Unit Two GCSE P.E.
Body Composition Body Type Characteristics Sporting Example Endormorph ‘donuts’ EcTomorph ‘Thin’ Mesomorph ‘Muscle’
Factors Affecting Weight - Explain Sex Height Muscle Girth Bone Structure
Where are they? - Describe Anorexic Underweight Overweight Overfat Obese
Drugs! Drug Effect Health Risk Sporting Example Anabolic Steroids Beta Blockers Diuretics Narcotic Analgesics
Cont’d Drug Effect Health Risk Sporting Example Stimulants Peptide Hormones Recreational Drugs
How to reduce risks? General Risks – Sprain an ankle Specific Risks – Hit with a Hockey stick How do you reduce risks? Complete PAR-Q Allow recovery time Warm up Use correct clothing and equipment Apply rules of the game Using an example, state how rules and equipment have been used to minimise the risk of injury?
What is the Cardiovascular System? Key Terms Heart Rate Stroke Volume Cardiac Output Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure Role of the Cardiovascular System Transport – of what? Removal of what? Return to for oxygenation What are they 60 – 80 / 120 over 80 / 220 - age
The benefits of exercise What adaptations would take place in the Cardiovascular system as a direct result of exercise? 3 Marks Key Words – Stroke Volume / hypertrophy / CHD/ HR / Recovery Rate / Cardiac Output
Cholesterol HDL – High Density Lipoprotein LDL – Low Density Lipoprotein Which one of these is the bad cholesterol? What impact would a poor diet, containing a high amount of LDL cholesterol have on blood pressure?
Respiratory System What are the short term changes that happed to the system during exercise? Breathing rate Depth Oxygen Carbon Dioxide What are the long term adaptations that occur following regular exercise? Alveoli Intercostal Muscles and Diaphragm Lung volume
Cont’d Key Terms Tidal Volume (TV) – the total volume of air breathed in and out during a normal cycle Vital Capacity (VC) – the maximum you can forcibly breath in and out
Muscular System Muscle Location Movement Example B T Q H Gl G D
Muscular System Muscle Location Movement Example T L D P A
Movement Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation
Key terms Isotonic Isometric Atrophy Hypertrophy
Functions of the Skeleton Protection Movement Support
Joints Joint Locations Movements Hinge Ball + Socket
Injuries and Treatment Fracture – Simple / Compound / Stress / Greenstick Tennis Elbow Dislocation Sprain Strain