Welcome to Year 4 Parents Information Evening Mrs Lovell Miss Leonard Kingsnorth… the best days of OUR lives!
Aims Expectations and standards Curriculum areas Contacting us Your queries
School Organisation Team – Middle school Year 4 TAs PPA Cover: Mrs Botacchi and Mrs Brittain
Daily routines in Year 4 8:45 Early morning work 8:55 Registration 9:00 English 10:00 Collective Worship 10:15 Morning Break – whole school 10:30 Maths 11.30 Handwriting 11.45 Spellings 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Afternoon Session 1 2:00 Afternoon Session 2 3:15 Hometime
Parental Information Behaviour – choices and consequences Attendance / illness / punctuality Texts and outdoor notice board Parents’ drop-in sessions (Tuesdays 3:15) Informal parents’ evenings
Reading We will hear children read in school as often as possible – guided reading or 1:1 Part of daily English sessions. Reading at home – every day wherever possible. Discuss the text, characters, vocabulary choices etc. Log book signed please.
Reading Continued..... Accelerated Reader Programme Select from a range Children to change own books and record Incentives – AR certificates, whole school and class rewards. “The best readers make the best learners”
Writing Spelling and grammar is a high priority, new SPAG test in Yr 6. Handwriting – all children have begun the year writing in pencil. ‘Pen licences’ to be given out. High expectations of presentation in all subjects and in homework.
Maths Mental and written methods of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division New Maths curriculum - mastery Weekly problem solving and practical challenges Number facts and times tables Please encourage children to practise tables regularly – essential! Mathletics
Homework Set every Wednesday – due following Monday No spellings Maths English / foundation subjects Homework club
Independence Growth of independence Encourage children to talk to an adult in the class Children should try to be organised and prepared each day, remembering homework, PE kit, change reading books, letters etc...
PE PE sessions on a Wednesday (4Lo) and Friday (4Le). Remove earrings PE kit in school at all times House T-shirt / white t-shirt, shorts, joggers, plimsolls and trainers, socks Strictly no astro-turf trainers
Extra activities Clubs - Consistent attendance expected Trips – Godinton House on 29th
Contacting us Collection from school – note to teacher / message to office To have a quick chat at the end of the day, please see us after school For a longer discussion, contact us via the school office Please talk to us about any concerns if they arise Keep up to date via the school website, texts and newsletters.
And finally... We welcome donations of books for our book corners please! Any board games no longer wanted, we’d love to have as wet play activities Birthday sweets…a book instead!