Avian Influenza Zambian Situation Department of Veterinary and Livestock Development
Risk of introduction of AI Formal – Limited risk since risk assessment carried out before issuing permit Informal – Risk is high due to smuggling of birds and their products from neighbouring countries
Risk of introduction of AI Migratory waterfowl that come to Zambia: White Stork Cranes Shorebirds (Waders)
Risk of introduction of AI Main local species susceptible to AI: Pied crows, grey headed gulls (from scavenging) Duck and geese species: Egyptian goose, knob-billed duck and white-faced duck (from water sources)
Risk of introduction of AI Livestock farming systems: Population of poultry in Zambia – 27,010,000 Commercial: 20% Semi-comm.: 10% Backyard: 70% (plus free-range village chickens)
Capacity Human resource: Veterinarians: Private practice: 36 Public service: 60 Para-veterinarians: 300 Human resource is insufficient
Capacity Diagnostics Veterinary: Requirements for equipment and reagents Infrastructure: Upgrading of Labs, procurement of equipment and reagents required. - Need improvement of communication facilities (e.g.internet)
Preparedness (Pre-outbreak) Measures put in place: Set up of a national task force Put in place national preparedness and response plan and budget. Setting up of mini technical task force committees (ministries of health and agriculture).
Preparedness Banning of importation of Birds, poultry and their products except for breeding stock Only frozen poultry and poultry products allowed to transit through Zambia under escort Only transits from AI free countries allowed All farmers being requested to maintain bio-security measures Movement controls of birds being re-inforced through-out the country
Preparedness Surveillance Awareness Strategic surveillance of migratory bird resting sites planned Surveillance of poultry establishments/runs started Awareness Emergency preparedness plans distributed to provincial and district Vet offices Awareness radio messages, meetings and workshops have started
Preparedness Surveillance Border surveillance re-enforced Awareness Department working on production of extension materials (posters and brochures) for distribution to staff PAZ has in conjunction with department produced awareness brochures for farmers Surveillance Border surveillance re-enforced
Preparedness (out-break) Storage of protective clothing and bio-security materials Zoning of country depending on point of outbreak (infected zone, primary high risk zone, secondary high risk zone) with measures drawn up for each