In class activities – Trashball Review Citizenship test “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” ― Gerald R. Ford In class activities – Trashball Review Turn in your work from yesterday Homework – Review all for civics test Dec. 12th Materials : paper and writing tool BELL WORK: Why do we require students to pass this test to graduate from high school?
Why do we require students to pass this test to graduate from high school? Our state wants to ensure we have students who understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the United States
The rules are simple Welcome to Trashball!
Rules There are three teams Each team will have one member compete at a time, (ONLY ONE!) so keep your traps shut! If you are caught talking while others are working on their problem, your team will lose points.
Rules Each competitor is given a white board and a marker You will have 30 seconds to read the question and write your answer on the white board Do not show your answer until I tell you Remember to keep your answer hidden from the other team
If you answer the question correctly you get one point automatically Rules If you answer the question correctly you get one point automatically You also get to shoot the ball into the trashcan for an extra point Bounces are fair when shooting The team with the most points at the end will be the winner
The Winners! The winning team will win 5 bonus points on any assessment from this quarter or next quarter!!!!!!
Today we are playing to study for our Citizenship Test Here’s how it works I am going to show you a slide, and you are going to write your answer(spelled correctly) on the board (if your answer is right, but not spelled correctly, you get the point, but not the bonus shot)
Lets Begin Play Ball!
Question What is the supreme law of the land?
ANSWER The Constitution
Question What is the name of the Vice-President of the United States right now?
ANSWER Joseph R. Biden (Joe Biden, or just Biden)
Question What are the first 3 words of the Constitution?
ANSWER We the People
Question If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
ANSWER The Speaker of the House
Question What are two (2) Cabinet-level positions?
ANSWER Secretary of: Agriculture Interior Veterans Affairs Commerce Labor Treasury Defense State Education Transportation Energy Health and human services Housing and urban development Attorney General Vice President
How many justices are on the Supreme Court (or should be) Question How many justices are on the Supreme Court (or should be)
ANSWER 9 (nine)
Question How many amendments does the Constitution have?
Question Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
ANSWER John Roberts
Question What are 2 rights in the Declaration of Independence
ANSWER Life Liberty Pursuit of happiness
Question Who is the Governor of Arizona?
ANSWER Doug Ducey
Question What is the economic system in the United States?
ANSWERs Capitalist economy Market economy
Question What is the “rule of law”?
ANSWER Everyone must follow the law – leaders, government included No one is above the law
Question What is the capitol of Arizona
ANSWER Phoenix
Question What is the name of the Speaker of the House right now?
ANSWER Paul Ryan
Question What are the two parts of the US Congress?
ANSWER Senate and House of Representatives
Question How many US Senators are there?
Question There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
ANSWER Citizen 18 and older can vote You don’t have to pay (poll tax) to vote Any citizen can vote (men and women) A male citizen of any race can vote
Question Who is one of your state’s Senator’s right now?
ANSWER John McCain Jeff Flake
Question The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
Question Name one US Representative from the state of Arizona.
ANSWER District 1 – Ann Kirkpatrick District 2 – Martha McSally District 3 – Raul Grijalva District 4 – Paul Gosar District 5 – Matt Salmon District 6 – David Schweikert District 7 – Ruben Gallego District 8 – Trent Franks District 9 – Kyrsten Sinema
Question What is one promise you make when you become a citizen?
ANSWER Give up loyalty to other countries Defend the Constitution and laws of the US Obey the laws of the US Serve in the US military (if necessary) Serve (do important work) for the US (if needed) Be loyal to the US
Question When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?
ANSWER April 15th
Question When must all men register for the Selective Service (draft)?
ANSWER At age 18 Between 18-26
Question When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
ANSWER July 4, 1776
Question When was the Constitution written?
Question What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?
ANSWER US diplomat Oldest member of the Constitutional convention First Postmaster General of the US Writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac Started the first free libraries
Question What territory did the US buy from France in 1803?
ANSWER Louisiana Territory
Question What did Susan B. Anthony do?
ANSWER Fought for women’s rights Fought for civil rights
Question Who was president during WWI
ANSWER Woodrow Wilson
Question Who was president during the Great Depression and WWII?
ANSWER Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Question Who did the US fight in WWII?
ANSWER Germany, Japan, Italy
Question Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general in what war?
Question During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the US?
ANSWER Communism
Question What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
ANSWER Civil Rights Movement
Question Name one US territory
ANSWER Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Guam