Rock H7 Use Colonies Graphic Organizer Colonial Regions Rock H7 Use Colonies Graphic Organizer
Persia Political- Who should be in charge? Economic- How will you make a living? Religious- What is the meaning of life– its origin, destination, purpose? Social- How shall we related to others? Intellectual- How shall we learn? Artistic- How shall we express ourselves--- emotions, thoughts, ideas?
Massachusetts (Maine), New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut New England Colonies Massachusetts (Maine), New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut
-Rocky and Hilly due to the Appalachian Mts -Rocky and Hilly due to the Appalachian Mts. -Tons of Trees, Rivers -Mild short summers, cold winters -3-5 month growing season, poor rocky soil -many large seaports Geography
New England Product Jobs Sailor Subsistence Farmer Businessman Ship building Whaling Furs Maple Syrup Horses Furniture Jobs Sailor Subsistence Farmer Businessman Lumber jack Fisherman/Whaler
NE Culture P- Town meetings, landowning males votes, Royal colonies- ruled by England, Charter E- Fishing, shipbuilding, trade, furs. Thin rocky soil made farming unproductive R-Mostly Puritan, no holidays, no singing, mandatory church, Congressional Church- tax supported S- Towns and cities, strong sense of community, deference society, expelled I-First compulsory public schools, Harvard, scientific pursuits based on religion A- painting, writing
Hardly any slavery- wasn’t economical, only on fishing vessels Hardly any slavery- wasn’t economical, only on fishing vessels Navigation Acts of 1651 All shipping had to be done in England or English owned colonial ships Tobacco, wood, sugar could only be sold to England Europeans had to go through England to trade with the colonies Tax on goods not shipped to England Above created Smuggling, Pirates
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware Middle Colonies New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware
-Bread basket- Avg. colonist eats 1 lb of Bread/Day -rivers and streams Grist Mills -Mild/Hot summers, mildly cold winters -5-8 month growing season, Great soil -Due to grains= Philly, NYC, Baltimore -Cooper, Sawyer, Smith, Potter, Miller Geography
Middle Colonies Bread Furs Guns Coal Flax Subsistence Farmer Tailors Product Bread Furs Guns Coal Flax Jobs Subsistence Farmer Tailors Brickmakers Silver/Gunsmiths Glassblowers
AA- top- 3 or less what is it bottom- 1s, How is it used in the MC
MC Culture E- Grain farms, seaports, iron works P- Representative Legislature- white, landowning males vote, male (some female) property owners E- Grain farms, seaports, iron works R- many churches, religious tolerance S- Farms and cities, Egalitarian (=), many ethnicities I- No public schools, private schools/tutors A- writing (Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine)
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Southern Colonies Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
- Plantation Economy- Rice, Tobacco, Indigo -Plantation= 1000 acres or 90% of a Football Field -Hot summers, mild winters -8-12 month growing season, Good Clay soil -indentured Servitude Forced Labor -Slave Life- 15 hrs, small room, ¼ bushel corn and 1lb of pork/ family Geography
Southern Colonies Tobacco (Cotton) Indigo Molasses Sugar Product Tobacco (Cotton) Indigo Molasses Sugar Jobs Subsistence Farmer Plantation owner Shoemaker Carpenters
AA- top- 3 or less what is it bottom- 1s, How is it used in the SC
sc Culture E- Plantations and small farms P- Royal colonies, king hired governors E- Plantations and small farms R- Anglican (Church of England), tax supported churches S- Authoritarian, Deference I- No public schools and few private schools, tutors for wealthy A- Architecture- Thomas Jefferson, writing- James Madison