Primary Prevention Institute Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Welcome! Facilitator Introductions Housekeeping Participant introductions
Agenda Day One Day Two Assets & Needs Assessments Theories of Behavior Change Logic Models Day Two Program Evaluation Sharing Findings Continuous Quality Improvement
The Story of PPI
Goals of the Program To build the capacity of DV/SA and youth-serving organizations to plan, implement and evaluate theory- based prevention activities To create a community of learners for ongoing support To incorporate theory-based prevention into organizational practices
Why did we choose this strategy? Youth programs have: consistent access to youth the potential to influence young people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors existing programs that address shared risk & protective factors limited resources to train staff PPI builds on their strengths while addressing this gap in training Connected to Rhode Island’s Intimate Partner Violence Primary Prevention Plan
“PPI has given me such a deeper meaning of primary prevention “PPI has given me such a deeper meaning of primary prevention. It has helped me to strengthen my programs and evaluate them to make sure that they are producing the result that I am looking for as well as staying relevant.” Tay, Men’s Engagement Coordinator
What we learned from you The majority of you reported feeling confident at entering and presenting data. About half of you feel confident creating a logic model & conducting a needs and resources assessment. Most of you reported not feeling confident about utilizing a theory of behavior change, or explaining the difference between process and outcome evaluation.
We also heard your concerns “That the evaluation tools may be more complicated or that I’ll forget them after the workshop is over.” “I’m concerned that my agency does not have the capacity to utilize what we will learn.” “Marketing the effectiveness of our violence prevention programming to the community.” Hands-on learning!
Technical Assistance Each participating organization will have access to at least one hour of technical assistance There may be additional hours depending on need You will submit your request for TA to Kristen, who will connect you with us
Contact Information Website: Contact info: Kristen Jessica: (401) 846-5347 Lucy: (401) 467-9940