officer: Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Social Division--------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours ALASKA STATE TROOPER TRAINING ACADEMY – 21 HOURS: Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Traffic Law Enforcement--------------------------------------------- 3 hours Police-Community Relations----------------------------------------- 3 hours Firearms & Defensive Tactics---------------------------------------- 2 hours Criminal Investigations------------------------------------------------ 3 hours Here is a list of assessed credit specific to the state of Alaska, including Alaska Department of Corrections, along with the Alaska State Trooper Training Academy.
Assessed Credit By State ALASKA: ANCHORAGE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING: Prior to June 1996 – 20 Hours: Law Courses – (JUAD 3300)----------------------------------------- 3 hours English/Writing Skills------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Human Values & Interactions---------------------------------------- 1 hour Police Investigation---------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Police Skills------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours After June 1, 1996 – 26 hours: Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Municipal Law---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Police Procedures------------------------------------------------------ 7 hours Traffic Law Enforcement--------------------------------------------- 2 hours Firearms----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Investigation/Survival------------------------------------------------- 5 hours Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour This is a continuation of the list of Assessed Credit specific to Alaska, including the Anchorage Police Department Training.
Assessed Credit By State ARIZONA: ARIZONA LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING ACADEMY – 17 HOURS: Law & Legal Matters-------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Traffic Enforcement & Invest---------------------------------------- 2 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Community & Police Relations-------------------------------------- 1 hour Police Administration-------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS – Correctional Officer Training Academy (COTA) – 10 HOURS: Corrections Review---------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Ethics, Professionalism & Legal Issues----------------------------- 1 hour Inmate Management--------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Officer Safety----------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Applied Skills----------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Security, Custody & Control------------------------------------------ 1 hour Conflict and Crisis Management------------------------------------- 1 hour Medical and Mental Health or First Aid---------------------------- 2 hours This slide is a list of assessed credit specific to the state of Arizona, including the Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy and the Arizona Department of Corrections.
Assessed Credit By State ARIZONA: MARICOPA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE COURSE – 12 HOURS (as of 5/20/2000): Intro & Orientation – -------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Law & Legal Issues – ------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Supervision & Mgmt in Law Enforcement – --------------------- 4 hours Security Procedures – ------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours (Breakdown of 280-hour Basic Detention Officer Training Academy) PHOENIX REGIONAL POLICE ACADEMY: Prior to June 1996 – 24 Hours: Law & Legal Matters-------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Patrol Procedures------------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Traffic Control---------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Crime Scene Management-------------------------------------------- 2 hours Community & Police Relations-------------------------------------- 1 hour Records & Reports----------------------------------------------------- 2 hours First Aid----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Defensive Tactics------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Defensive Driving------------------------------------------------------ 1 hour Here is a continuation of the list of assessed credit specific to Arizona, including the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Course and the Phoenix Regional Police Academy
Assessed Credit By State ARIZONA: PHOENIX REGIONAL POLICE ACADEMY: After June 1, 1996 – 28 hours: Intro to Orient of Law Enforcement--------------------------------- 3 hours Law & Legal------------------------------------------------------------ 4 hours Patrol Procedures------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Traffic Control---------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Crime Scene Mgmt----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Comm & Public Relations-------------------------------------------- 1 hour Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Police Proficiency Skills---------------------------------------------- 6 hours First Aid & Physical Conditioning----------------------------------- 4 hours This is a continuation of the assessed credit specific to the Phoenix Regional Police Academy
Assessed Credit By State ARIZONA: ARIZONA PEACE OFFICERS AND TRAINING (P.O.S.T) - 15 HOURS: Approved by Dean of the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences Administration of Justice (JUAD 2300) --------------------------- 3 hours Police Patrol Operations ---------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law (JUAD 3300) (upper level, non academic)-------- 3 hours Police Community Relations (JUAD 3301) (u/level, non acad) - 3 hours Criminal Investigation (JUAD 3308) (upper level, non acad) --- 3 hours Approved by Dean of School of Education and Exercise Sport Science EXSS 1103 Recreational Shooting---------------------------------- 1 hour EXSS 1113 Karate ---------------------------------------------------- 1 hour EXSS 2304 Safety and First Aid ------------------------------------ 3 hours (Break down is for minimum of 585 class room hours as of 6-23-2006) Field Training Officer (FTO) in Arizona WILL NOT receive any credit. All FTO training is done in the streets with no classroom activity as of 1-10-2006 This is a continuation of the list of assessed credit specific to Arizona, including the Arizona Peace Officers and Training. Please note that Field Training Officer in Arizona WILL NOT receive any credit.
Assessed Credit By State HAWAII: HAWAII SHERIFF DEPARTMENT TRAINING – 25 HOURS: Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Self Defense------------------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Arrest, Search, & Seizure--------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours First Aid----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Emergency Vehicle Operation---------------------------------------- 2 hours HILO, HAWAII CERTIFICATE – 22 HOURS: Arrest, Search & Seizure---------------------------------------------- 2 hours Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Self Defense------------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Patrol Meth & Proc/Traff LE----------------------------------------- 3 hours Intro to Public Safety-------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Psychology of Law Enforcement------------------------------------ 1 hour Criminal Evidence & Law---------------------------------------- 1 hour Physical Education------------------------------------------------ 4 hours Here is a list of assessed credit specific to the state of Hawaii, including the Hawaii Sheriff Department Training and the Hilo, Hawaii Certificate
Assessed Credit By State HAWAII: HONOLULU, HAWAII CERTIFICATE – 31 HOURS: Patrol Methods & Procedures----------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Evid & Law – (JUAD 3300)-------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 3 hours Arrest, Search & Seizure------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Administration of Justice---------------------------------------------- 1 hour Psychology-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Self Defense & Restraining Tech-------------------------------------- 3 hours Intro to Public Safety--------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 3 hours Traffic Law Enforcement----------------------------------------------- 3 hours This is a continuation of the assessed credit specific to Hawaii, including the Honolulu, Hawaii Certificate.
Assessed Credit By State NEW MEXICO: ALBUQUERQUE POLICE ACADEMY – 22 HOURS: Administration of Justice – (JUAD 2300)-------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Police Procedures Operations----------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Defense & Control----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Crime Scene Management-------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT – CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY: NO CREDIT WILL BE GRANTED FOR THIS PROGRAM 2-6-2004 BERNILLILO COUNTY POLICE ACADEMY – 18 HOURS: Juvenile Delinquency – (JUAD 4309)------------------------------- 3 hours Law & Society – (JUAD 3312)-------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation – (JUAD 3308)------------------------------ 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures ------------------------------------------------------ 3 hours Here is a list of assessed credit specific to the state of New Mexico, including the Albuquerque Police Academy, and the Bernillilo County Police Academy. Be aware that no credit will be given for the Citizen Police Academy of the Albuquerque Police Department.
Assessed Credit By State NEW MEXICO: NEW MEXICO CERTIFICATE: NO CREDIT WILL BE GRANTED FOR THIS CORRECTIONAL TRAINING CERTIFICATE PER THE DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY – Santa Fe Academy – 19 HOURS: Administration of Justice – (JUAD 2300)-------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures & Operations –----------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigations------------------------------------------------ 3 hours Defense & Control----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE RECRUIT CLASS (Also listed as NM State Police Academy) – 18 HOURS: 7-7-2004 Police Community Relations – (JUAD 3301)--------------------- 3 hours Police Patrol Operations –-------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation – (JUAD 3308)------------------------------ 3 hours Law and Society – (JUAD 3312)------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours This is a continuation of the assessed credit specific to New Mexico, including the New Mexico Certificate, New Mexico Department of Public Safety, and the New Mexico State Police Recruit Class.
Assessed Credit By State TEXAS: AMARILLO POLICE ADADEMY – 20 HOURS: Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Traffic Law Enforcement--------------------------------------------- 3 hours Introduction to Criminal Justice-------------------------------------- 3 hours Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 1 hour Police Patrol Operations – ------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours MARINE CORPS MILITARY POLICE TRAINING - LACKLAND AFB Course titles include: Basic MP Training Course Law Enforcement Specialist (Marine Corps) LA3ABR81132-002 LAW 1801 Marksmanship Law........................................................ MSS 1 LAW 1803 Fund of Law Enforcement.............................................. MSS 5 LAW 1804 Invest Principles.............................................................. MSS 2 LAW 1807 Confrontation Mgmt........................................................ MSS 1 LAW 2814 Security Practicum........................................................... MSS 1 Here is a list of assessed credit specific to the state of Texas, including the Amarillo Police Academy, and Marine Corps Military Police Training at Lackland Air Force Base
Assessed Credit By State TEXAS: SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT: Prior to 8/91 – 22 Hours: Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Police Community Relations----------------------------------------- 4 hours Intro to Law Enforcement--------------------------------------------- 1 hour Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 5 hours Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 1 hour Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Criminal Justice-------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Arrest, Search & Seizure---------------------------------------------- 2 hours Since 8/91 – 25 Hours: Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 6 hours Patrol Procedures/Tactics--------------------------------------------- 4 hours Report Writing---------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Patrol Rides------------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Traffic Law Enforcement--------------------------------------------- 4 hours Police Community Relations----------------------------------------- 1 hour English Composition--------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Here is a continuation of the assessed credit specific to Texas including the San Antonio Police Department
Assessed Credit By State TEXAS: SOUTH PLAINS REGIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY Evaluated 4-9-08 – no credit awarded TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY – 24 HOURS: Patrol Meth & Proc/Traffic LE--------------------------------------- 4 hours Criminal Evidence & Court Proc------------------------------------- 2 hours Firearms Training------------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 4 hours Intro to Public Safety-------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Speech – (prior to 7/15/86)-------------------------------------------- 1 hour Here’s a continuation of the assessed credit specific to Texas, including the South Plains Regional Law Enforcement Academy, and the Texas Department of Public Safety
Assessed Credit By State TEXAS: TEXAS BASIC PEACE OFFICER CERTIFICATE: Prior to 9/1/85 – 10 hours: Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Methods & Procedures---------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours After 9/1/85 – 12 hours: Intro to Criminal Justice----------------------------------------------- 2 hours Patrol & Traffic Methods--------------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours After 11/24/96 – 18 hours: Patrol & Traffic Procedures------------------------------------------- 4 hours Criminal Investigation------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Communications & Report Writing--------------------------------- 2 hours Here is the assessed credit available for recipients of the Texas Basic Peace Officer Certificate
Assessed Credit By State TEXAS: TEXAS BASIC PROFICIENCY AND BASIC RESERVE – Basic Jailer or Correctional Officer – 9 HOURS: Inmate Discipline------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours Safety Procedures------------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Processing Techniques------------------------------------------------ 2 hours Emergency Defense---------------------------------------------------- 3 hours WICHITA FALLS BASIC POLICE TRAINING – 19 HOURS: Administration of Justice – (JUAD 2300)-------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures & Operations-------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigations------------------------------------------------ 3 hours Defense & Control----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Physical Education----------------------------------------------------- 4 hours Here is a list of the assessed credit available for the Texas Basic Proficiency and Basic Reserve, along with the Wichita Falls Basic Police Training.
Assessed Credit By State DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: U.S. BORDER PATROL ACADEMY – 34 HOURS Approved by Dean of the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences 1/13/05): *This evaluation is effective for certificates after ACE ceased recommendation of credit. ACE will take precedence on certificates falling within the dates assessed by ACE. Administration of Justice – (JUAD 2300)-------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Law – (JUAD 3300)---------------------------------------- 3 hours Patrol Procedures & Operations – ---------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigations – (JUAD 3308)---------------------------- 3 hours Police Administration – (JUAD 3311)------------------------------ 3 hours Practicum – (JUAD 4360)-------------------------------------------- 3 hours Immigration and Nationality Law – (Upper Level, Non-Acdmc)-- 6 hours EXSS – (Activity Credit)---------------------------------------------- 4 hours Spanish – (Lower Level)---------------------------------------------- 6 hours Here is a list of assessed credit for the U.S. Border Patrol Academy. Please note that this evaluation is effective for certificates after ACE ceased recommendation of credit. ACE will take precedence on certificates falling within the dates evaluated by ACE.
Assessed Credit By State DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 2004 Criminal Investigator Training Program (revisited 10-13-08) 2005 Criminal Investigator Training Program (revisited 10-13-0 Police Patrol Operations -----------------------------------------------3 hours Criminal Law (JUAD 3300) ------------------------------------------ 3 hours Police-Community Relations (JUAD 3301) ------------------------ 3 hours Criminal Procedures (JUAD 3316) ----------------------------------3 hours Foundations of Physical Education (EXSS 1301) ----------------- 1 hour Recreational Shooting (EXSS 1103) -------------------------------- 1 hour FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER 2005 Natural Resources Police Training Criminal Law (JUAD 3300) ----------------------------------------- 3 hours Criminal Investigation (JUAD 3308) ------------------------------- 3 hours Here is a list of assessed credit specific to the Department of Homeland Security, along with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.
Course Equivalents Many course equivalents are listed within this module; however, there are some courses that will need to be examined in the Courses Evaluated files. http://www.wbu.edu/faculty_and_staff/logon_to_employee_site User Name and Password can be acquired from the BAS/BCM office Students with course equivalents must NOT take the University’s duplicate course; credit will not be given for duplicate courses Many course equivalents are listed within this module; however, there are some courses that will need to be examined in the Courses Evaluated files. Keep in mind that credit will not be given for duplicate courses.
Common Mistakes: Transferring in Lower Level credit hours and not adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated list or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take duplicate courses. Be very cautious registering students for courses without their official transcript in hand. Many students take the incorrect course in their first term of enrollment. Advisor’s miscalculating the transfer ratio for certificates. Advisor’s granting credit for academies or certificates that are not allowed. Allowing for too many transfer credits, i.e. 31 residency hours are required. This is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.
Summary Review: This training module focused on the transfer of credit from an issuing Police Academy or Law Enforcement Certificate. At its conclusion, the advisor should know the specific state’s transfer rate for both academy and certificate credit, be able to identify if there are any duplicate University courses, and know the appropriate ratio in which to transfer certificate/seminar credit. The advisor should be able to explain the process of transferring this type of credit to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. This training module focused on the transfer of credit from an issuing Police Academy or Law Enforcement Certificate. The advisor should now be able to explain the process of transferring this type of credit to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance.
Training Record In order to receive credit for 5.2.17 – Police Academies, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. After filling out the training completion form, you will need to close out this slideshow. Thank you for taking your time to listen to Training Module 5.2.17 – Police Academies. In order to receive credit for this module, please click on the button marked “Complete Training”. A internet browser will open and you will be asked to enter your first and last name, email, your employee ID/PIN, and select which campus or department for which you are associated. Failure to complete the form will not provide you with credit for the module. If you would like, you may return to this module at any time for review. We thank you for your service to Wayland Baptist University and dedication to her for future generations. Complete Training