Visual Classification of Football Teams By: Logan McGuirk Instructor: Dr. Kepuska ECE 3553 Project Presentation
Purpose This project was created to allow people to quickly learn the conferences and divisions of professional football teams through a visual representation. This project also keeps track of users viewing the site, so a login was instituted with username, password, first and last name fields. People will be able to easily view the team logos, team name and access the team website through this project.
Technologies Used XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) XML (Extensible Markup Language) PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) DOM (Document Object Modeling) AJAX and JavaScript MySQL Server
Project Parts Login Page Asks for username, password, first name and last name for new users, only username and password for returning users. Encrypts password with md5 hashing and sends entered information using PHP to a database in MySQL server. Uses PHP to tell user if their login was accepted or not and if it was, sends the user to a page where they can access the professional football team information.
Project Parts (continued) Football Team Logos and Information Uses nine XML files to organize the teams into their respective conferences and divisions. Uses AJAX JavaScript, and XML DOM to access the XML file’s tags, go through each one and place the team logos into a table. Also displays the team name when the mouse hovers over the logo and a link to the team’s website is on the logo itself.
Page Design CSS Background Used a Cascading Style Sheet document to give attributes to several tags. Also used inline styling to add to the styles defined in the CSS document. Background Used the CSS file to set a background image fixed in the center of each page. Also used a light background color so the text could be seen better.
Football Team Info Page Project Layout Login Page Access Granted? Yes No Logout Yes Football Team Info Page
Future Improvements Have more professional sport teams on different pages. Have a more professional page layout (I applied style to the project last and didn’t have enough time to get into detail). Allow users to upload their own sport images and store them on the MySQL server database so they can be sorted by their sport.
Conclusion Successfully implemented technologies learned in class with help from tutorial websites. Allowed for users to easily view the football teams and their respective conferences and divisions. Allowed room for expansion with more user interaction and more professional sport teams. Project URL: