Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church welcome Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church
Getting started! What are your hopes for your own spiritual journey this Lent? What are your hopes for spending time with the seven last words of Jesus?
MEET FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st MEET FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st. joSEPH’s The Words of the resurrection: May 7 – 8 – 9 7:00 - 8:30pm https://youtu.be/V2S604VcxIA
What are the seven last words of christ? Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Today you will be with me in Paradise. Woman, here is your son…Here is your mother. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? I am thirsty. It is finished. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. What are the seven last words of christ?
“Only with the eyes of faith can we see as we stand at the foot of the cross more than failure, despair and death…” EYES OF FAITH
Share the good news! “Nurtured and strengthened by the grace of the cross, we are prepared to step away from it and begin to share the Good News of our redemption that Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again.”
What can we learn? “Nailed to the cross, Jesus is the insurgent, the revolutionary of kindness, tenderness, compassion, consolation, forgiveness, and care for others…May we learn…he is our bridge to the heart of God.”
First word “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23: 33-34 READ TOGETHER the beginning of the chapter for context: Luke 23: 1-38
First word DISCUSS: Jesus’ kingdom is built on love, service, justice, peace, forgiveness, and mercy – Luke’s recipes for conversion. How will you embrace this recipe this Lent?
First word Discuss: Where are we called to shed light on darkness today?
First word Mercy: “happens when a heart of love meets the misery or pitiful state of others and the world.”
FIRST WORD Discuss Where is your heart meant to encounter another with mercy this Lent?
Jesus is our model of love and forgiveness all the way to his death Jesus is our model of love and forgiveness all the way to his death. Talk about some of the other Scripture accounts of Jesus’ forgiveness and mercy. First word
Closing prayer See “Prayer” on p. 25 3 paragraphs beginning, “Jesus, you were betrayed by a friend…” READ ALOUD TOGETHER