Extended ERP - Supplier Relationship Management
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Relationship Management is the systematic management of supplier relationships to optimize value through cost reduction, innovation, risk mitigation and growth throughout the relationship lifecycle Supplier Relationship Management is a ‘business-wide’ standard for the interaction with suppliers SRM ensures that appropriate controls and governance are in place to define how we engage with and manage our suppliers across a broad range of capabilities SRM is an over-arching framework that includes multiple capability areas including: Supplier Performance Management (SPM), Supplier Qualification & Accreditation (SQ&A), Supplier Development & Collaboration (SD&C), Supplier Segmentation etc. SRM allows high-performing businesses to work collaboratively with their supply-base to tap into their best ideas, identify growth opportunities, address environmental, supply and brand reputation risks and strip out unnecessary costs UNSPC : United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
Supplier Relationship Management An erosion of the typical sources of value for procurement organizations and a new set of challenges encountered has further elevated the role of SRM Volatility: Simple “cost down” tactics to supplier management insufficient against a backdrop of volatility, scarcity and rapidly evolving technology Competitiveness: Companies increasingly inhibited by market dynamics and their legacy competitive position Supplier-Based Risk: Supply-base not meeting cost, innovation and risk requirements Performance Management: No structured way to address challenges of supplier performance management Optimization & Collaboration: Failure to optimise supplier relationship or leverage additional value through effective collaboration with suppliers
Supplier Relationship Management Value Proposition SRM Initiative Opportunity Areas Value Levers Collaborative R&D Projects Core and Top Supplier Management Supplier Process Collaboration Increase Revenue Improved Product/Service Quality Leading to Consumer Satisfaction Supplier Rating and Development Increase Profits Supplier-driven Cost Optimization Reduces Non-contract Purchase/Maverick Spend Reduce Cost of Goods Sold Typical Value 2-3% COGS Increase Shareholder Value Decrease Operating Costs Supplier Performance Management (SPM) Reduces Cost of Purchase through Better Supplier Operation Efficiency and Joint Materials Planning Reduces Procurement Support Costs (Order Management) Operating Expenses Improve Capital Costs & Allocation Reduces Purchased & WIP Inventory Working Capital Supplier Contract Management2) Capital Deployment Improves Asset Utilization Fixed Capital 1Source Spend Matters_SRM 2Linked capability with impact upon SRM
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Segmentation Supplier segmentation is a process of differentiating the supply base to determine the appropriate level of engagement with specific suppliers Identifies Key Supplier Relationships – Determines which are the most important supplier relationships within each category of spend across the business Determines Approach and Rigour – Splits suppliers into different ‘segments’ which determine the activities and rigour level from a supplier management perspective to be applied to the supplier based on the Business Impact and Business Risk associated with that supplier – the higher the risk and impact, the more rigorous the approach Assigns Proper Resource Utilization – Helps to appropriately allocate the limited resources we have to the suppliers that bring the most strategic value to the company and have the highest business risk and impact Links to Category Strategies & Strategic Sourcing – Incorporates the work completed in the Category Strategy and Strategic Sourcing processes to ensure that there is alignment between these processes and the way that supplier management is executed
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Segmentation A key aspect of Supplier Segmentation is the link between Segmentation, Category Strategies and Strategic Sourcing – only suppliers outlined in the preferred supplier list for a category are included in the Segmentation model Kraljic-based Segmentation Model Supplier Segmentation Model Includes ALL suppliers and is based on a download of data from a spend database Includes ONLY suppliers that have been identified as preferred based on the Category Strategy and Strategic Sourcing processes
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Segmentation The segmentation and the determined approach further translates into strategies to leverage the supplier base to maximize value Segmented strategies to the suppliers Strong buyer Quality of Supply Focus Lowest Cost Option Essential for daily operations Potential high value relationship Opportunity for innovation / sustainability etc. Development / alliance strategies Relationship long term Competitive bidding Greatest opportunity to reduce, eliminate or simply the product/service Relationships short term Supply-Demand balance Change the Game Outsourcing Get out! Supplier development to build competition JV/Alliance/VI relationship driven long term integration to remove reliance on the market Extensively remove product constraints Focus on cost vs. risk mitigation Focus on delivery and availability Indirect relationship Aggregate across company boundaries Relationship mid term Weak buyer Constrained Freedom of action Customer/Product Constraints
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Performance Management Supplier Performance Management is a detailed framework through which companies and their Suppliers can agree and track against performance targets to improve the value delivered for both parties over the lifecycle of a relationship Reduce Operational Risks & Issues – Utilise cross-functional teams to define key risk areas, measure supplier performance against key objectives in these areas and define improvement plans to address risks and issues Make Better Informed Sourcing Decisions – Provide a centralised view of supplier performance and access to key stakeholders responsible for supplier relationships to ensure that contract awards through sourcing take performance into account Achieve Savings Targets – Ensure that savings identified through sourcing are realised in the long-term Access Innovation & Best Practice – Access supplier best practice, market and technical innovation and expertise to maximise value and gain competitive advantage Secure Supply of Scarce Commodities – Leverage strategic relationships to ensure priority access to scarce commodities in increasingly competitive markets
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Performance Management For effective Supplier Performance Management, we need to review the existing Contract, Category & Sourcing Strategies and input from stakeholder and supplier audits to understand the Value Objectives that should be defined for the relationship Contract KPIs, SLAs, Category & Sourcing Strategies SPM Value Objectives Value Objective Area Value Objectives Quality & Efficiency Meets quality requirements against specifications Responsive in handling quality complaints Drives to increase efficiency of service and reduce administrative and process costs Cost Provides sustainable cost advantage Demonstrates Total Cost reductions (Purchase Price, Usage, Service Delivery, Disposal) Delivery Delivery schedule performance Responsiveness / Flexibility to cater to demand fluctuation Ability to meet increased demand Innovation Sharing of Innovative Technology approaches and applications Sharing of Innovative Service Delivery capabilities Health and Safety Compliance with Corporate/Industry Health and Safety requirements Prevention of Health and Safety Incidents Management of Health and Safety Incidents Contract KPIs & SLAs % On-Time Service Delivery # of Safety Incidents # of Quality Issues Category Strategy Maintenance suppliers should meet minimum Health and Safety requirements Suppliers must handle quality complaints in a timely manner All suppliers must meet defined performance and schedule targets Sourcing Strategy Target to reduce Total Cost for Maintenance Suppliers by 3% by 2012 Suppliers will meet minimum Health and Safety requirements Suppliers will delivery innovative solutions Stakeholder Input & Audit Reviews
Supplier Relationship Management Supplier Development & Collaboration The purpose of the Supplier Development & Collaboration methodology is to provide a detailed framework through which procurement professionals can drive enhanced collaboration and development with the suppliers that are most strategically important to the Client To provide a detailed framework for Supplier Development & Collaboration with defined inputs, outputs and supporting tools & templates To apply rigor and consistency to the way in which SD&C is executed across different business areas and provide a way to share good practice across the business To ensure that long-term relationship strategies are defined for the suppliers that are/have the potential to be the most strategically important To provide a broad range of different types of initiatives that can be applied to enhance the value delivered from a supplier relationship, increase collaboration with our suppliers and drive strategic development of suppliers and their capabilities
Supplier Relationship Management Governance and Organization To garner the complete benefits of Supplier Relationship Management, an organization needs to graduate procurement focus to SRM focus
SRM Process Map
SRM Roles
Process purchase requisitions in SAP ERP. SAP SRM Steps Process purchase requisitions in SAP ERP. Search for sources of supply. Process purchase orders in SAP SRM. Confirm receipt without warehouse management. Confirm at receipt with warehouse management. Process invoices in SAP SRM. Verify logistics invoices in SAP ERP. Process evaluated receipt settlements (ERS) in SAP ERP. Analyze plan-driven procurement.
SRM – Service Entry